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I Don't Wanna! -#MFRWauthor

Hello and welcome to week 11 of the #MFRWauthor blog hop. I was a little bummed to miss last week's. I normally write these posts up on Thursday so they are all ready to go Friday morning.

Well, last Thursday I was in bed super sick. Not fun at at all. So no writing of the blog. Then Friday, I thought about trying to get the post done, but was busy taking care of a sick kiddo. We are bot better now so back to the hop.

The topic for this week brought one thing to my mind first (writing wise) as I'm in the middle of avoiding this very task.

So, what one task would I never want to do again...

If you've been around my blog, you've heard me use this term a time or dozen. When we talked about 'bad' writing advice a few weeks back, I explained my dislike of the editing phase then, although briefly.

Some people LOVE the editing phase. They live for it. They take their rough drafts and enjoy polishing them over and over until they shine.

I AM NOT that person! Not even close. The editing phase is something that HAS to be done. Like cleaning, which, ha, can go hand in hand with the task I would never want to do again on a personal level. Look at how I connected the two and didn't even try. This is straight rambling writing going on right now.

But back to the point at hand, editing must be done. I know this, but I don't like it. I do it, like with cleaning, but I still don't like it. I do not enjoy any part of that process. It's painful. Seriously, painful, and I'm not just being dramatic. Okay, maybe I am a little, but it does hurt. Especially the idea of having to make large cuts after I worked so hard to get the words in the first place. REMINDER: I am a pantser and an edit-as-you-goer therefore those words didn't come easy so the idea of deleting large chunks of them hurts my soul.

Other writing friends have told me it gets better. I should learn to embrace the editing phase. That it's good for me. Sorry, I can't buy into that. Like right now, my current project has sat, untouched, for nearly three weeks because I have editing to do, some could be restructuring of things, and the idea of that stresses me. I can't even bring myself to open the doc at this point. Told you, it's bad. Will I put on my big girl panties and get it done? Hell yeah I will. But only after I've finished my current in the corner, on the floor, kicking and screaming tantrum. LOL

So, yeah, just like I tell my husband I want to earn enough from my books to afford a weekly maid service, I want to figure out someway to have someone else do the actual edits for me. I know I hire an editor to go over the story, but I want a fixer. I want the person that take what the editor says and then just do it so I don't have to. I'm fully aware that doing something like that would remove some of my 'control' over my story and whatnot,but the stressed induced part of me says maybe it's okay.

There you have it. The one (or two in my case) tasks I wish I never had to do again. What are yours? Be sure to stop by the other authors on the hop to find out theirs.

Until next time,


  1. Sometimes we're harder on ourselves than other are. I've known authors who never got published as they kept editing and editing and editing. And being under the microscope, even if we're the one looking isn't fun.

    1. This is very true! I know I am my own worst critic. I can't keep editing, it kills me. I would rather walk away from a project and let it wither away.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. I'll admit that I'm one of those people who enjoys the editing process. That's when the magic happens for me. I'll run through a book as many times as it takes for it to feel right to me. But that's my own editing process, not the one where various editors get their voices into the mix. I don't enjoy that one quite so much.

    1. One of the ladies in my CP group is like that. She enjoys the editing process and tries in vain to have her positive outlook on it rub off on me. LOL Ah yes, the self-editing. I admit I'm not so goo at that part. I think I have blinders where the story is concerned and need things pointed out. Even if the feedback stings sometimes.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. Oh, so sorry, Meka. I'm another one who likes the editing phase. Writing the draft is harder. I am used to cutting words and phrases that I love now, but it took a while before I got there. My edits just came back, and my editor suggested I start my current book in a different place. I had to cut about a half a page because she was right. Yep, bye, bye words. It gets easier.

    1. Eh, it is what it is. Many embrace the editing process, look forward to it even. Writing the draft is hard, and I'm slow, so it's really hard, but I still enjoy watching the story unfold more than cutting it to bits later. Hopefully in time, I'll learn to embrace it more. Oh boy...see that would be so hard for me, but good luck to you in the process.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. I tolerate the editing phase- not love, and I'd still do it over grocery shopping, lol. Glad you're feeling better this week!

    1. LOL yeah I tolerate it as well. And I'm with you on the grocery shopping. So glad the husband doesn't mind doing it.

      Thank you. And thanks for stopping by

  5. I can relate; editing is definitely not always enjoyable.


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