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Awe Inspiring - #MFRWauthor

Week 44 of the #MFRWauthor blog hop. November. The month of NaNo craziness and my book release. Fun times ahead. After a couple of rough weeks, I was happy for last week's easy topic. This week I'm again groaning. Let's do this...

A person that inspires me.

This probably should be an easy post. Then I feel bad that I can't think of someone that inspires me right off the bat. I'm not sure what that says about me, but I'm sure there's some hidden meaning in there somewhere. We'll discuss that later.

As I thought about who I could write about, a person came to mind. My aunt. My aunt just celebrated her 50something birthday. She has survived breast cancer once, and it fighting it again for a second time. She's a divorced single mom of triplets. She's also a widow.

Her second husband died of stomach cancer last August (2016). While she was trying to take care of him, her own cancer returned. Her spirits have never wavered. Her ex husband...well there's a reason he's an ex. She's a strong woman who is putting three girls through college, dealing with a less than cooperative ex in regards to their children, and fighting cancer.

None of that slows her down. She's never stopped to wallow in the "why me" or to complain about the unfairness of life. She takes care of business whether it be the needs of her girls, or her chemo treatments and various doctor's appointments.

My aunt's attitude and outlook on life in the face of adversity is inspiring. With my book coming out, her courage and positive views are something I'll need to keep in mind if (when) not so nice reviews come in. At the end of the day, they aren't the end of the world and there are so many more important things to stress over.

That's it. Another short and sweet post. Who inspires you? Be sure to stop by the other authors and see what they have to say.

Until next time


  1. The best advice I've heard about reviews comes from author Jess Michael's husband: if you're feeling down about a bad review, go look at the reviews on Amazon for Stephen King's books. Great post, Meka!

    1. I'll have to remember that. I've stopped reading reviews for now, but will probably read the initial ones for Not Broken.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. LOL Alina.....great advice!

    Sounds like you have a wonderful role model in your aunt, Meka:)

    1. I do. She's great and she keeps all our spirits up with her outlook on life.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. I would love to be an uncomplaining, stalwart person like your aunt. I thought I was, actually, until last year when I fell seriously ill for the first time. I discovered I wasn't a suffer-in-silence kind of guy. Disappointing.

    1. LOL yeah I would love to be that way too. Alas I'm not. I've not been seriously ill, but I still complain when I get a cold. We are who we are.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. I see why your aunt is your inspiration. She is a true survivor. It would be hard not to say "why me" in her case. I've said it a few times myself.

    1. She is. We are ready for her to beat this current bought of cancer. She keeps her spirits up and we support her how we can.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. Wow. Just... wow. Thanks SO much for sharing your inspirational post! Amazing how some people can just 'do' it like it's any, other day.

    1. You're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed it. My aunt looks at what needs to be done and takes care of business. She figures there's no use in wallowing and that makes us take on the same outlook.

      thanks for stopping by

  6. Your aunt sounds like a rock star. I have so many people I look up to that I could go on all week about them. In fact, I just tapped that subject when I did the A to Z Challenge in 2016. True heroes. I've been surrounded by inspiring individuals my whole life. Maybe that's why I feel the need to be "perfect" in everything, eh? And failing. Of course, we're always comparing our rough drafts to people's finished products. Everyone struggles, whether behind the scenes or in public.

    1. We think she is. :) It's important to surround yourself with good people. It's not always easy, but you do what you can. Holding on to the negative doesn't get you anywhere.

      It's hard not to compare, but I try to focus on doing the best I can and going from there.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. Your aunt sounds like a remarkable woman.


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