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IWSG #14 - The Story So Far

New month means new post for the IWSG blog hop. In hindsight I should have done this post last month since it was the halfway point for the year, but yeah I don't plan things, not even proper blog posts.

If you've been a following along with my blog, then you know at the beginning of the year I set some goals for myself. If you're just joining me, you can read about those goals HERE.

Because I did set goals, I figured the mid point of the year would be a good time to check in to see how I'm doing with accomplishing the things I set out to accomplish. So how many things have been crossed off my small to-do list you may ask. Well, sadly the answer would be ZERO. Nothing, nada, a big ol' goose egg.

Wait, no, I take that back. I can probably cross off #2 on my list: Increase my presence on social media. Partially anyway. My Twitter usage and presence has increased. I'm still participating in the monthly hashtag games. I've gained more followers and found new people to follow. I chat with others about like-minded things and have started making connections that have nothing to do with trying to sell my book. I even took part in starting an accidental hashtag trend that has gained a small following of other #turtlewriters that support each other in our slow process of working on our projects. As for the other parts of getting involved in social media, well those have been a struggle and I admit to letting my dedication to trying drop off. Something I need to rectify. My blog and website remodels are also still on my to-do list. I did change my blog, but since I'm not 100% happy with it, I consider it still a WIP.

Not Broken remains a WIP, but it's close-ish (I think) to being done. Then the fun part of revisions and such begin. While I hoped to have it done by now, I do feel confident I'll have it out before the end of the year. However, as it nears completion, some of those other worries start to creep in. I've talked about my struggles with finding and keeping critique partners and beta readers so the idea of having to face those same possible struggles with Not Broken isn't something I look forward too.

For the remaining items on my list, well the NaNo I can't really do much about until November. I didn't opt to do any of the camps because I wanted to focus on finishing Not Broken first and not distract from that. I guess when that times comes I'll be knocking out all three in a way with one stone. The next project I'm thinking of working on will be my focus for NaNo. I like being able to double dip.

So that's if for now. Not a whole lot to report. I'd hoped I'd have more to show at this time of the year, but it is what it is. I'm continuing to push forward because I'm determined to get things done.

This month's optional question: What valuable lesson have you learned since you started writing?

~There have been a few, but the biggest one for me is to keep learning. Never think you know it all or you've 'mastered' anything. Closing yourself off to new ways of thinking or doing things can possibly lead to being limited in what you can accomplish.

Thank you to our co-hosts this week:
Tamara Narayan, Pat Hatt, Patricia Lynne, Juneta Key, and Doreen McGettigan!

Thanks for stopping by


  1. Keep plugging away. Never give up. Never surrender. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I'm trying to keep my head up and moving forward.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. Count your successes before tallying your failures...and a failure is only a failure when you stop trying. =) Best of wishes with your list, but hey, if it's gets overwhelming or seems like too much, it probably is.

    1. :) Thanks Crystal. I am trying to keep a positive outlook on things. I made a short list this year so I wouldn't overwhelm myself. LOL Set the bar low.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. It's okay that you haven't accomplished all your goals yet--keep at it! Slow and steady wins the race, after all. All you gotta do is make sure you stay in the race.

    1. It's been slow going, but I'm still moving forward so I count that as a win. Slow and steady does win the race. I did give up for a while, but I'm back on track now.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. #turtlewriters sounds like a great chat. I'm going to have to look in to that. Tahnks for sharing! And keep plugging away at your goals. Slow and steady wins the race. :)

    1. Oh my. Megan and I said the same thing. lol

    2. Yep. The #turtlewriters is just what I needed. We don't move fast, but still keep aiming for our goals. The chat runs weekly because those hour long ones can be a lot to keep up with.

      LOL What's the saying about great minds thinking alike? You and Megan were on the same wave length.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. Small steps is a forward movement. Congrats on your successes.
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

    1. Little by little and try not to get overwhelmed. That's my goal. I want it done before the year ends, so we'll see how I manage.

      thanks for stopping by

  6. Are you a member of the Facebook group, too? When you are ready, that would be a great place to do a shout-out for critique partners.

    1. Yes, ma'am I am. :) I'll try to reach out for CP partners there and see if I can find any takers.

      Thanks for stopping by

  7. I set goals at the beginning of the year too and by February, I have forgotten them. The plus side to that is at the end of the year when I go look back I'm usually surprised at what I accomplished. XD

    1. This is the first time I've set goals. I'm not trying to put too much pressure on myself and started low. Hopefully when I get to the end of the year I'll have some things accomplished.

      thanks for stopping by

  8. It sounds like you're making great progress. Although, I'm not on Twitter, I like the idea of your turtle chats where you can discuss an issue throughout the week.

    1. :) Thank you. I don't feel like I'm really making headway but I guess I am on some level. Yes, the turtle chat has picked up. Not having the pressure of an hour long sprint.

      thanks for stopping by

  9. Congratulations on finishing Not Broken! I love your tip of keep learning and don't close yourself off to experimentation in writing. I always wondered what #turtlewriters was. It's a cute name. You say it's a twitter chat on Sundays? What time?

    Keep smiling,

    1. Thank you. Yes always learning. I know there is much out there to learn so I'm always open to new things. The #turtlewriters puts up the new topic each Sunday and you have all week to chime in and answer that. We decided it was less pressure that way.

      thanks for stopping by

  10. We never stop learning.
    I always tell my students that I learn something new every day, and will continue to do so, until I go to my grave.
    Some of them (lazy ones) look at me strangely. LOL.
    Good luck with your list!

    1. It's an important thing to keep learning and moving forward. LOL I can imagine the lazy ones will give you that look. They want to do just what is required and not a bit more. Hopefully I can get through this list.

      thanks for stopping by

  11. I think you're accomplishing great things, and bravo for using social media for something other than sales pitches. You'll get much better results that way.

    1. Thank you! Doesn't feel like it sometimes, but that's probably because I look at only the negative mostly. LOL Yes I've been doing better with social media. Twitter mostly, but trying to learn Instagram. It's been good to interact and connect with people.

      thanks for stopping by


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