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IWSG 18: And So It Begins

It's November. If you are one of thousands participating on NaNo this month, happy writing. It's also the first Wednesday of the month so that means another IWSG blog post. I can't believe this year is nearly over.

This is a big month for me. Not only am I participating in NaNo for the first time, but my second book comes out this month.

My very first post for IWSG was about growing a thick skin. This month I've come full circle and at that point again. I've walked through editing Hell, then discovered that even with what I thought was careful editing, the ARCs I sent out contain typos. That worries because I have a blog tour scheduled and reviews will be part of that tour.

I try to tell myself, it's ARCs. The bloggers won't (hopefully) judge me too harshly for some typos, but one can never know. These reviews are what kick off the book for me. Yes I will be going back through my manuscript and correcting things making sure it's all polished before my actual release, but still it makes me worry.

This is only my second time going through pre-release jitters. I'm hoping it gets better with each new release, but those old doubts start to creep in the closer the day gets. I still avoid reading reviews, because they mess with my head, but at the same time I want to know how well it is (or isn't) being received.

I do feel more prepared this time than I did four years ago, so that's an improvement. I've found 'my people' as it were when it comes to CPs/Beta. Another issue I've had before. Part of my 2017 goals to increase my social media presence and interact with people and make real connections paid off in that regard. I've tried to learn more on the marketing side of things. Learning, listening, improving. That's my game plan and it's easier said than done, but I keep chugging along.

As the days tick down, getting closer and closer to my release date, the more nervous I grow. There's no way around it unless I want to keep the book I've worked so hard on all to myself. That's not an option, so chocolate, wine, and whining (to those close to me) as I prepare to put another book baby out in the world for people to judge.

This month's optional question:

Win or not, do you usually finish your NaNo project? Have any of them gone on to be published?

**This is going to be my first attempt at NaNo. My hope is to finish at least the 50k goal, but I'm wordy so I'm sure the book will end up being much long. Once it's all said and done, it will be my hope that the project I start for NaNo will be my 2018 release at some point during next year.

Until next time

The Insecure Writer's Support Group's purpose is to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Thank you to this week's co-hosts:


  1. Hello, Meka. You're a few steps ahead of me on the publishing journey, so I enjoyed reading about your pre-release build-up. Hey, at least you've found those dreaded last-minute typos before release date. What would we do without our CPs and betas?

    1. I'm trying to do better this time around for the build up and marketing. It's not been easy, but I'm trying. Yes, the typos. I'm sure I'll have more. After all I am only human. I will try to polish it as much as possible. Yes. I've struggled with CPs and betas. I'm happy to have found a group of ladies that are all supportive and don't go missing in the middle of reading my work.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. Wow! NaNoWriMo and a book release?!? You are a far braver soul than I am. I salute you, and wish you all the best!!

    And you should see the number of errors that were found in my debut novel's ARCs. Annoying, certainly, but better they be found at that point, than not at all.

    1. Yep. I'm a crazy person. I've tried to do as much as I could beforehand for the book release. Even set up a pre-order so we'll see how that goes. Thank you for the well wishes.

      Oh boy. Sorry you had the typos as well. It is better to find them before release so I'll hold on to that.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. Congrats on your release and I'm sure you'll do great at NaNo as well. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. Thank you! I'm excited for the release, this book has been a long time in the making. Not sure if I'll 'win' NaNo, but I'm going to see how far I get.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. NaNo and a release is sure a big month for you. Congrats! Typos are a pain. They happen to all of us, and the best of us. :) My jitters got better after my first 5 or so releases. lol But there's still a little doubt and a little fear.

    1. Yep. Hopefully the release goes off without any hiccups, but we'll see. I'm going through again to catch the typos and I read a blog post about making Word 'talk' to me so it reads it out loud. Hopefully that may help me catch any other missing or double words.

      First 5 huh? Then I have a ways to go with the jitters things. I'm sure I'll be scared each time.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. Maybe us authors should write an open letter to readers and get everyone to sign it, haha. ;) Dear Readers, please excuse our typos. We're trying. Love, Authors.

    1. LOL that would be handy. Until then I'll just do my best while editing to hopefully avoid as many typos as I can.

      thanks for stopping by

  6. You have a book release and you're doing NaNo? Whoa! You're going for it.
    Reviewers shouldn't be too harsh. If they are, then they don't understand what a review copy is.

    1. Yeah...I'm a crazy woman. LOL

      Thank you. That's what I'm hoping for. Tour starts next week so we'll see.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. Best wishes on your release and on Nano. Forward momentum is a great thing!

    1. Thank you. Time is closing in so I have to get on it.

      thanks for stopping by


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