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Music Monday: Glorious

Hello! Welcome back to another Music Monday. This is my NaNo wrap up post.

So the big question, How did I do? Did I win? (sorry guess that's two) Anyway the answer to the question is, no I did not win. I didn't make it to that coveted 50,000 word mark. To be honest I never had any illusions that I would. I'm a #turtlewriter that means I'm slow by nature. Trying to 'word vomit' so fast in one month goes against my entire process.

That being said I did managed to write 20,451 new words last month. That's not too shabby for a slow poke like me. I managed to start and get an idea of my characters for my next full length novel. I also made more progress with my first ever novella (which is sitting at around 23k currently). In an ideal world, I'd finish the novella this month, but who knows.

I'm not bummed at not hitting the 50k. I made progress and that's good for me. I have plans, I'm hopeful going into the final month of the year. Things are "Glorious".

For the final NaNo music selection, I made it about me instead of my WIP. I wanted an uplifting song that matched my outlook on things currently. Moving forward and doing my thing.

If you tackled NaNo, how did you do?

Thanks for stopping by
Until next time

"Glorious" by Macklemore feat. Skylar Grey


  1. Congrats on making it to ~20k words! You're one rocking turtle writer. I'm a slow writer myself and so rather write words I'll actually keep than the ones I'll throw because of word vomit to reach 50k words. Tried it before and it didn't work for me. It's not in me to be a hare.
    My upbeat/uplift song is "No Diggity" by Blackstreet.

    1. Thank you!! Wasn't as much as I wanted, but I'll take it. Yep, I don't like the 'word vomit' thing. I know the first draft isn't 'perfect' but it also doesn't have to be 'crap'. I try to make the words I put down be necessary and less likely to be cut entirely.

      I like that song! Thanks for sharing.

      thanks for stopping by


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