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Girl For All Seasons - #MFRWauthor

Week 38 of the #MFRWauthor blog hop. The year is zooming by. This week's topic is fitting as we move from one season to the next. Most people will tell you they have a favorite season. Certain times of the year are what they look forward to more than others. This week we are tasked with naming something we like about each season. Let the fun begin.

When I stopped to think about this topic, oddly enough a song from Grease 2 popped into my head. I have a terrible memory, but randomly things will come to me at just the right time. Like today.

Spring! It's probably my favorite of all the seasons. The weather is usually near perfect in GA, at least where I am.

The flowers are blooming,and color is coming back. It's the perfect pick me up after a long, cold winter with barren trees and brown grass.

It's a toss up between the weather and the color for my favorite part of spring so I'm gonna pick weather.

Summer time. Summer for me means no waking up early to get the kids off to school. No trying to juggle PTA (a new thing for me this year) along with all of their other activities.

It's hot. Bees are buzzing. Did I mention it's hot? I can spend summers in AZ no problem, but I hate the humidity of the GA summer. Now, I realize you're waiting for me to say what I like best about summer, instead of me complaining.

Easy. Vacations! During the summer when there's no school and the kids have time off we can take vacations. We don't go every year, because a family of five, that gets real expensive, real fast. However, we do try to take a trip every other year, or ever two years. Remember the above comment about summers in AZ? That's where we normally go. The Husband's family is all there minus is brother, who lives in Cali. We go and spend 2-3 weeks with his family hanging out and catching up for lost time. Our vacations aren't anything fancy, but we aren't fancy folks. Summer just means we have more time to see the family we miss out on most of the year.

Fall, or autumn, whichever you prefer. This time of year, much like spring, I enjoy for the weather. Summers in GA are hot, sticky, and just not all that comfortable. With the onset of Fall, well the temps cool down and being outside is pleasant.

Again there's the color aspect. As much as losing the leaves mean it's about to be winter, the process is a beautiful one. The Hubs and I have taken trips to Helen, GA during this time of year because it's a gorgeous location. Neither of us are particularity outdoorsy type of people, but we managed every so often. Since I picked weather for my spring, fall gets the changing of the leaves as my favorite part.

Another aspect that I love is school is back in session. Yes, getting up sucks, but if you remember my post from last week, one of the things I really enjoy is quiet. As much as I love my children, they can be loud, and rowdy, oh and LOUD! Having them back in school gives me that peace and quiet that I love, if only for a few hours. That's the time I take for writing, editing, or just sitting on my couch with a warm cup of tea and reading.

Last, but not least is winter. No leaves. No pretty flowers. Heck, we don't even get snow here. Not really. Our 'snow storm' is laughable to those in northern states. I'm not a fan of the cold. I would rather live in a place like San Diego where the weather is pretty even keel all year round.

Don't get me wrong, looking at areas that are covered in snow, like in the wilderness or something, is beautiful. If I was weekending somewhere in a cabin, with fuzzy socks, a fireplace, and cozy blankets staring at that I wouldn't complain. For a few days. Then I'd want something different.

What I love about winter are the holidays. Yes, technically Thanksgiving is a fall holiday, but it's cold and I call it winter! Don't judge me. LOL I'm not a huge cooker, but I love to bake and around the holidays I do a lot of baking. My local family and I rotate houses on who will host the dinners for Thanksgiving and Christmas. My nephews from NY will sometimes fly down to spend Christmas with us. Winter means holidays. Holidays mean family. Hanging out with my family means lots of laughs, good food, and plenty of drinks.

There you have it. My favorite parts to each season. What are some of yours?

This is a blog hop, so be sure to stop by and see what the others chose. Also for a special treat, the song that inspired the title.

Thanks for stopping by


  1. Winter (including Thanksgiving, lol) is the best holiday season for family (my favorite part!), but I'd rather skip the cold, like you. I miss the leaves and flowers too much in winter - but, spring rocks here in GA, doesn't it? Gorgeous!

    1. yes! The cold not so much, but getting together with the family and having a good time, I look forward to it always. Spring is so pretty, everything in bloom and coming back to life. Love it!

      thanks for stopping by

  2. I'm definitely a creature of comfort. I've often thought a place like San Diego would be the perfect place to live. Enjoyed your list!

    1. Oh man! I loved the visit to San Diego. If we could afford to live there, I'd be up for moving.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. I see your mind also wandered to music with the topic- us writers must think alike, lol. Great post!

    1. Yes. That song was the first thing to pop into my head when I saw the topic. Glad you enjoyed the post.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. Winter used to be the best time for family holidays. Now with the move, it's autumn with birthday after birthday after birthday. Enjoyed your list.

    1. Birthdays. Those are fun. I like to treat mine like a national holiday LOL. How could I forget that was my favorite part of summer?

      thanks for stopping by

  5. You vacation here in Arizona in the summer? And no one forces you to? Or holds a gun to your head? Well, it takes all kinds. ;-)

    1. LOL yes Ed, I do. It's the best time so we can spend longer with our family there. It's not so bad long as you don't go outside. ;)

      thanks for stopping by

  6. You've made all the seasons sound lovely, Meka. I agree that a snowy scene is beautiful. Living in it is a story in itself unless you love winter activities. :-) I have to admit, weekending in a cozy cabin in the cold, snowy winter is fun for a few days. <3 So is strolling through a wooded trail observing autumn colors. (My choice.)

    1. Thank you! Yes the snow is beautiful to look at, but it's not something I'd want to experience often. For a while my hubby was looking to transfer to another city. I gave him a list of NOs. Not that it mattered, we stayed put.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. Great post, Meka! I am really curious to find out just how much more hot/humid it is in Georgia compared to Michigan in summer. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you. I've never been to Michigan so I couldn't tell you. I know here you can be outside for just a few minutes and feel all hot and sticky and in need of a shower.

      thanks for stopping by

  8. I don't mind Arizona in the summer, but it's got to be northern Arizona in the mountains!

    1. Nope, not in the mountains when we go. All hot, dry, desert.

      thanks for stopping by


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