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Questionable Research Topics- #MFRWauthor

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Welcome to the last Friday of March. Happy Good Friday! We are week 13 of the #MFRWauthor blog hop. When I saw this week's topic I laughed for a good little while over it.What has research for my books taught me?

So why did I laugh? Well that mug says it all. I've written three books two are published. I've had to do 'research' for two out of three of them. And that research was on interesting topics.

We'll start with Fiendish. The biggest thing I learned, you can get a lot of questionable shit on Amazon! Like what you ask?

Well, when I was writing it, Hannibal the TV show was on. One of the episodes had Hannibal in this full on plastic suit that he wore over his clothes on his way to murder someone. And yes, I wondered where I could get something like that. First place to check, THE ZON.

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Now this isn't the same one, but you get my point.This handy-dandy suit can be ordered, relatively cheap, if you are in need for something like this, even if not for it's intended use.

Writing a character like Seth was taxing in many ways. He was not a nice man, and he liked to be creative in his 'non-niceness' and I had to look up ways for which that was possible. That included types of whips, medieval torture devices, how long it would take a person to starve, etc. You get the point and understand the first picture.

Moving on...

I need to correct my earlier statement. I did do research for book 2 as well. Calida survived for a second book, but not without her scars. I had to research about PTSD, anxiety, and anxiety attacks.

For the third book, that one is more on the risque side. Porn plays a role in that story and my FMC does a lot of googling of things as she and her hubby try to get more adventurous. I learned from that, certain keywords typed in can yield some freaking eye-opening results. I wanted to be able to give a reasonable idea of what would come up on her screen when she typed in things, which meant I had to type in things.

I could go on an on, but I try to keep these posts closer to the PG-13 side of things. I don't write stories that require a lot of research. I'm no good with historicals. That's not what I do. So while I'm not learning anything 'life changing' or usable really for everyday life, I am learning things that are interesting in their own right.

So have you ever researched and learned anything interesting? Be sure to stop by the other authors on this hop to see what they have to say.

Until next time


  1. I can only imagine what you found Googling porn...

    1. LOL yes it was very, um, enlightening LOL

      thanks for stopping by

  2. Yes, you can find almost anything on Amazon. Love your post.

    1. Yes you can! Crazy some of the stuff that pops up when you do the search.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. Love the mug. Have to get myself one for the next time someone checks my browser history. :)

    1. I need to get one as well! Maybe I should order one when I'm done answering comments.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. It is amazing what you find researching.

    1. The internet opens you up to so much more.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. Love the mug. I see one in my future. I've clicked over to a private browser window at times for some of the things I've had to research. I don't remember to use it enough times though. Happy browsing, Meka!

    1. LOL yeah, it's needed. I didn't know about the private browser. I need to make use of that with some of the stuff I have to look up. LOL Thanks for the tip.

      thanks for stopping by

  6. Obviously, I have written in the historical realm, but I find I do just as much research for any book I write: details about cities they take place in, experiences I've never had, careers I haven't experienced, even pulling up images of objects or rooms just to give a more accurate description. I think research is one of the best parts of my job. ;)

    1. Yes, the internet helps so much. I have no idea about some things, injuries, I had a character with PTSD had to research that and its symptoms. I've looked up houses, the layouts so I can describe them. On occasion, clothing if it's important. I can manage to look up 'normal' stuff. LOL

      thanks for stopping by


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