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The Five People You Meet - #MFRWauthor

Welcome to another week of the #MFRWauthor blog hop. Week six and we're talking author meetings. The first thing that popped into my head looking at the topic was that book by Mitch Albom.

I'm not really a fan of these kinds of questions because I never quite know how I should answer. I feel like I should come across all scholarly and smarticals (it's a word! hahaha) but yeah...that's not me. Then there's the issue of being limited. Why only five? But you aren't here to read about me questioning the question, you want an answer.

Let's try to do this.

What five authors, dead or alive, would I like to meet?


I don't think that one really needs much in the way of reasons why.


Now if you've been around my blog, you know I've not read Harry Potter. (I'll wait for the shock and gasps to die down.) That's not to say my dollars haven't been spent on it. My oldest nephew loved the books and I bought them for him with each release. Even though I've not read her work, what I've heard about her over the years makes her someone I'd like to sit and talk with. 


He's a man that's stood the test of times. He writes stories he wants to writes and with me being on the wordier side, I love that his books are long. So much talk about word counts and conforming...yeah him and his thick books make the list.


Alan Moore may be the least known on my list. He is the author behind the graphic novel, V for Vendetta. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that movie. I still kick myself for not buying the box set, complete with the Guy Fawke's mask, years back when I was at Barnes & Noble. I've not been able to find it since, but I keep looking. 


Okay the last one is a bit of a cheat, but really this has been hard. Anyway I would like to one day meet the authors of my support system. There are a lot of people I've connected with online that I would love to meet in person. Some are published, some aren't, but the question didn't specify so I'm rolling with it.

PLOT TWIST (not really) I'll get to meet some of them in July at the RWA conference!! I'm excited, it'll be my first time attending a conference of any kind plus I get to meet some of the ladies from my CP group. 

Whew! I did it. So what authors would you like to meet? Be sure to check out the other authors on the hop to see what their selections are.

Until next time


  1. Interesting list and have a great time at the conference. Wear comfortable shoes :)

    1. It wasn't easy to come up with names, but I worked it out. I'm all about comfort. LOL I'm sure most of my time will be spent in tennis shoes.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. *whispers* I haven't read Harry Potter either. Don't worry, you're not alone!

    I'd love to meet Alan Moore as well! V For Vendetta was fantastic to watch, and fascinating. Talking to him about it would be amazing!

    1. hahaha yay, I'm not alone. Sometimes I get the oddest looks when I admit that.

      WOOT! Another V For Vendetta fan!!! I was watching it over the weekend. It would be amazing to talk to him about why he created it, and everything that went on behind it.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. That's a great list. Your top 3 would probably be mine, too. (Also, I've never read the HP series either.)

    1. Thank you. LOL feeling better about not having read HP.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. *raises hand* I've read the original 7, plus seen the movies with my kids, and I'd love to meet JK and express my sorrow about certain sub-plots ending on the cutting room floor:)

    1. I don't think I've even watched one of the movies from start to finish. I've seen bits and pieces and know of the HP world but I never got into it. My nephew loved it though as did my daughter.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. Thanks for sharing, and have a wonderful time at the conference!

    1. I'm excited to be going. My first conference ever! I'm starting to feel all official. LOL

      thanks for stopping by

    2. I love Maya Angelou and don't know why I didn't add her to my top five. Too many favorites to choose from. Have fun at the RWA Conference.


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