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Do I Have To? - #MFRWauthor

I can NOT believe this is week 51 of the #MFRWauthor blog hop. The year will be over in one short week. And what a year it's been. Before getting into this week's topic, I want to apologize to the other authors on the hop for not making my rounds last week. It was a rough one after losing my aunt so I was seriously doing the bare minimum in other areas while dealing with family. I am going to go back and read all the entries, it'll just take a while.

So this week's topic wants me to do the one thing I don't entirely feel comfortable doing. GIVE ADVICE. Everywhere you look, all over social media there are people blogging about writing advice. Telling you the way it 'should' be done. You have coaches, and experts, and there is just so much noise surrounding writing advice.

Guess you can say it makes me feel a little like the Grinch at times. In fact, a month or so ago, I saw a post on my Twitter feed about a blog post spouting off how first person POV should die and never be used again. REALLY? Just because it's not your preference there is no need to sit on a soap box and declare it the worst thing in existence. It irked me! Same when people say you HAVE to write everyday. Why? That doesn't work for some people and shaming them because they can't isn't helpful. My personal 'favorite' - all first drafts are crap=nails on chalkboard!

Let's not even get started on the pantser vs. plotter debate. Seriously why can't we all just accept that what works for one does not work for all?

So what advice does a person like me give to 'new' writers? Especially since I still consider myself new? Well, I'm going back to week 39, Words to live by.

Know that your way is just that, YOUR WAY! Don't strive to be the next whoever, strive to be the first you. Seriously. Only you can tell the story you want to tell. You have to find your groove and a pattern that fits your life, your vision, and your writing style. Don't let some 'expert' tell you there is only one way to be a writer. There's not. No two people write their stories the same way. While some may use similar techniques, their journeys will still be their own. Don't get hung up on all the background noise, and try to focus on telling your story. That *to me* is the most important step in the process.

That's it for me. Do you have any words of wisdom for new authors? Be sure to check out what the others on the hop have to say

From my family to yours...

Until next time


  1. No need to apologize for not hopping. As someone who does it when I can, I get it. Really get it. Your post is similar to mine--everyone just needs to find their own way that works for them. Good post. Great writing peeves.

    1. Thank you. I meant to do it that week, but as you can imagine it was a super hectic and emotional week. Everyone does need to find their own way. Getting feedback and advice isn't a bad thing, just don't try to take everything to heart and lose your voice in the process.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. Great post. I especially liked "Your Way." when I critique I always include a similar statement, that my thoughts are suggestions and tell the person it is their story, their voice, their way.

    1. Yep! I never say anything is a 'must' or 'required' all my feedback on beta reading is suggestions to taken as the author sees fit. Some stuff may work, others might not be right for the story.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. No need to go back and comment! And I agree with you totally--in writing, do it your way is the best policy. All my first drafts ARE crap, LOL, but I have a writer friend who does one draft. Yipes! Have a great Christmas, Meka!

    1. I don't do one draft, I can't even imagine, but I do try and get it as close to perfect as I can. That being the story I want to tell overall, not all the added grammar edits and such. There is always tweaking to enhance the story, but so far I've not had to do a major overhaul to where the first draft is drastically different from the final product.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. When I read articles and books about writing (which I do a lot), I'm often impressed and a bit envious at the writer's ability to codify something that's helpful and sounds original. I feel like I've had so few original thoughts myself. Instead, I just kind of slog away. So you aren't alone, Meka.

    1. Sounding original is an important thing. Yes the story idea (in it's basic form) could have been told before or what-not. The difference is the writer and the spin they put on it.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. Replies
    1. Merry Christmas to you as well

      thanks for stopping by

  6. Great advice Meka- and I love first person POV! :)

    1. Thank you. :) I'm fond of first person myself. My first two stories were written that way. I'm attempting 3rd now just to change things up.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. I'm so sorry for your loss, Meka - hugs to you. And, you're spot on - be true to yourself as an author. What works for one doesn't work for someone else.

    1. Thank you. It's been a difficult time but we've come together as a family to get through it.

      Exactly. We are not all the same and our writing process wouldn't be either

      thanks for stopping by

  8. Thanks, Meka. Again, we share the same feelings about the topic and seem to agree on how it should be handled ;-) Your remarks are witty yet true, "there is just so much noise surrounding writing advice." but don't feel bad that you had to talk about something you're not comfortable with because your words helped!

    1. :) Thank you. It really gets to the point when I start to roll my eyes at all the 'advice' floating around. Seems the big thing these days is to have some sort of 'how-to' blog spouting off all the same advice everyone else is. Hence all the noise.

      I'm glad my words helped. :)

      thanks for stopping by

  9. We're all individuals and have to do everything in life the way it works for us. Writing is no different. I'm so sorry for your loss, Meka.

    1. Yep! If people ask me how I do things, I happily tell them, but in no way do I make it out like my way is the best way. It's the way that works for me.

      And thank you. It's been hard, but we are getting through it.

      thanks for stopping by


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