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Call Me Evel Knievel -#MFRWauthor

So here we are with week 7 of #MFRWauthor. I did this hop last year. I came in late, like week 4 or 5, but didn't miss any after that.

That being said, one of the topics covered then was the same as this week. A few things went through my head when I saw this. I thought about skipping since I'd already done it. Then I thought about cheating, and simply linking last year's post to show my list.

Instead, I decided to come up with five new things. Daredevil type things, because why not? Gives me something new to talk about and gets me out of my comfort zone and always playing it safe. Now I'm not likely to ever do ANY of these things, but anything is possible right?

So in no particular order:

1) Skydive-The husband has done this. Once. In his youth and before me. I always say, "why would anyone jump out a perfectly good plane" to which he replies the plane isn't that good. LOL He said you have 'training' and such before they just take you up, and he had fun. It's a real rush according to him.

2) Scuba dive-When we got married, we honeymooned in Jamaica. For me 'in theory' scuba diving sounds like a fun thing. You could even take lessons at the hotel for a beginner dive and I thought about it. But the kicker? I have a fear of drowning. We tried to start small and go snorkling and I clung to the side of the boat. LOL Surrounded by that much water, nope wasn't my thing. But scuba diving always looks so good on TV.

Photo source:
3) Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge - This one required a picture in case you aren't aware of what it is. Yes, what you're seeing is correct. It's a glass bridge tourist attraction that spans across a canyon. Along with my fear of drowning, I'm not a fan of heights either, so yeah...this = TERRIFYING!!!!

4) Eat something 'unusual'-Now you're probably wondering what I mean by unusual. This isn't just trying new things, this is going WAY outside the box. I love the show Bizarre Food with Andrew Zimmeran. He travels the country exploring foods of that country and the culture within. This man has eaten some very strange things. Like VERY, VERY strange. His saying: "If it looks good, eat it." Well, not everything he eats looks good, but this list is all about going big or going home. I don't know exactly what I'd eat, so this is more open ended.

5) The final was a toss up between ride one of the worlds tallest roller coasters or swim with sharks. Inside one of those steel cages of course. Both factor in my two biggest fears. Is it a cheat to say both? That's really six things, but bending the rules is what I do (sometimes).

Either way, all done. Five (6) brand new things for my 'bucket' list. Do you have any wild and crazy things on your bucket list? Stop by and see what the other authors have on theirs.

Until next time,


  1. I'd walk the bridge but pass on everything else. Definitely not a daredevil.

    1. LOL I'm not really one either, but it's a go big or go home deal.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. You and I can go skydiving together!

    1. yes we can! I would need someone there to hold my hand.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. More skydivers? It seems that I really am a chicken, lol.

    1. hahaha I'm chicken too, so putting it on the list still leaves actually doing it.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. I'm not a fan of bridges and heights. You wouldn't catch me on the Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge. I have walked across the glass Sundial Bridge in California multiple times. It isn't very high. Have you seen the Grand Canyon Skywalk? Shuddering! You have a fun list.

    1. That glass bridge is crazy! Like super scary that's for sure. Thanks for the link. I've never heard of that bridge but it doesn't look as scary. Oh no, I didn't know they had a sky walk at Grand Canyon. It's been years since I've been there.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. I would do it all but the eating something strange.I am not sure about that. The glass bridge again is a possibility but I am not a fan of bridges. You are quite the daredevil and I am a rule bender as well LOL

    1. hahaha the eating. Man, Andrew eats some of the strangest stuff! I wanted to do something different since we covered this topic last year. If this is a bucket list, best time to get out of your comfort zone right?

      thanks for stopping by

  6. I made it across the Capilano Suspension Bridge in Canada ONLY because my 2 y/o darted out without fear, behind her brother. I HAD to suck it up and go after them, lol! I don't have a fear of heights; my fear is falling. My family likes to joke that I can go up, but have issues coming DOWN.

    1. OMG!!! Your 2 yr old. I think I would have had a heart attack if one of my kids had done that. Yes. I agree, the fear of falling is the real issue.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. I'd scuba dive and walk the bridge, but there's no way I'd eat one of those Bizarre Foods (or skydive). Love your list!

    1. hahah the Bizarre food one is really scary. He eats some strange stuff.

      Glad you liked the list.

      thanks for stopping by

  8. Interesting take on the list. I've seen the glass terrace at the Grand Canyon and even that didn't intrigue me. No heights, no deep blue.

    1. Thank you. I needed to do something a little different this time around. If we ever take the kids back to the Grand Canyon we'll have to check out the bridge.

      thanks for stopping by


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