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A Glimpse Into The Future - #MFRWauthor

So here we are at week 32 of the #MFRWauthor blog hop. The topic this time around is one of those things you might hear at job interviews. Where do you see yourself in 10 years...

Why is TEN the magic number? Why not three, or seven, or thirteen? What makes ten so special? Regardless that's not the question at hand. I'll ponder the reasoning later.

I'm not a writer that plans. I don't keep schedules well. Looking that far into the future, not an easy task. Not to mention the fact that I like to ignore my age on occasion so thinking about being ten years older is something I'd rather not do.

Moving on. 2027, we'll start with personal level. I might be a grandmother in that time, maybe not. My oldest will be right at thirty so that means hopefully settled in a career she loves and possibly married. My next in line, the oldest boy, will be pushing twenty-four. He may have settled down around that time and would be another candidate for giving me grandkids. At this point in his life (which makes sense) he doesn't know what he wants to do, but in ten years hopefully he'll have figured it out. I won't be an empty-nester though. Not quite, but close. My younger two will be 19 and 17.

If he's still been able to put up with me, I would be married to The Hubs for twenty-five years at that point. It'd be great if I could be about twenty pounds lighter in ten years, but I also hope it doesn't take me ten years to lose the twenty.

I have an aunt and my step-mother both battling breast cancer. My aunt is on round two with her fight. I really hope that in ten years both are still with the family.

Writing wise, hopefully in ten years I'm still writing. I can't make that a definite since no one can really know what the future holds. If I am still writing, it would be nice to have multiple books out. I've been a super slow writer, but I'm working on getting faster with that aspect. I'm an Indie author, it's been the path I wanted to take. That being said, I won't turn my nose up if I somehow managed to get traditionally published in the next ten years. To see one of my books in a bookstore would be amazing.

I also hope to be a little more well traveled. The Hubs and I have a wish list of places we'd like to go, so fingers crossed one or two have been crossed off the list.

That's about it. I don't really like these kinds of questions so not a whole lot of insight from me. Hopefully some of the other authors have more interesting posts for you to read.

What about you? Where do you see yourself in ten years?

Thanks for stopping by


  1. This week's prompt was a hard one, wasn't it? I think we're all old enough to realize there's no way to really predict what's coming. Enjoyed your post.

    1. OMG yes! I hate this question so dreaded having to come up with something for it. I can't predict the future so just have to live and hope for the best.

      thanks for stopping by

    2. You answered the prompt for this week just fine, Meka. You laid it all out there. It is hard to think of what we'll be doing in ten years. My mom had breast cancer. Sending out prayers for your stepmom and aunt.

  2. enjoyed it. and agree about family. If he's still putting up with me, hubs and I will have passed the 50 year mark.

    1. Thanks Helen. Oh wow. 50 years! People rarely make it to that sort of milestone these days.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. This was a hard one for me as well. Had to admit, I teared up at the part of your family members battling breast cancer - I hope they are here with you for many many years as well! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thanks Ellie. I hope they are both here too. Both have excellent attitudes and that helps in this process.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. This was a tough post, for sure. The older we get, the more we realize that it's impossible to predict the future with any degree of accuracy. I hope your aunt and stepmother beat the breast cancer and are still alive. Real progress has been made in that area.

    Hope you have a bunch more books under your belt in ten years, and have dropped those twenty pounds. I need to do the same. It would help if I didn't continually lose, then gain back the same ten!

    1. Yes it was! It is very hard to predict the future. We can only have hopes as to what we'd like to happen. Thank you. They both have very good attitudes so that helps as we go through this.

      LOL I'm the same way with losing and gaining, only I do it with the first 5 of the 20 I'm after. Need to stick to the changes I know I need to make. If all goes well, I'll at least have book 2 under my belt by the end of the year. Here's to hoping for many more.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. The part I've hated most about getting older is losing people I love. Hope your family members survive and thrive! Best of luck with the writing, too. You may kick it in to higher gear when the kids get older and more independent.

  6. As much as we like to be in control of our future, there is no way to predict anything, you're right about that. And as much as I don't like to plan, I would like to think that writing would be part of my life for the rest of my days, however long that is. Great post!

  7. Thinking about the future is scary. When I was younger, the future was exciting.
    The wife and I shared a love of adventure and so moved a lot to tiny places on the fringes of (or inside) raw wilderness such as the US doesn't have, outside of Alaska. Back then, we looked forward to change. Now, not so much.

  8. This week's topic was tough, for sure, but it's good to where we've been and where we're headed. I hope everything on your list comes true!

  9. I neglected travel plans in my post....I need to add 'have a passport and will travel' to mine:)


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