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Something Profound? - #MFRWauthor

Week 39 of the #MFRWauthor blog hop. I can't believe I've managed to stick with this thing for all this time. Some weeks have been harder than others. This is one of those hard weeks.

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I'm not one for advice, or profound statements. I don't have deep words of wisdom that help guide me in my daily life. This week's topic will be hard if I'm trying to stay away from all those cliche sayings you hear all the time.

So after thinking, and pondering on what words of wisdom I could state for this post, bit boiled down to two little words.

DO YOU! Trying to fit into a mold is exhausting. It smothers your real potential and leaves you adrift at connecting with who you are. 

If it makes you happy to eat potato chips with ice cream, do it. 

If it makes you happy to wear colorful, mismatched sock. go for it. 

Quirks are fun. They add to your personality. Why stifle that because it's not the "norm?"

As a writer, I like to give my characters little things like that so that it makes them real. Unique. Individual. 

In school, I was never part of the "cool" kids or "in crowd," but I had a group of friends I connected with. They got me, and I got them. I was good. I watched my daughter struggle through high school. She wanted to "fit in" and be like the other girls. Being biracial, she always felt on the outside. Not white. Not black. No real place to call "home" so to speak. She was the opposite of me. She really wanted to get invited to parties or to hang out with the group, but it didn't happen. She found friends, but there were always something that left her feeling not quite right.

She's an adult now, smart, college graduate, and working a full-time job. Even though she's accomplished a lot in her young 21 years, she still has some of those same struggles from high school. She finally did come into her own, and she's still learning to be herself, but there are still days she calls me because of some falling out or another she's had with her friends. I tell her the same thing, DO YOU. 

She still wants to be a part of everything, so when that doesn't happen, she's personally offended. Just like she has to do her, they have to do them, and sometimes those things clash, and that's okay. 

The only person you can control is you. The only person who knows what's best for you, is you. 

The authors on this hop are all romance writers, but we don't all write the same stories. Some are open door, others are closed door. Historical, contemporary. We all write what works best for us. 

So there you have it. My profound words of wisdom. All two of them. 

What about you? Any words that are your life motto? Be sure to stop by and see what the other authors on this hop have to say.

Until next time: DO YOU.

P.S. In other news, I did a cover reveal for my upcoming book and wanted to share it with you guys.


  1. This is really great advice! At the end of the day, no one is exactly like you, so it's best to embrace your differences. :)

    1. Thank you! Sometimes it's the simplest things that have the most impact. Embrace your differences. Love who you are.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. I LOVE this post! So inspiring. Thank you! Also- gorgeous new cover!

    1. Thank you!!! Twice over. I'm simple minded, never anything fancy, so I tried to keep with that.

      I'm excited about the cover.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. There's a great of wisdom in those two little words. It sounds like you're a great mom.
    And I love your new cover, Meka. If I can help you with promo, just let me know.

    1. Aww thanks Alina!! I'm pretty honest with my kids as I try to help them navigate life. I do what I can and hope for the best.

      :D I'm excited about the cover. Need to finish up my edits so I can prepare for release. I'll let you know when I'm ready for promo things and I'm more than happy to return the favor at any time.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. love the two little words. Too many people try to control what they have no power over.

    1. Yes! Goes to the Serenity prayer. Don't fight what you can't change, and focus on what you can to make you a better you.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. Great advice! Our culture is so into accepting those who are like us and shaming those who aren't, it makes it crazy. Why do we do that to each other? I will probably never understand. Loved your post.

    1. Exactly. People will look down their noses on anything that doesn't fit their "ideal" instead of embracing the uniqueness of individuals. I will never understand it either. :( Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed my post.

      thanks for stopping by

  6. Being social beasts, this can be some of the hardest advice to take for many people. By definition, most writers aren't part of 'many people.'

    1. Very true. Being yourself is much harder than it sounds. Especially in some situations.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. Love the cover!! And "do you" is great advice - too many people follow the herd like sheep.

    1. :D Thank you! Too many people do follow the herd. I try to instill thinking for yourself in my kids, but again, with school pressures, not always easy.

      thanks for stopping by

  8. As one who longed to fit took me until I was thirty to realize I didn't have to!

    1. It's hard when all you want is to fit in. It took her a while, she's getting better, but there are still moments.

      thanks for stopping by


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