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The More The Merrier - #MFRWauthor

Time is moving right along with the #MFRWauthor blog hop. Hard to believe we are at week 30. This week's topic is again about making me choose something. Although, unlike other weeks, this one isn't so hard. Books come in a variety of formats these days, so which do I like?

For me the chose was easy, between Ebook, paperback, or audio, my first choice will be Ebook. It's about convenience and options for me. I have a slight problem of buying books when they are on sale. My device is full of $0.99 or free books because I can't resist free.

I don't have a Kindle or Nook, instead I had a generic tablet that allowed me to have both apps. I've recently 'borrowed' my daughter's old Ipad mini since my tablet started running slow. I like having the electronic option because that means I can bring as many books with me as I want on either platform and never have to worry about running out of reading material.

That brings me to the ease of travel factor. A few years back we were in AZ for Christmas with my in-laws. My mother in law loves to read and was talking about one of her friends who had an ereader. She was so excited about the idea of having one so that when she did travel (they don't often) she wouldn't have to pick and choose which books to bring. Only so much space allowed. Plus she like that it had it's own light. Before she had a little flashlight she'd use when reading in bed so she didn't disturb my father in law who goes to bed really early. On the downside my mother in law isn't very tech savvy, so trying to figure out an option for her wasn't easy. I went with the Nook Simple or whatever it's called. She loved it. It was easy to use, no extra bells and whistles, perfect for her. She said it made life so much easier with being able to fit it in her purse without hassle.

I'm all about finding ways to make my life easier and using an ereader does that for me.

That doesn't mean I don't enjoy holding a real book in my hands.
Photo source:

The ease and convenience of the ereader is great, but there is something truly special about holding the book in your hands.

When I went to publish my first book I did opt to have a paperback version. I was fully aware that not many of those would be sold and honestly I think only two have been bought that weren't by me. I had to have paperback for the Goodreads giveaway. My younger sister and a close friend both told me they bought the paperback. Neither of them are fans of ebooks so wanted the physical thing to hold.

For my next book I plan on doing the same thing for the same reasons. Not to mention I still get a special feeling seeing my own book in actual print.

The one type I'm not fond of would be audiobooks. Maybe it's the type of books I read, or my growing aversion to hearing people's voices, but having books read to me isn't something I've been able to get into. And for clarification on the voices, that's thanks to my sons who discovered gamers on YouTube and the voices have grated on my nerves all summer. Regardless when I read I like to find a quiet corner and just lose myself in the book. Having a voice in my ear distracts from that.

So there you have it. What is your preferred method of reading? Be sure to check out the other authors in the hop to find out theirs.

Thanks for stopping by


  1. I am the same way about having the light in an ebook- so much easier to read at night! Plus I love holding a paperback. Great post!

    1. The light has made a world of difference for my mother in law. She can now read without any hassle at night. Paperbacks will always hold a special place. Nothing beats the feel of the actual book.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. One of the things that made me saddest when I first started releasing my backlist on Kindle was the fact that I couldn't have a print copy of the updated boo with the new cover on my physical shelves. So glad I can do that now. Besides, I have many friends who still resist using an ereader. Options are always good :)

    1. Oh that is a bummer Sherry. Things are made easier over time and I'm glad you're able to get your updated books now. My sister and friend both resist the ereader. The cost is higher on my end to do a paperback, but I want them to have those options.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. I love the convenience as well. I downloaded the kindle app on my smart phone so whatever is in my cloud is on there as well.

    1. Convenience can't be beat. I didn't use the app on my phone until we went to Hershey in March. I didn't bring my tablet to the spa so read on my phone in between treatments. It was nice to have that option.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. It's interesting (and good to know) that the print versions don't sell so well. I think the electronic version probably sells better because it's instant gratification. You don't have to go to the store if you run out of books (which, for me, is not likely in this lifetime, lol).

    1. Well they didn't for me. The case could be (and probably is) different for others. Electronic is faster and cheaper than the print so for unknowns like myself, there's less risk of spending more on a book you may not like. Access to books is much easier now with the ereader. I'm always buying more even before I read the ones I already have.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. It was sweet of you to get your MIL the Nook. As far as traveling, I love the choice of having all my books with me on a tablet. Sometimes I'm reading more than one. It's so much easier to carry a tablet instead of a few books. I do love holding a print book in my hands for all the reasons most other readers say, but I can't read that text size anymore.

    1. I could tell she was really into the idea of one so it was just a matter of finding the right fit for her. She still loves her Nook. Exactly. I went to NY last month for my nephew's graduation. Even with having books on my tablet, I sat at the airport buying more so I could have something to read on the trip. The text size is a problem in some books so I can understand that struggle.

      thanks for stopping by

  6. I agree with all of your points about travel convenience and ease of reading in bed without disturbing the spouse. Also about glomming on to a few too many free and 99c books!

    1. LOL those free and $0.99 books are too addicting even knowing I won't be able to read them all. One day when I win the lotto and I have nothing but free time on my hands maybe then I'll get through all the books.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. I'm an e-book reader, too, for a lot of the same reasons you mentioned. It's really great for travel! I have started listening to audiobooks, but mainly in the car. Listening keeps me calm when the SoCal traffic slows to a crawl. Now I don't care how long it takes to get somewhere because I'm being entertained by a book! Technology can be wonderful.

    1. It is great for travel. I can see how having something like a book you're interested in help you while in traffic. People need all the happy thoughts they can get while stuck.

      thanks for stopping by

  8. How wonderful that your MIL is a reader! So many options for gifts!

    1. Yes. She was very happy to get it and still uses it almost daily. Now it's easy to buy her B&N gift cards for other holidays so she can buy more books. We got her a new cover this last year.

      thanks for stopping by

  9. You're right that there is thrill to seeing your own book in print.

    1. Yes there is a thrill. I'm looking forward to my next one now.

      thanks for stopping by


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