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Be Still My Heart - #MFRWauthor

Each one of these #MFRWauthor posts remind me of how fast the year is coming to an end. There is still so much left on my writing to-do list and I fear I won't get it all completed. At least the biggest goal I had in mind is looking like it will work out. The release of my second novel. If all goes well with my editing, I'll have it out by the end of the year! YAY!

But we aren't here for that. Nope we are here to talk about another blog topic. This week, the five ways to win my heart.

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I hate making lists. I dislike having to narrow down things like this, but it should be relatively easy right?

Some of these you've probably heard before if you've been following along with this blog for the year. So in no particular order.

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Week 33 we discussed ways in which we recharge. There I again gave a list of sorts on how things helped me relax. One of my things was the quiet room at the spa.

I live in a house with four other people and four dogs. So silence is a rare commodity. I do get quiet during the school year, for a few hours. The summer is another story. If my husband gave take the boys off for a few hours during the summer months, then I'm a happy woman.

Photo Source:

Next would be snuggles. I'm currently the only female in my house. There's The Hubs and my three boys. The Girl is grown and out in the world adulting. The Boy aka The Teenager is too old for snuggles. I can barely get that one to hug me. The other two, Thing One and Thing Two, well they still give snuggles, but even those are getting few and far in-between.

If I'm having a bad day, or just in need of some love, snuggles from my boys always warm my heart and make me feel good.

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No real explanation needed. Chocolate is a happy place for me. When I'm stressed, nervous, craving, etc. chocolate is my go to. The Hubs is good about making runs to the store should I have a need and out of options at the house. He knows how to keep me happy.

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Laughter is the best medicine they say. My hubby and I have a fun relationship. We are sarcastic with each other. Can make fun of each other. Laugh at each other and laugh together.

My kids are all the same way. We laugh and joke around often. It's a common theme and just like the snuggles, if I'm having a bad day and one of my boys come to tell me some corny joke, it will bring a smile to my face.

Finally puppies!!! I am a dog person. As I said before we have four (or 3 & 1/4 as I like to say). How can puppies not win your heart? They are small, cute, fluffy, and just ooze fun and love. Cuddling with my new puppy Titan brings me all the happiness. He just sits in my lap and let's me pet him. They have a calming effect and bring a smile to my face.

Okay that's it. Five things that can win over my heart. What are some of yours?

Be sure to stop by and check out the blogs of the other author's to see theirs.

Thanks for stopping by


  1.'s looking as if humor is our common thread...yesterday while meeting with my teen's teachers to go over his IEP, they remarked, 'Now we know where he gets his sense of humor'...I was thrilled he's inherited mine and not his dad's, though at times he can resemble his father when he speaks, lol!

    1. humor is important! LOL love that they picked up on the similarities between you two. Kids are a mix and I notice that with my own offspring. My oldest boy is acting more like his dad these days.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. That was a great post, you sound like me, except the business of kids and I have one dog. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks! Kids have a knack for throwing off your plans, but I make it work. My new puppy also throws me off. The house-training is still a work in progress.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. fun post. I forgot pets. Don't have anymore but am an adopted member of a family members pack.

    1. Thank you! I can't (at this time) imagine my house without at least 1 pet. We've had them for years. The kids have never known a time without a dog.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. I have one correction for you, Meka: substitute 'kittens' for 'cats'.

    1. Ahem. That should've been 'kittens for PUPPIES.'

    2. LOL oh. Sorry for the mistake there ;)

      thanks for stopping by

  5. Ooh, doggie snuggles are wonderful. I miss mine so much. I'm a mom of boys, so I understand the distance at times. Don't worry, when they grow up the hugs come back. I enjoyed your post, Meka. :-) I made my list but missed posting this week.

    1. yep! The yorkie is so much fun to cuddle with and holding him truly relieves stress. The others let you pet them, but they are too big to hold. Good to know the hugs will come back. The 14 yr old is getting better about giving me one once at week at least, so that's something.

      thanks for stopping by

  6. Love the list! And your dogs are real cuties!

    1. Thank you! I should post more shots of the other two so it will be even.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. I snuggle with my cats all the time, but my granddog is equally adorable. :) :)

    1. My daughter has a cat, so I guess I have a grandcat LOL the only grand anything I should have for a long LONG time. hahaha

      thanks for stopping by


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