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Batteries On Low - #MFRWauthor

I am surprised I've kept up with this hop for 33 weeks now. Granted I missed the beginning ones, but I've been on track since then. So the MFRWauthor topic this week is what do you do to recharge.

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So during week 31 we talked about a typical day in the life. There I discussed my kid and dog filled days of near constant activity, especially during the summer. School being back in session is the quickest way for me to regain a little bit of my sanity and relax. No playing referee between the younger two. No having to constantly tell them to pick up after themselves and little things like that. On the flip side, during the school year the kids have more activities. Baseball, soccer, now possibly boy scouts. So more running around.

While they are in school I recharge by simply having some peace and quiet. That is huge for me since things get noisy in my house often. Once they are on the bus I do my workout, get ready for the day, have a cup of tea, and social media. Now that the first draft is done and I've gotten some feedback, I've been working on edits during the day. It's nice to have a quiet house so I can think with just some good music playing in the background.

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One of my major ways to relax is at the spa. I'd never been to the spa before I got married, but on our honeymoon our package included a couple's massage. I've been hooked ever since.

I don't get to go as often as I'd like because it can be pricey. My husband loves that I love the spa because that means he can never be wrong with getting me a gift certificate. The place I frequent the most is about twenty-thirty minutes from us. He'll get me some package and in between treatments I hang out in the best room in the place. THE QUIET ROOM! It's great. Low lighting, comfortable chaise loungers with blankets, and soft 'spa' music. I can sit in there and completely relax. I know most people thing Disney World is the happiest place on earth, but for me, that quiet room is. Can you tell I'm not a fan of noise?

After I published Fiendish, I used the gift certificate he'd given me a year earlier as a reward for getting my first book done. I've since told him that needs to be a thing for each book. Luckily he agreed and luckily for him I'm a slow writer so it's not like it'll be happening more than once a year. And that's being generous with my writing speed.

Photo source:
For a less costly way to recharge, a nice glass of wine and some chocolate will do the trick.

I don't drink all that often, but I do like to enjoy a nice cold glass of white every so often. Chardonnay, Moscato, and Riesling are my top picks. I know people will say that reds have some medical benefits, but yeah, I'm not a fan. I like the sweeter wines.

Chocolate...well no real explanation needed. I will go through a bag of almond Hershey Kisses in a day if I'm really stressed. They are kind of addictive. As I start to tackle edits for Not Broken, my chocolate consumption has increased, but I figure that's slightly better than me drinking my way through the edits.

So there you have it. How do you recharge your batteries?

Remember this is a blog hop so be sure to stop by and see how the other authors do it.

Thanks for stopping by


  1. Ahhh...peace and quiet. I think that's every parent's dream when the kids are young. And then the house gets quiet. TOO quiet. :::sigh::: Love the idea of a tradition for finishing each book.

    1. Yes it is! I long for the quiet days. I have a while before I'm an empty-nester. My youngest is 7. I may be singing a different tune then.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. Blackberry pie has become my 'comfort food' in addition to the chocolate, lol!
    I loved it the 1st time I went to a spa....I had a 10 m/o, so an afternoon of pampering was wonderful! Last time I had a pedicure, the salon told me they were having a special on facials massages, so I had one. HEAVEN!

    1. I've never had that, but it's nice to have a comfort food.

      The spa is an amazing, magical place for sure. Can sit and just be pampered and leave all the stresses behind. last time I got to go was in March when we went to Hershey for our anniversary.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. Kudos to you for keeping up with your writing while keeping track of those noisy little critters--er, children, LOL! How sweet that your husband is so supportive.

    1. It's not easy, but I'm motivated because of the 365 group. I squeeze the time in where I can when they are home. He is supportive. He's a keeper for sure. :)

      thanks for stopping by

  4. Wow this sounds great! A spa day - I think I need to drop some hints. Five months ago, I would have ben right there with you on the chocolate. HOwever, I can't have any sugar. Not even my Dove dark chocolates. I've discovered a few sugar free ones that I can have on occasion, but mostly my chocolates have been replaced with carrots and kiwis. Great post. I think I may need to investigate the spa thing.

    1. Yes! They are great and always relax me. You should drop some hints, you deserve some pampering! OH NO!!! I'm not sure how I'd handle not being able to have chocolate. I'm glad you found some sugar free options. Carrots aren't bad, but not really a stand in for chocolate. :(

      Go investigate the spa thing. You won't regret it.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. I'm with you- I'd much prefer the quiet room to Disney. :)

  6. I never thought of a spa day but you make it sound wonderful. I might have to look into it. Great post!

  7. wine and chocolate are two of my favorites also.

  8. I'm a dental hygienist by day and patients tell me they love to come in because it's the only time no one can bother them. I think your spa day is a much nicer way to relax, though. Right there with you on the wine (sweeter) and chocolates!

  9. Clearly you're an introvert, Meka. We introverts find silence and solitude refreshing, while extroverts often find being around people does the same for them.
    I read once (don't know if it's true) that Finns are the most introverted nationality. A joke to Finnish this comment: How can you tell if a Finn is an introvert? He stares down at his shoes while talking to you. How can you tell if a Finn is an extrovert? He stares at your shoes instead of his own.

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