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I Don't Like To Brag - #MFRWauthor

Week 47 of the #MFRWauthor blog hop. Can't believe there are just 6 short weeks left in 2017. So this week's topic is another easy-ish one. I say -ish because I'm not really one to talk about myself, but let's do this.

First up, since the big day is coming soon, I'm going to start with the release of my second book. I started working on Not Broken in April of 2014 when I finished Fiendish. I'm a slow writer as it is, but you add in self-doubt and loss confidence in your writing skill, you end up with a writer that stops working on her project.

Deadlines I set for myself came and went which only added to the pressure and feelings of failure. I stumbled upon a group on Facebook called Insecure Writers Support Group (#IWSG) and they got me back on the horse.

So this book has been a long time in the making, but it's complete and all set to fly free in the world next week. I'm proud of myself for getting it done and putting in all the time and effort to make it as perfect as I could. Even set up a pre-order and attempted to do some marketing.

On more personal notes...

In May, my first born, my one and only baby girl graduated college. I've talked about her before, like I've discussed all my offspring. The Girl went off to college and came out three years later. Yes THREE years later.

As a senior in high school, she took college classes which sent her in to college just six credits shy of being a sophomore. The summer of her freshman year, she did a study abroad program which bumped her up to where she needed to be credit wise.

Not only did she manage to stay on track, she was in the honor's program and graduated Summa Cum Laude. She's taking a year off, but she's planning on going back to school for her master's degree.

She's full on adulting currently. Landed herself a full-time job. Bought a car. Fully taking care of herself, reluctantly, but doing it.

This handsome young man is my youngest nephew. He graduated high school in June and his dream/goal in life was to join the military. The Marines to be exact.

He shipped off to boot camp just two days after his high school graduation. I'd gone to NY to see him graduate and was there when he left. Yes I cried.

In September, my siblings and I drove to Parris Island, SC to see him graduate boot camp. It was a proud moment, and yes I cried again.

I've always had respect for the military and I admit him joining scares me, that whole wanting to keep those close to me safe, but seeing him, seeing how happy he was, I know he's where he wants to be.

He's currently in San Diego for job training, and loving it. He's hoping that'll be his final station. Well, that is, if he can't get one of the overseas locations he hopes for.

That's it, like I said talking about myself isn't something I like to do a lot so kept this kinda short. Be sure to stop by the other authors on this hop to see what highlights they have to share this week.

Until next time


  1. Congrats on your upcoming book! Gorgeous family pics - your daughter is adult-ing just fabulous! I'm the same way- I don't like to brag about myself. Enjoyed your post!

    1. Thank you! I'm very excited. Yes, she is managing even if she complains about wanting to go back and be a kid again. LOL Glad you enjoyed the post.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. So excited for you - good luck with your new release! Your daughter is beautiful and your handsome nephew...well, men in uniform, what else do I need to say? Congrats to both of them!

    1. Thank you! I'm happy it's finally done and ready to be out in the world. I'm very proud of both of them. They are accomplishing a lot and I couldn't be prouder.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. Your book cover is beautiful and if I can help with promo, let me know.
    And super congrats on your beautiful daughter and handsome nephew! A college degree in 3 years? That's amazing. Having finally said, after six years of state college tuition, we're not paying another year, you can't imagine how impressed I am.
    And God bless your nephew! My dad was career military, so your nephew is a hero to me. Maybe he'll go to BUDS training!

    1. Thank you! And I can use all the promo I can get so I'll DM you on twitter. :) I appreciate the offer!

      Yep, 3 years. She remained very focused on her goal, even with the addition of a boyfriend and taking up a little bit of a partying lifestyle. Oh no...I can understand. We've told all our kids you only get 4 years out of us then you're on your own.

      His father has been in almost every branch so a career military man. It's in his blood.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. Congratulations on your daughter's accomplishments and your handsome nephew I'm also a great respecter of those who serve and of their families. Congrats too on your new release! Wishing you tons of success with it1

    1. Thank you. Her father and I are very proud. My oldest nephew is in the Air Force reserve. I'm nervous for the younger one more since he is Marines and they are usually first line.

      Thanks. I'm both excited and super nervous about my release.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. Congrats on the upcoming release! The cover is beautiful! And congrats on your daughter's accomplishment - definitely a proud mama moment!!
    Also, it may not seem like a big deal to some, but kudos to you for finding the support group. Online writing groups have been a godsend for me personally.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I love the cover, the company did an amazing job on it. I was very proud when she walked across that stage. I tried not to cry too much for her sake, but I still did.

      It's taken a while to find that support group. I struggled for a long time, but IWSG has been great! I now have another smaller group on FB that has made a world of difference.

      thanks for stopping by

  6. You certainly have reason to brag about your daughter and nephew, Meka. Congratulations!
    About yourself, too. It can be really, really hard to keep at writing, but you've done it. Most people who publish a book never publish a second, so you're in elite company already. Take a bow!

    1. Thanks Ed! I am very proud of both of them.

      I let self-doubt take over more than I care to admit. I'm happy to say I pushed through it finally, but it took a while. Aww thanks. I'm happy to not be a 'one hit wonder' in that regard. Now to see if I can go for three.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. True bragging rights! Thanks for sharing, and your handsome nephew would make my late father (Marine PFC) proud :D

    1. Thank you. His father was also a Marine, so he was very proud of him that day.

      Thanks for stopping by

  8. Congratulations to your daughter, nephew, and YOU! Good news all around:)

    1. Thank you! I'm proud of them both. I didn't think I'd ever get done with my book, so I'm happy the release is over now.

      thanks for stopping by

  9. Congrats on your upcoming book, and your very awesome family. It is a lot to be proud of. I write slow and hate to brag, so I hear you on this.

    1. Thank you! They are doing great things (daughter and nephew) so they make it easy-ish to brag a little in that regard.

      Yep, very slow writer over here, but it got done.

      Thanks for stopping by

  10. Your daughter is beautiful. I can imagine how proud you are of her for what she's accomplished. Your nephew is handsome in his uniform! <3 You deserve to brag about your upcoming book, Meka. I love the graphics you've been posting.

    1. Thank you! Yes we are very proud of how she kept her goal in mind and her grads up to accomplish what she wanted. I can't wait to see my nephew in his dress blues for the first time!

      The book has been a long time in the making. I'm happy to have it done now. The graphics, thank you. Learning about Canva has been a major perk of doing this blog hop.

      thanks for stopping by


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