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It Comes From Everywhere - #MFRWauthor

Here we are at week 14 of the #MFRWauthor blog hop. This week's topic is all about our story inspiration.

Ideas for stories can come from anywhere. For my first book the idea was based on a prompt. If you guys remember when we talked about hobbies, I mentioned that playing The Sims 3 is what lead me into writing. Fiendish came to life because of that game. The online group I was a part of had the challenge to take a well known fairytale and put our own adult spin on it.

Once I narrowed down which fairytale I wanted to take on, thinking up the twist took a little time. The idea behind Beauty and The Beast is simple, handsome prince/man cursed because of his 'ugly' nature and he needed true love to make him 'human' again. For a while I thought about having the 'beast' be the female instead to try something different then I decided against having beast be disfigured at all. What if the challenge wasn't learning to love someone 'ugly' on the outside but instead learning to love someone who is a true 'beast' in actions, behavior, personality. Could love really change someone like that?

For Not Broken, the idea came from writing Fiendish. I put Calida through hell in that book and thought she needed her happy ending.

Picture source:

During week 11 I discussed my writing process, or lack thereof. I'm a pantser. Ideas hit me and I go from there. Listening to the radio is a big way to get ideas in my head. I recently heard Lady GaGa's "Million Reasons" and got a story idea for a possible later project.

I was watching TV the other night and a commercial came on for an IVF clinic. Story idea popped into my head. For that one a title, character names, some of their backgrounds all came along too. I even started writing out the first couple of paragraphs for the first chapter. That one might be my project for Nano in November because I actually started planning, or attempting to plan, out some things I want for that story. 

If I ever were to attempt a YA book, I'd do one on the high school band, focusing on the color guard. It's something my daughter did when she was in high school. There are always books about the football players and cheerleaders, but there are many more options to consider. 

I keep a small memo pad in my purse so I can jot down ideas if something hits me while I'm out and about. There's a vast world around us and idea literally can come from anything. The smallest incident can spark an entire novel. The possibilities are really endless.

So how about you? What is the strangest thing you've encountered that sparked a story idea?

Thanks for stopping by and be sure to check out the inspiration behind the other participants stories.


  1. I love the idea of "twisting" a fairy tale! Great post, Meka.

    1. Thanks. It was a fun take to put on a story.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks. Coming up with something new isn't easy.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. Part of it, I believe, is that fiction writers think in stories, so it comes naturally to create stories from small sparks we encounter in every day life.

    1. Very true. We can make stories out of any situation. Sometimes it's hard to shut that off, but it's a handy thing to do.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. Everything is source material, that is so true. You never know when and where an idea will emerge. I always carry a journal and pens, just in case and keep them by my bed and in various places around the house.

    1. Yep. It certainly gives an interesting look on the world when you think of everything as a story possibility. I don't keep one by my bed but I should since some do come to me when I'm trying to sleep.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. Thank heavens for sticky notes and memo pads. I like your fairy tale twist!

    1. yes, they come in handy for sure. And thank you. It was a fun project.

      thanks for stopping by

  6. Sims 3, eh? You clearly invested your electronic creations with a lot of life. As a former high school band member, I approve of your idea for a YA tale.

    I didn’t see where to sign up for the linky list, but here’s my inspiration.

    1. Yep. It's the only game I play but it's a lot of fun. LOL Glad you approve of my YA idea. I'm not sure if I'll ever write it, but we'll see what the future holds.

      Yeah if not for Peggy's blog I wouldn't have found the linky list. They moved it.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. As a former member of a HS color guard....I'm looking forward to seeing what tale you spin!

    1. Oh no, the pressure might me on now. LOL I did color guard many moons ago in high school too which is why she tried it. Getting into the head of teens sounds scary but maybe I'll be up for the task

      thanks for stopping by


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