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I Won't Survive - #MFRWauthor

Two months of the year down already. Crazy to think about, but doing the #MFRWauthor blog hop acts as a weekly countdown for the year. So I looked at this week's topic on Monday with the idea that I wouldn't wait until the last minute to write the post.

However, after seeing the topic, I spent the whole week trying to figure out what in the hell I could come up with. Gonna be honest, I still have no clue as I sit typing this up while at Thing 2's TaeKwonDo class.

I guess the issue is for me to be stuck on an island, someone had to talk me into getting on a boat. If you remember my post from two weeks ago, you'll know that one of my fears is drowning. Because of that, cruises, yeah those are pretty much out of the question. Yeah, yeah, I know big boat, lots of safety precautions. But fears aren't rational most times so just go with it.

So, I'm stuck on this island AND I have to invent something? All is lost! Okay, It's the word invent that trips me up. Like I'm not supposed to be trying to figure a way back to civilization by making a raft or doing some sort of S.O.S

A teleporter. A coconut, solar powered teleporter, because aren't there always coconuts on those islands? It's something practical and neccessary because I would want to be off that island! No real clue on how I would go about doing that, but I guess before I book the mysterious cruise that will leave me stranded I'll have to up my watching and reading of all things sci-fi.

There you have it. What would you invent if stranded on an island? Be sure to stop by and check in with the others on the hop to find out their inventions.

Until next time


  1. Teleporter! I like it. Good solution.

    1. Sometimes I can be a logical problem solver. LOL

      thanks for stopping by

  2. Replies
    1. No problem! Thanks for reading.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. Wow! I couldn't even make a teleporter with access to Amazon. You would make it, Meka!

    1. hahaha Well I can be hopeful right? I would need to be free of the island and back to civilization.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. Teleporter seems to be a common theme. But I like the coconut and solar-power aspect.

    1. folks want to be home. Gotta work with what you have available.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. Replies
    1. Come on, there's plenty of room!

      thanks for stopping by

  6. Solar power is a great idea for a transporter. No cruises for me, either, Meka.

    1. yeah cruises are not my thing! So if I'm stuck on this island we have a big issue.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. A teleporter would definitely be the thing to have to get off the island.

    1. Yup! Can't sit around and wait for smoke signals or something. LOL

      thanks for stopping by

  8. Great post! SO with you on the teleporter!

    1. Thanks! Need a way to get home right?

      thanks for stopping by


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