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Come Find Me - #MFRWauthor

Another week. Another post for the #MFRWauthor blog hop. This week will be a short and sweet post. It's all about my social media hangouts.

Being more active on social media is one of my goals for 2017. I've had a twitter account since I first published in 2014 but it's been really under utilized. Same with my author Facebook page.

Trying to keep up with too many different social media accounts would take away from my writing time so I've had to find one or two to focus on.

Twitter is my main one. I interact there daily. I've started participating in hashtag games. Doing that has gained me followers and I've found new people to follow. Social media is all about interacting and Twitter makes interacting easy and instant.

Following that I have a Tumblr. It's new and slow building, but I'm trying. Most times I just copy over what I've posted on this blog to that one. Sometimes I post random things, but not too often.

There's also Instagram. The picture taking thing I haven't really figured out though. I attempted one of the challenges someone hosted but fell off after a few days.

Lastly there's Facebook. That one seriously is like talking to myself for the author page. Not really sure if my blog falls under the social media hangout, but I guess it does. For a while it collected dust when I'd lost focus. I'm working to keep it active with posting something at least weekly. Before I started this blog hop, I'd began a segment called Music Monday to fill that requirement. I still do Music Monday, I just don't worry about posting weekly right now.

I should probably update the 'Find Me' box on the right side bar, but to be honest I don't remember how I did that in the first place. If I figured it out once, I'm sure I can do it again, I just haven't out of laziness. Plus my handy new 'Who Is Meka James' tab has all the links as well so I'm covered.

Well that's it for me. Hope to see you around a few of these places. Be sure to check out where to find the other authors on this hop.

Thanks for stopping by


  1. One trick another author told me to keep facebook fresher is to join some groups... and her favorite thing to keep something going there is to link her blog to facebook so that a link and snippit is automatically shared.

    Think I'll go try tumbler. thanks for the suggestion.

    1. I am a member of some writing groups but it's under my real profile. FB won't let me join under my author page. I have linked blog posts and things there, but not frequently. I should remember to do it more often.

      Good luck if you try Tumblr. It's a little different, blogging platform. My biggest pet peeve is there's no easy way to reply to someone that comments on your posts.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. I'm haven't ventured into Instagram but I've been hearing it is good for authors. I'll have to check out some of the hashtag games, but I'd have to register. I have found that posting more on my FB author page, does get seen by more than if I only post on occasion. The "more" isn't much, but better than if I'm not posting. Have a great weekend, Meka.

    1. I set up one this year, but I'm still trying to figure it out. There is a FB group called Instagram for Authors. I joined it, but I still struggle. LOL Since I'm doing this weekly blog hop, it would be wise of me to post the link on FB each time, but I haven't. I need to do better. You have a great weekend too.

      Thanks for stopping by

    2. I was 'dragged' onto Instagram when my publisher's marketing manager suggested it would be a good idea to post pics of when we did book signings there. Think I did it a few times, but I'd rather take a lot of pictures, then pick and choose which ones to post there. However, now at the moment, my camera is malfunctioning on my phone, so unless I have my digital camera ready, I HAVE to use Instagram.

      Kenzie Michaels
      (who's too lazy at the moment to sign into Google)

    3. That is a good idea. Readers like to see the authors out and about. I'm not a fan of taking pictures so not sure I'd be all that thrilled about that idea. But I'm not to the book signing point of my career so nothing I need to worry about now. Hope you get your camera fixed. :)

      Thanks for stopping by

  3. I get more tweets ad retweets than anything so I think Twitter is where I need to focus on learning. The hashtag games sound interesting. I stay at home so it is hard for me to come up with interesting Facebook posts. I still haven't gotten a hang of Instagram yet for my writing.

    1. The hashtag games have been a great way for me to interact more. The one that is on-going is called #authorconfession. It was the first one I tried. I do a few others now that help me interact with people. I just started trying to participate in #storycrafters. That one is a weekly chat on Sunday for 1 hour. You answer the questions given by the host. It's fast paced, but an interesting concept. I don't have the hang of Instagram either. I look at some that are super artistic with their pictures and I'm in awe.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. I haven't been able to get going with Instagram either, but I figure I don't have to do everything. Facebook and Pinterest are my favorites. I've had a hard time figuring out how to interact on Twitter. Except for some DM where I've engaged with other authors. More of my time is spent with other authors than with readers, although my street team group is doing better at that.

    1. We can't do them all, otherwise it leaves no time for writing. I've posted only a handful of pictures to Instagram, but it's not been my main focus. Pinterest I've not even tried. I see others talk about it, but so far I've not attempted. I felt the same way about Twitter. Doing the hashtag games have helped. I've done a few interactions based on something I've posted where I got replies or the other way round. Most of them are authors but that's okay, authors are readers too. :) Good luck with your street team. :)

      Thanks for stopping by

  5. I'm trying to keep my list of social media places small. I also struggle differentiating my main page from my author page, another reason I tend to stay away from Facebook.

    1. Me too. Don't want to spread myself too thin. The author/main page thing sucks, especially since I use a pen name. I wish FB would make it easier to interact with the 'business' pages.

      thanks for stopping by

  6. It's funny how we all get our own preferences- guess there is something for everyone! I am on Twitter, but I just feel like I can never keep up on there. It moves so fast. I'm on Instagram- but started there to stalk my daughters at first, so it's kind of hodgepodge and I'm not always sure what I'm doing, lol. I do love Facebook, but it's hard to get people to see your posts. I enjoyed your post!

    1. With so many options, there should be at least one place we can feel comfortable. :) Twitter does move fast. Hard to keep up with sometimes, but I'm trying to be selective in what I attempt to follow. That does help make it easier. LOL on getting Instagram to stalk your daughter's. That's how I got my personal facebook many moons ago. My Instagram is a hodgepodge too. Some has been writing related, but I also posted a few pics from my anniversary trip and the most recent one was of one of my dogs.

      Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed my post. :)

      thanks for stopping by

  7. Kudos for taking on Tumblr. I've never considered that because I don't know many people who use it. And thanks for the tips on the hashtag games. My goal is increase my social presence on Twitter. I do a lot of cross-promotion but not a lot of interaction.

    1. Tumblr has been slow going. I have followed mostly writing prompt blogs and things like that. A few author ones, but they don't update often, but then again neither do I. LOL I was really just trying to try out my options to see what worked best. Good luck if you try the hashtag games. That's made a huge difference for me and helped to increase my presence. I kinda wish now I'd made note of how many followers I had at the beginning of the year so I could see the increase at the end of the year, but I'll just wing it. LOL

      thanks for stopping by

  8. The Twitter hashtag games sound intriguing but how do they work? I haven't spent much time on Twitter lately, but it's something to think about.

    Oh, my link was corrupted at MFRW. The correct link is

    1. The games are easy. The host will give you a picture of the daily prompts at the beginning of the month. Then each day you answer the prompt response. Like for the #authorconfession one that I do, today's prompt was my MC's favorite holiday. They are short little things that don't take up too much time. You post with the hashtag and then go through and like a few of the others if you read through them. In turn you'll start to get likes on your tweets and maybe a reply or two. :) It's slow starting but fun. They are open to all genres.

      thanks for stopping by

  9. The hashtag games sound like fun. I'll have to give it a try.

    1. They are fun and lets you interact with people. They are easy and usually surrounding your WIP so it's really helped me think of more background stuff for my characters in the process.

      thanks for stopping by

  10. List Nashville Personals:

    man 40 y.o. from Nashville, Tennessee, United States
    Hi im larry im easy going
    Hi im larry im36 years old im looking for friend's with benefits maybe more depending on how we connect im really hopeing to find someone that is interested

    man 27 y.o. from Nashville, Tennessee, United States
    Good-looking boy looking for casual great fun. Very clean, respectful and open-minded. I enjoy having clean sex free of emotions and worries. Just enjoying bodies.

    man 32 y.o. from Nashville, Tennessee, United States
    Hey what's up
    27 year old male looking for fun. I'm around donelson and Antioch. Call me. Not looking for anything too serious but always down for party favors. Hmu.

    man 51 y.o. from Nashville, Tennessee, United States
    Looking for Something New
    Single guy, tired of being single, not looking to play games.. Start slow, start fast... It's all good... lets just start something..

    man 42 y.o. from Nashville, Tennessee, United States
    Looking for a friend for now
    Hi there I'm 37 just moved here from Nevada would like to meet someone that has an open mind and willing to meet as frends first and see what happens. I'm outgoing and up for anything.
    More on dating apps


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