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I Won't Soon Forget - #MFRWauthor

Here we are again. Another week down in the #MFRWauthor blog hop. Time is speeding to a close and this is a busy month for me. When I saw the topic for this week, unlike previous weeks, I knew exactly what I'd talk about.

I'm a mother of four, so one would think the day I brought each of my childern into the world would all take top spots in my life as "unforgettable days" as this week's topic suggest. And they do, in their own way. However the birth of my youngest edges out his siblings.

Picture this, a cold and rainy Sunday in November, 2009. I wake up at 6am feeling a bit uncomfortable. Nothing major, this wasn't my first rodeo. I get up, sit on my big exercise ball and hang out. Keeping quiet since the husband was still very much asleep. 

Around 8:30, things hurt a little more, still nothing major. I get in the tub. Figure I wanted to relax a little before heading to the hospital because after my last baby, I really wasn't in the mood to be poked and prodded. 

By 9, I was ready to head to the hospital. Out of the tub and into the shower, because yes I'm an odd one that needed to take a shower before heading to the hospital. I call my doula so she can meet us there. 9:15 I know we aren't going to make it to the hospital. My sister was living with us at the time and the Hubs had woken her up so that she knew she need to watch the kids. She comes downstairs, I send the man to go put the car-seat in the car and tell my daughter, who was 13 at the time, to call 911. The Hubs comes back in saying we are all ready to go, only to realize then we weren't going anywhere. 

He did try to get me in the car, assuring me we could make it to the hospital, but I knew that would not be the case and I was NOT going to be on the news being a woman that delivered on the side of the interstate. So while my sister played doctor and my daughter played nurse, my youngest was born at home, ten days ahead of schedule. The first and only of my children to be born early. 

The EMTs showed up shortly after he arrived and whisked us off to the hospital and eight years later (his birthday is on the 22nd of this month) he's a happy, smiley, healthy boy. He's heard the story of being born at home which he thinks is fun until he asks the questions now of where babies come from. LOL The hospital gave us keepsake "birth certificates" that listed my sister as the OB and my daughter as the attending nurse. 

That whole experience served as a great deterrent for sex for her for a good long time. 

Oh and my doula never made it. She got into a car accident on the way, which was crazy. But she would have missed the birth either way.

We are now planning on remodeling our master bathroom. My husband mentioned keeping the tub as a memento. I told him no, but he could keep one of the knobs from the faucet. He was happy with that compromise.

I have a terrible memory, so a lot of things get lost over the years. However that is one I'm sure will always stick around.

Be sure to check out the other authors on this hop and see what their unforgettable days were.

Until next time


  1. What a story! I don't blame you for not wanting to be a news story. I'd have made the same decision if I were in your shoes, I'm sure! I'll bet it's a day your sister and your daughter will never forget, as well!

    1. Exciting times in the house that morning. I'm glad I didn't get in the car, that would have been a disaster! Nope they both won't forget it.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. A happy unforgettable day for everyone involved. I would have done the same thing, I think, but I'm glad I never had to make that decision.

    1. Yes it is. The idea of getting in the car was not a good one. It worked out luckily.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. I love this story! Congratulations on the healthy birth, and it's so wonderful that your daughter and sister got to help.

    1. Thank you. :) It was a healthy birth and he's a firecracker of a kid. Full of energy all the time.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. This is worthy of becoming a scene in one of your books, Meka.

    1. LOL I'll have to remember that if I add in any babies.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. Amazing story, Meka! Thanks for sharing!

  6. love the compromise for the tub. And maybe someday it will be a memento for your son. thanks for sharing.

    1. Yes. I couldn't believe he really wanted to keep it. Silly man.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. What a wonderful story. Another reminder kids do what do, and we just adapt around it.

    1. Yes they do. He had his own plans.

      thanks for stopping by

  8. That’s a great story! I would’ve done the same too. I am glad all went well and you were both ok

    1. Thank you. It was a little scary, but we got through it.

      thanks for stopping by

  9. Great story, Meka! It's probably good that you didn't end up on the news. Loved hearing that you got a keepsake birth certificate with your sister and daughter listed as attending the birth. :)

    1. yes. I'm glad to not be on the news! The keepsake birth certificate was a wonderful surprise. :)

      thanks for stopping by


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