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I Wish I May, I Wish I Might - #MFRWauthor

Welcome to week 16 of the #MFRWauthor blog hop. We've covered an array of topics over the last few weeks, with many more to come. This week is all about our biggest dreams.
Since these topics cover a mix of writing related things and personal, I figured this topic was one that could be both.

I'll start with my biggest dream that is career related. Now I could go with the obvious, one of my books up on the big screen. That would be a huge OMG moment for sure. However, before I got to that level, I'd have to take few other steps first.

So for now, my big dream, career wise is much smaller. My dream is to reach a point in my career where I make a decent monthly income from my books. My husband hopes I will make enough so he can retire early LOL but that goes back to the first thing I mentioned. If the stars should align and I get there, great! But I'm way more practical. I enjoy writing and I would love to have a solid fan base at some point. Doesn't have to be big, but just people that I know are out there waiting and wanting the next book I produce. In turn I'll make enough to earn a decent amount of money from doing what I love. See not too much to hope for right?

On a personal level, my biggest dream is in relation to my children. Our kids are the key to the future. My dream for my own is for them to grow up being productive members of society. I want them to remain in good health and lead happy lives, whatever that means for them.

My daughter will be graduating college in less than a month. She's about the enter the 'real' world and while her father and I have done all we can to prepare her for it, she's still terrified. It's part of life and at some point we have to let go and let them find their way. As a parent that is easier said than done, but it's what I have to do. We can only set them up for so much and the rest is up to them.

My oldest son will be heading into high school next year. A new and exciting time in life. He had to pick his classes a little while back, and while his father and I listened to him talk things through, we sat back and let him weigh his options on which electives would work best for him. It's a small thing, but it shows he does have logical decision making skills which are key in life.

My youngest two are a ways off from needing to make any major life decisions. Well nearly, my 9 yr. old has decided he wants to be a SWAT officer. Not sure if that'll stick as he gets older, but if it does, I hope he can get there. The youngest wants to be a dragon, a little harder to achieve, but there's always cos play right? LOL

No matter what, my biggest dream is for them to reach theirs.

So what are some of your hopes and dreams? Be sure to check out the other authors in the hop to find out theirs.

Thanks for stopping by


  1. LoL! A dragon. So cute! My oldest is about to finish his Sophomore year at college, aimed to become a doctor. How does this happen? I'm with you. The greatest successes are definitely the ones we see through our kids. I could care less if my books really take off, but if my kids are all successful with steady marriages and families of their own, then nothing else matters.

    1. LOL yep. He's really into dragons followed by dinosaurs. Oh man, a lot of school left for your son. My daughter wants to get her doctorate. She's studying Anthropology so she knows she has more schooling ahead of her too. Already talking about masters programs.

      Agreed, if I can say I raised happy, stable children I'll be a very happy woman.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. Yes, yes, yes to dreaming for our children--and our grandchildren. My biggest dream for them is for at least a few of their own dreams to come true :)

    1. Exactly. We do our best to set them up for success in life. I hope that my children can reach their dreams.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. My daughter wants to be a film-maker, which is pretty nifty. Maybe if one of my books every does well enough, she can have the rights to it. That's a nifty dream. I wish I thought of that before I published my blog post.

    1. Wow, that's cool. How awesome would that be if your daughter directed the film of one of your books. Keeping it all in the family. Best of luck to her.

      thanks for stopping by

    2. I'm smiling about your little one wanting to be a dragon. And, wow, a SWAT officer, too. Good luck to your daughter in her future career. Family is important when we think of our own dreams, which usually revolves around our family in one way or another.

    3. Yeah. He dreams big. :) The SWAT thing took me by surprise. It's one thing to say he wants to be a police officer when he grows up, but SWAT is very specific. Thank you. Hopefully she can land a job in the field she wants. Family is very important. Very true, our dreams do revolve around our families in one form or another.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. Kids really do make life more interesting! A dragon and a SWAT officer--maybe they can team up and catch those bad guys together!

    1. LOL yeah they do. Never a dull moment in the house for sure. They would be a dynamic duo for sure taking on the bad guys. :)

      thanks for stopping by

  5. LOL on the dragon dream. You may have a budding writer there! I can see that you and your hubby are wise parents.

    I think your dreams are wonderful and yet practical. And I love the graphics, esp. the Family graphic. Did you make those yourself?

    1. Yes, he certainly has an active imagination. He's a handful and we never know what to expect out of him. Aww thank you. We try, my kid's friends think we're a bit unconventional, but it works.

      Thank you. We all have those big fantasies, but I like to try and stay realistic at times. :) Yep, been playing around with Canva since last week. It's fun, but been a real distraction and another way for me to procrastinate on writing.

      thanks for stopping by

  6. A future dragons shifter. Cool. One addition to earning an income, to continue earning it. I used to earn full time income from my writing, now? :( Good post and graphics.

    1. Yeah. Not sure how he'll pull it off, but I'm sure he'll find a way. It'll be nice to earn a full time income from my writing. Not there yet. I'm just happy to still get payments from Amazon 3 years after my book has been put out. Thanks on the graphics. Been playing around with Canva.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. I love dragons. I like your son's idea. Dragons are strong and fierce. Kids are great dreamers. I hope your kids fulfill all of their dreams. I know I'm proud of my son. He went to college, he has settled into a job he loves and has a family he adores. As a parent, I couldn't ask for anything more.

    1. LOL he does too. He has a growing collection of them followed by dinosaurs. I hope they can fulfill their dreams as well. My daughter is in that job hunt now for a job in her field, but it's slow going. I'm glad your son has settled into a happy life.

      thanks for stopping by

  8. Good luck with guiding your dragon child to success in his dreams!

    1. LOL thanks. That's going to take some effort, but we're up to the challenge.

      thanks for stopping by

  9. I love your dreams- I too, would love to make just enough income with writing but also, seeing our children succeed in their dreams would be wonderful. My twins with graduate HS in 2 years, and then- the real world. Yikes!

    1. Yep. I really want to make enough so I can hire a maid. LOL I hate cleaning and rather pay someone to do it. Oh boy, 2 years and then college. Scary but exciting all at the same time.

      thanks for stopping by

  10. Love the dragon and SWAT officer! I hope these career choices work out for them. :) Your goals for your writing are similar to mine, but I never dared to think about one of my books becoming a movie. OMG. I hope to see yours up there one day so I can say "I knew her when..."

    1. LOL well the SWAT is a little more attainable, but we'll see how the youngest fairs in his attempt to be a dragon. :) I would just love to see my characters come to life on the big screen. That would be the coolest thing ever.

      thanks for stopping by

  11. oldest decided at age 10 he wanted to go to work for NASA, and pursued it all the way through college, where reality smacked him in the face. His goal now is to be a HS math teacher and ultimately HS principal!

    Daughter wanted to be a vet until she discovered boys. I'm still hoping she decides to get her vet tech license one day.

    Youngest (13) hasn't got a clue what he wants to do. At this point, I can only pray he gets 'discovered' by a video game company and they hire him to test out their new games....

    1. LOL well good he found a backup plan that he's excited about. Teaching is no easy feat. Have several teachers in my family.

      Aww boys. Sorry she got side tracked. Hope she doesn't let them veer her too far off track and she'll get her degree. :)

      LOL I have a 14 yr old so I know the feeling on the video gaming. Testing games is big money and heck if he keeps it up even just playing for fun can have benefits. With the YouTube sensation, people are getting paid just to have let's play channels. It's nuts. All of my sons watch people play video games on YouTube.

      thanks for stopping by


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