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What's Next? - #MFRWauthor

Can you believe it? This is the final Friday of 2017 and the final #MFRWauthor blog post of the year. I didn't do the full 52 weeks, I started at week 4, but never missed a post after that. I count that as a win to having been consistent from that point til the end.
The final topic for this year: New Year's Resolutions. Those are something I don't make. I have in the past, but always failed (personal ones). Writing related, well heading into 2017 I did my first ever set of goals for the year and since I was planning a follow up post to that as well as a look ahead, that's what this will be.

 I made posts HERE and Here talking about my goals and plans for 2017. But if you don't want to read those the list was as follows:

  1. Publish Not Broken
  2. Increase my social media presence
  3. Write a novella
  4. Start on my third book
  5. Participate in NaNo
The second post really laid out how I planned to (ideally) accomplish  these things.

So how did I do? 

  • Well, Not Broken was released on Thanksgiving of this year! That was my main goal for 2017 so I was thrilled to make it. 
  • As for my social media presence, well that has gone up. I've made some real connections with people on Twitter thanks to the hashtag games and general interacting. Instagram is still a mystery to me, but one I'll continue to try and understand. The YA authors seems to have a vast network on there, it's kind of amazing. I just need to figure out how to find that same one within the romance community. I've not grown my blog followers as much as I'd have liked. I think I only added one or two new ones all year. Blogger doesn't tell me how many are subscribed via email. I'm sure there's a way to figure it out, but I haven't tried. So followers are low, but I keep blogging anyway. This hop has been great to meet other authors and connect with them so still a win. I've not done Pintrest, maybe 2018. And Tumblr...yeah that's like really screaming into an empty cavern.
  • Write a novella. It's been started, but it's not complete. Actually I have three novellas started, but only one is nearly done and will me my first release of 2018. I'm about 30k in on words thinking I'll finish round the mid 40's. 
  • Start my third book, well that goes with the novella so count that as done. It's been started. I also have my third full length book started. That leads us in to the final thing on my list.  
  • I did participate in NaNo. Notice how I didn't say 'win' it. I can't just word 'vomit' so NaNo was hard for me. I need to think about things, get the scenes and dialogue right, or as close to right as I can. The pressure writing of hitting a word count doesn't work for me. I however did manage 20,451 new words, they were split between my full length, and the novella, but they were words nonetheless.

Now to look ahead. What's next for me in 2018?

I don't want to over extend myself or put unnecessary additional pressures on me. I do it enough as is, so my goals will be simple just like last year.

  1. Publish two books
  2. Establish my 'publisher' name
  3. Grow my fan base
  4. Read all 25 books I bought

Again keeping it simple. I feel like I a good chance at hitting at least half of these, but we'll see. If I keep up the pace with my novella, I might have it ready mid to late March (don't hold me to that). The publisher name, I'm just trying to figure out what is the best between the LLC, DBA, or Sole Proprietor thing. Growing of my fan base, best way to do that is write more books. I'm slow, not sure I can speed up too much, but novellas will help. (I hope) Lastly, the 25 books. On Twitter Melanie Thurlow did a thing called #DecTheShelves where participates bought one Indie author book a day from Dec. 1-25th. Being an Indie author, I took part so that I could help support other Indies.

That's if for me. What are some of your goals for the coming year. Be sure to check out the other authors on this final post of 2017 to see what they have planned for 2018.

Until next time


  1. Sounds like a do-able list of goals for the coming year. Good luck with all of them, and all the best in 2018!

    1. Thank you. I have to keep it sweet and simple so I don't overwhelm myself.

      thanks for stopping by and best wishes in the new year.

  2. It sounds like a list you'll be able to accomplish. I aim to make time for all the pleasure reading I am behind on. Happy New Year.

    1. Simple is a great way to go. It helps me both stretch, and achieve. Congratulations on finishing and publishing Not Broken. That is huge. Have a happy, healthy and prolific new year.

    2. @Mary: Good luck with the reading! I hope you're able to get as much in as you want. Have a happy and wonderful new year.

      @Shari: Yep, sweet and simple. Best way for me since I don't work well under pressure. LOL Thank you! Getting Not Broken done means a lot to me so I'm happy to have it completed and out in the world. Thanks for stopping by and best wishes in the new year!

  3. Simple can often be the best way. Congratulations on what you accomplished in 2017 and wishes for much more in 2018. Getting a book out is huge. Good job.

    1. I completely agree. Makes it manageable that way. Thank you! Getting the book out means a lot to me so I'm happy it worked out finally. Hope you have a wonderful and joyous new year.

      Thanks for stopping by

  4. I also took part in the #DecTheShelves challenge and picked up 25 books written by indie authors. My aim is to read and review all 25 by this time next year!

    1. Oh fun! That's my aim as well, to read and review all 25 books. We'll see how that works out. Good luck to you.
      Hope you have a wonderful 2018!

      thanks for stopping by

  5. I'm glad that, as a writer, you had publishing the books as your #1 priority!

    1. :D Yes! That is my #1 writerly goal. The best way to build up that fan base is to give them books they'll (hopefully) love.

      Have a wonderful new year
      Thanks for stopping by

  6. Congrats on everything you've accomplished in 2017. It sounds like you're set up to achieve everything in 2018, too - good luck. And, congrats on posting on the blog challenge every week since you started - it's tougher than it seems, isn't it? Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you!! I keep my plans simple so they are more attainable. Keeping up with the blog post each week was a challenge, but fun. Kept my blog active after it spent so long collecting dust. Now just need to build up a following.

      Hope you have a happy and wonderful 2018
      thanks for stopping by

  7. Great job on accomplishing what you have in 2017 and the best of luck for a wonderful 2018!!

    1. Thank you Valarie! It's been a crazy year, and I'm hoping for a somewhat quieter year in 2018.

      Best wishes to you in the new year!

      Thanks for stopping by

  8. Those are great goals, Meka. It took me a while to figure out the publisher name thing too, so best of luck with that. I went with a DBA because my state (California) has a mandatory minimum $800/year tax when you incorporate. It's been great getting to know you through these blogs. Best of luck in 2018!

    1. Thank you. Hopefully I can stick to them. I'm thinking I'll simply go with a DBA since it's just me and from what I looked up online, it's the simplest way to go about things. Best of luck to you as well in 2018. Hope to see you around.

      thanks for stopping by


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