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When Wanderlust Strikes - #MFRWauthor

Hello and welcome back. I hope you've all had a wonderful week. Thanks for popping in for this week's #MFRWauthor blog hop. Last week we talked about our biggest dreams, this week sorta goes along with that since several people mentioned travel.

Traveling is high on my wish list and if I had the funds I would love to home school my children so that we can explore the world on a whim. But I don't have unlimited funds so I have to be way more practical in my thinking. Even with that in mind, I do have a list that the hubs and I came up with.

Photo source:

1) Sicily: Of course I'd love to see all of Italy, but I have to be specific on this because of the hubs. His family name originates from Sicily and when people ask me about my last name (non pen name) my husband has 'trained' me to say it's of Sicilian descent instead of just Italian.

It's his dream to go visit the town where his grandfather was born.

2. Alaska: This is an odd one considering I'm not a fan of the cold. I really dislike the cold. However there's something intriguing about a place that still remains so untouched. The way of life there seems in peace with nature and I would love to experience that sort of beauty.

3. Redwood National Forest: Not a lot of explanation needed. Nature is beautiful and peaceful. This would be a wonderful place to go and explore along with teaching my children to love and appreciate the world around them.

4. Yellowstone National Park: Old Faithful! LOL seriously with as many times as I've seen that geyser mentioned in movies and such, I want to experience for myself.

5.  Hawaii: It's what I think of when I think paradise. I'm not really a beach person, not  trying to catch waves or any of that, but Hawaii has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. The crisp blue water, the lush vegetation, all things I would love to see and experience. You can't really go wrong in a place like that.

Of course there are plenty of other places I'd love to see, the list could go on and on. Narrowing down to just five was no easy task, but I managed.

So where would your wanderlust take you?

Be sure to stop by the other authors on the hop to see where they'd go.

Thanks for stopping by


  1. Oh, you simply must go to Yellowstone National Park! It's my favorite place on earth, but that may be because it's wrapped up in so many wonderful childhood memories. But still, you must go. Enjoyed your list!

    1. Hopefully one day I'll make it there. I think my boys would enjoy the trip. Need to get them out in nature more and away from electronics.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. I agree about the national parks. Haven't been yet to the ones out west, but riding a donkey to the floor of the Grand Canyon would be on the list. In addition to Donali, Yellowsotne, and of course Yosemite.

    1. I've visited the Grand Canyon but didn't do the donkey. My in-laws live in AZ and we took the kids on one of our visits to see them. Went by an old school train that even got 'robbed' by bandits. It was fun and the kids enjoyed it.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. My sister visited Sicily last year, and it's a really interesting place. Lots of history there!

    1. How exciting. My husband has it as a must go destination.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. I'm not a fan of cold weather either, but I'd love to go to Alaska. I watch a few TV shows about life in Alaska--Life Below Zero, Yukon Men, Alaska-the Last Frontier-- and the individuals living a 'subsistance' life style.

    1. I watched all of those for research purposes for a novel :D

    2. I've not watched any of those shows. I've seen Alaska through movies and other shows featuring life there. It's cold, but beautiful.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. Fabulous wish. I would love to go to Italy and I was so close to Yellowstone when I lived in Wyoming and never made it.

    1. Oh bummer you never made it to Yellowstone. :(

      thanks for stopping by

  6. Funny, a friend with relatives in Alaska told me today that summer is in July and August, so that's the warmest time to visit. Southeast Alaska, where the cruises go, tends to stay on the cool side, but the interior can get quite warm in summer. Just FYI.

    1. Thanks for the tip! I'll remember that if I ever start to plan a trip there. I would like to be as warm as possible in Alaska.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. I love Italy, have a soft spot for Venice. I truly love Dr. Suess's Oh the places you will go. What a great way to start the post, a reminder that it really doesn't matter where we go, but how we bring ourselves.

    1. When my daughter did her travel abroad in Italy she went to Venice. Wanted to take one of the gondola rides but she said they were expensive. :( I like that story by Dr. Seuss and have read it to my kids often. It has a great message.

      thanks for stopping by

  8. A list of national parks I'd like to visit would start a whole other list for me. You picked some good ones.

    1. LOL very true. Narrowing down to 5 places wasn't easy. With summer coming up maybe I need to see which are closest for driving and get my boys out of the house.

      thanks for stopping by

  9. Great list, Meka! I agree, Alaska always seems cold and forbidding, but too interesting and pristine not to want to vist! Thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you. Alaska does seem harsh, but I think that's what adds to it's beauty.

      thanks for stopping by

  10. Great list! I have seen Yellowstone, but not the redwood forest (I think I remember reading the one in your picture (that you can drive through) fell last year?). If I went to Sicily, I'd eat my way through it - that's half the fun of visiting a new culture. I hope you get to go someday!

    1. I think I remember reading about that tree falling. Very sad to know it's gone. LOL I'd probably do a lot of eating too if we ever make it to Sicily.

      thanks for stopping by


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