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IWSG #16- Now What?

Welcome to another IWSG blog post. Last month I talked about how excited I was to have completed the first draft of my second book. A feat I doubted I'd be able to accomplish for a long time. Now it's done. I've had critique partners read over it, made a few edits, and now it's off to the editor. Thanks for taking it on Chrys.

Just like I've paid for professional editing. I've also paid to have a very pretty cover made. I know there are things that have to be outsourced and those were the two biggies. However as I prepare to tackle edits when Chrys is done with my manuscript, I must also think about how to do marketing. Even trying to come up with the best way to handle my cover reveal has been a struggle.

Marketing is a 9-letter dirty word to me. The entire idea of it scares me. Everywhere you look, people are always willing to tell you the dos and don'ts of how to market your book.

I realize that I have engaged more on social media and started making real connections, yet the idea of saying 'hey I have a book out soon' makes me feel icky. It shouldn't, because selling my books is part of the job, but it does.

I honestly have no clue where to begin. 

In a sea of so many books, and options how are you seen? When I released my first book, I did very little in the marketing department. I paid for a blog tour, did a Goodreads giveaway, and participated in this cover wars thing. That was it.

However, just like I want to improve my writing, I need to improve all aspects of the business since I'm an Indie author and I know it all falls on my shoulders.

On Twitter you see those PR companies that offer up services. I think about them, but then I worry, what if it's some scam? How can I guarantee a return on my money? The list of why not can go on. I know I can't do it all on my own. I'm not that savvy and I don't want to feel like a 'bother' to the people that have followed me on social media. Yes, I know that sounds crazy, but it's really how I feel. Then there is the cost factor. Some of those companies are more affordable than others, so there are some within my budget, but then I worry still, are they really just as good as the others?

I'm a pantser with my writing, and it would seem I am also a pantser when it comes to a marketing 'plan'. It has to be done, otherwise how will people know my book is out there. I understand that, but it doesn't make the idea of it any more appealing.

So how do you handle the marketing of your own books?

Thanks for stopping by

This month's optional question: Have you ever surprised yourself with your writing? For example, by trying a new genre you didn't think you'd be comfortable in?

~The answer to this question is yes. I'm a romance author and with that goes certain scenes. I'm not a fade to black kinda gal, so things are front and center during the 'action'. That being said I angle for more of a romantic, emotional connection during those times instead of just the down and dirty of the act. Little secret, those scenes are sometimes the hardest for me to write.

Well, two of my CPs that read Not Broken apparently thought those parts were the bees-knees and with a little peer pressure have encouraged me to try my hand at erotica. That is not a genre I ever thought about going into because it is more about the nitty-gritty and not as much about the relationship. That means more scenes required than I would put in my other stories. I didn't see my writing of those parts as anything spectacular, but I am trying it out for fun anyway and sharing it with the group of CPs.

The awesome co-hosts today are 

Tyrean MartinsonTara TylerRaimey Gallant, and Beverly Stowe McClure!

The Insecure Writer's Support Group's purpose is to share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!


  1. One of the interesting new trends in book marketing is collaboration. It might be something to investigate: either find an "author tribe" that is inviting new people to collaborate on cross-promotions and collaborative marketing efforts, or start one yourself. It's a good idea to look for people who are marketing in the same genre, and if you're self-publishing, look for other authors who are doing the same.

    1. The idea of that is scary. LOL Like if I haven't already made contact with them I'd feel bad trying to reach out for the soul purpose of marketing. It's things like that though that make my head spin. I wouldn't have even considered something along those lines as a thing to do. So much to figure out.

      Thanks for stopping by

  2. Hi, Meka! I was honored that you asked me to edit. I have finished the first round and will be going through it again. I plan to get it back to your before Irma impacts Florida, since I won't know what will come of that.

    What you said you did for Book 1 is a good start for Book 2, if you do those same things for marketing. But you can set the blog tour up yourself. I do all of my blog tours. And then expand slowly from there, starting with one new marketing effort at a time.

    I plan ahead by months. I always do a blog tour with unique posts and a giveaway, sometimes I set up a Thunderclap campaign for release day, and I do a sale after the book has been out for a few months. Or you can have it on sale when it comes out to increase sales right away.

    Good luck!

    1. Oh boy. I wasn't nervous about edits until just now. LOL It's one thing to know you have it, it's another to know you're done and I could get feedback soon. My thoughts are with you and your family as the storm hits. I hope it passes over without much damage.

      I will most likely do the same things, but I wanted to try and amp it up and do more this time around. Not too much more, because budget, but still more. Just have to figure out what.

      That P word. LOL I don't plan much which is why I'm struggling now. I've seen a few of those Thundeclap things going around Twitter. I'm going to attempt do set up pre-orders because of my ideal release date. That will depend on how much work I have ahead of me when it comes to edits.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. When it comes to marketing, definitely check our Raimey's Blog and The IWSG's Guide to Publishing and Beyond is a great beginner's resource as well. Good luck. :-)

    1. I follow Raimey and will read it for tips. I will also check out the IWSG book. Thanks for the suggestion.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. Your feelings don't sound crazy to me at all!

    It does make sense to pay for marketing if we can't do that ourselves - just as it makes sense to pay for any of the other help we might need. But how much marketing? In what form? And who is the best person to ask?

    1. Oh good. It really is a worry of mine to be seen as one of those 'pushy' people so I don't do anything, but I know that has to change.

      Marketing is not my strong suit. With so many pop up PR companies, I just need to make sure I'm spending my money wisely and not getting scammed. So many questions on what to do.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. Marketing? I'm not there...yet. But the thought of having to do so at some stage in the distant future, is painful. I'm not a sales person.
    Good luck with your marketing campaign!

    1. Yes, I'm not a sales person either. I don't want to flood my social media with buy, buy, buy so trying to figure out easy, and less intrusive ways to get things done. Learning how is part of the process.

      thanks for stopping by.

  6. Marketing...ech. Such a scary and confusing three syllables. I still have no idea what I'm doing but you can't go wrong with a blog tour as it helps to get the word out. I'd set up my own blog tour for my poetry chapbook by creating a Google docs form asking other bloggers to host me on their blogs. I've seen people do FB parties too and do giveaways. Haven't done the former but have given away signed book copies through Goodreads, gift cards, a wireless headset and mini stereo. Either one of these might work for you or not.
    PS.If you're thinking of doing another blog tour I'd love to feature and promote your book.

    1. OMG YES!!! I normally don't buy 'resource' books, but I bought one yesterday for the marketing help. Plus I'm looking for things online.

      I did a blog tour for my first book. I didn't set up my own, I used one of those blog tour 'companies' so they could organize it all. I rather pay someone to do the leg work LOL. I'm sure I'll go that route again. I did the Goodreads giveaway as well as an ebook giveaway during the blog tour.

      Thanks for the offer Lidy. Once I get things worked out, I'll be sure to reach out.

      Thanks for stopping by


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