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I Got Nothing- #MFRWauthor

Hello Folks and Happy Friday!! You know what today is right? #MFRWauthor blog hop day. So, I looked at this week's topic and thought about skipping it, but decided to write a post anyway.

Why would I skip it you ask? Well, because the topic is about my contest experience and well...

I got

That's right folks, I don't have any contest experience. The wonderful ladies in my CP group have been trying to get me to do one, but as of now I've not caved. One of them in particular is a HUGE advocate of contests. She loves them. She and a few others in my group all went out for the Golden Heart. Sadly none of them got that phone call, but there's always next year.

Even though I'm not entering the contest, I will be judging for the first time. Two of the ladies in my CP group are chairs for their RWA chapter contests. Because we are big on supporting each other, I will be one of the first round judges for both of them. I'm a little scared about this but they both assure me I'll be fine. Felicia, the one who's big on all things contests, also says that judging helps when it comes to self editing your own work. You have a guideline on what to look for in the entries that helps you be more aware. I can use that since I SUCK at self-editing.

Because I am in to supporting my group, I'm going to take the rest of this post to plug their contests. If anyone is interested in entering or heck even signing up to be a first round judge if you are a RWA member hit them up!

Photo Source:
NEORWA’s 2018 Cleveland Rocks Romance 

**Contest opens to entries on April 1, 2018. Entries must be received on or before 11:59pm EST May 15, 2018.**

To find out more information about the contest and to enter please visit their website.

If you are an RWA member and you're interested in being a judge see the info below:

Hey folks! The snow is melting and it is almost time for NEORWA’s annual Cleveland Rock’s Romance Contest (opens for entries April 1st). The contest promises to be super exciting this year with the addition of the new published author category and some awesome final round judges.
As everyone knows, participating in chapter contests can be fun and rewarding, whether you enter as a contestant or judge (or both). Speaking of first round judges…NEORWA needs some!
Here’s the deal: All you need to do to volunteer is to email our fabulous contest coordinator at, let her know how many entries you’re willing to judge and if you have any limits (i.e., heat level, subject matter etc. We can’t promise, but we will try to honor those as best as we can to make sure the judging is fair and fun for everyone).
Once you volunteer, a few days after the contest closes (May 15, 2018), you’ll get your entries (each the first 5,000 words of an unpublished manuscript) to comment on and score using our fabulous score sheets (samples can be found on our website: )
But what if I’ve never judged and don’t know how, you ask? Well, all our first round judges are encouraged to view our free “How to Judge a Rockin’ Contest workshop.”) Super fun, right? We are super excited for you to participate in anyway, whether by entering, judging, or both. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email!

Photo source: 
Contemporary Romance Writers 
2018 Stiletto Contest
NOW OPEN! **Entry deadline April 13th**
To find out more information about the contest and to enter please visit their website.

If you are a RWA member and are interested in judging, please seen info at their website

If you're like me, and thinking of testing the waters with contests, I hope you'll consider these two and sign up for judging while you're at it.
Have you done, or thought about doing a contest? Stop by the other authors on this hop to see what their experiences have been.
Until next time


  1. I always find it's easier to edit and critique other people's writer than my own.

    1. Yes! Like I can see things in other's writing but totally miss it when I attempt to self-edit.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. I'm sure you'll be fine judging. I did three rounds of a major ebook contest. And if I can do it so can you. Have fun.

    1. Thanks Helen. I hope so. They have assured me it should be easy. Good job on doing the ebook contest! I'm going to try and have fun with it.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. That's a good point about how judging a contest can help to self edit your own work. It makes sense to me. Good luck with judging.

    1. That's my hope. We'll see how well it works out. Either way I'm happy to help the ladies out.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. Not a fan of contests, but have fun judging!

    1. I've never even considered them before joining my CP group. I'm still not 100% in on joining one, but I'm happy to help judge.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. We're in the same boat. I've never entered a contest, but I did take a workshop with my chapter to be a first round judge. Good luck!

    1. Oh nice. How was the workshop? Did it help with learning how to judge? I think come May I'll be doing my first ones so we'll see how it goes.

      thanks for stopping by


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