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Happy Everything - #MFRWauthor

Another week. Another post for the #MFRWauthor blog hop. We have talked about other things we enjoy over the course of this hop. This week isn't any different. This topic is all about holidays, more importantly our favorite holiday.

So this post will be a whole lot lighter than last week's for sure. I like holidays. They're fun. They bring family together. It's what they are all about.

Holidays are about time with family. On a whole it would be nice to say that we spend more time with our extended families, but that's not always the case. My family and I like to get together and hang out. Good food. Good drinks. And good times. It's what we do.

We all lead busy lives so it's not possible to get together as often as we'd like so we use the holidays to do that. The husband loves to barbecue and he'll do it for most occasions, even Christmas and Thanksgiving. Seriously, the man has perfected the smoked turkey and it's delicious!

Most of the get togethers are done at my house. I hate the clean up afterwards, but it's worth it. Each holiday we get to spend together is made more special since my aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer. She went into remission once, but since it came back each day, each get together we get to have is more special.

Certain holidays are important because there are only certain foods that you eat during those times. My daughter gets really excited for the dressing. My sister is a fan of the cranberry sauce. She's the weirdo.

Either way, for this post I'm cheating a little. I can't narrow down just one holiday.

So what is your favorite holiday?

Be sure to check out the other authors on the hop.

Thanks for stopping by


  1. I agree that the best part is just having everyone together, it makes the clean up worth it. :)

    1. Getting together is always fun in my family. We have started doing things pot luck style so that helps with the clean up.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. Family and friends really are what holidays are all about. I enjoyed your post :)

    1. yes. Being with family makes them special no matter what we're celebrating at the time.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. I do enjoy hosting holiday parties:) We moved into our new home last fall, so Christmas and Thanksgiving were pitch-in style, lol!

    1. Of my siblings, I'm the more settled one (having a house) so most holidays are spent at my place because of it. Sometimes we go to my aunt (mentioned in post) depending on how she feels. Everyone does pitch in to help so it's never a large mess to clean.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. I love food holidays too. How great that your husband likes to barbecue! The party is more fun when the work is shared.

    1. Yes, the food is the best. He will barbecue all year round if he could. We never say no to what he wants to fix on the grill. A lot of the time we handle things pot luck style so all the work doesn't fall on one person.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. It's a good thing when you can't decide on one holiday because they're all so much fun!

    1. yeah picking one was hard so I cheated this week. LOL

      thanks for stopping by

  6. Thank you. It was a little lackluster this week. Family was in town so I was a little distracted.

    thanks for stopping by

  7. Food definitely makes each holiday special. I love a Thanksgiving turkey.

    1. Yes it does. We like to eat and just hang out together.

      thanks for stopping by

  8. I only eat turkey and the trimmings on Thanksgiving, for some reason, so some holidays are extra-special because you look forward to all the yummy food, too.


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