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Are They Really Bad? - #MFRWauthor

It's Friday so that means it time for another #MFRWauthor blog post. This week's topic we are supposed to talk about our bad habits. Should be fun right?

Photo source:

So...I'm supposed to divulge my bad habits. But the problem, what if I don't think they're bad? That poses a problem for this particular post.

Trying to think up things wasn't easy at first. My list probably isn't exciting, but eh, that's life right?

I'm messy. Yeah I keep the majority of the house clean, but my desk area is always a mess. It just is. I have stacks of half used notebooks because I just can't bring myself to throw them away. My boys, they need them all for school, but then don't always use them up. In some cases they are only a couple of pages used. Laundry. I'll wash, and dry, but the folding and putting away. Well I have been known to let the clothes sit in the baskets until I need them for the next load.

I also sometimes, maybe have a little bit of a potty mouth. I am trying to get better at this because The Munchkin likes to fuss at me when I say bad words. Lots of fudge and sugar cookies are shouted when he's around.

I have a bad habit of buying books off Amazon because they are cheap or free, but then not reading them. It's like I can't pass them up. I have a few of those box sets that I got for like $0.99 and haven't cracked a single one open. It's been years.

My husband says I have a terrible habit of buying things we already have when I go to the store. This is true, partly. I never shop with a list. See I'm even a panster for my grocery shopping. LOL When I decide what I'm cooking for the night, and I didn't check to see what I have before I leave, then yes I'll buy all new. Why? Well, when I didn't then I'd get home, realize I didn't have something then I'd have to go back. So buying while I'm there saves me a trip, even if it doesn't always save me money.

As far as writerly bad habits...not sure I have any. I mean my process is my process, it can't really be bad can it? I'm a slow writer. I don't plot, and I edit as I go. My way doesn't work for everyone, or hell even anyone, other than me, but it works.

I think that just about wraps it up. See, no deep dark hidden secrets.

Do you have any bad habits? Share them below and be sure to check out the other authors on the hop to see theirs.

Thanks for stopping by


  1. I love your cartoon! That's the attitude I'm going to adopt- that one likes a quitter, lol. Enjoyed your post.

    1. LOL thanks! It was very fitting of my attitude towards my 'bad' habits.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. I have a Kindle full (and a cloud full) of cheap/free books, too, the majority of which I've never opened. Then Amazon asks me to rate the book and I get annoyed. What? You think I bought the book to read right away? What kind of nonsense is that? I don't consider this a bad habit though. Why? Because it feeds my book addiction without breaking my budget. If I weren't downloading free books I'll never read, I'd be paying full price for books I'll never read. This way is much better for me, so I consider it a good habit :)

    1. Glad I'm not alone in this. I even told myself when I set out to do the Goodreads challenge I would not buy more books. I lied. LOL Oh, I had one of those emails from Amazon. At first I was confused. Like what is this book? Then I remembered. hahaha

      We have a used bookstore near me so I could spend money there as well for cheaper options, but I don't have the space for them.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. love the carton. And I also edit as I write. Saves having to do multiple, multiple drafts.

    1. YES! that is my thinking too. I'm a terrible self-editor. I worry so much over the words as I'm thinking of them, that I don't want to go back and look at them again in depth on my own. I need others for that.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. I am soooooo stealing that cartoon! Yeah, I hate that Amazon asks me to rate a book I bought 4 months earlier, but haven't gotten around to reading it yet, b/c there are seven more ahead of it! I'll get to it...eventually! I had to stop downloading every free book that sounded 'interesting', b/c of so many I couldn't finish.

    1. Steal away, the beauty of Pintrest. :) Yep. I don't rate them and just ignore the email. I don't like the pressure those emails imply, like they are giving me a time limit or something. LOL

      thanks for stopping by

  5. Yeah, I have the same problem with free books that are on my Kindle or Ibooks that I might never read. I don't have children so I find that I don't have to really curb my cursing as much you must, but my husband likes to remind me that I'm a lady and should curse, but you know. :)

    1. Yes. It's hard to pass up those free and $0.99 books.

      I have had to curb my cussing because m 7yr old gets on me a lot about it. LOL he's the dirty mouth police. My husband cusses just as much so he doesn't complain.

      thanks for stopping by

  6. I have a ton of those free and 99 cent books on my Kindle, too, but I'm not sure I consider that a bad habit. They didn't cost much and I might read some of them some day... And if I send them to the ether they are cluttering up Amazon's cloud storage, not my house. No problem.

    Love the cartoon, Meka!

    1. It's probably not a terrible habit, I mean there are worse ones out there for sure. Having them as an ebook does make it nice so they are all contained to one location.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. I know exactly what you mean about a Kindle crowded with cheap or free books. I have waaay too many of them.

    1. LOL they are hard to pass up!

      thanks for stopping by

  8. I work better in chaos also! And you never know when you'll need that partly used notebook!

    1. Exactly! and it seems like a waste to just throw it away.

      thanks for stopping by

  9. Ummm, you should see my desk. Wait, you can't because it's buried under writing books, a thesaurus, and TONS of important papers. (I'll file them right after I read the 500+ books on my Kindle...). Enjoyed your post (love the cartoon!)

    1. LOL yay. I'm not the only one with a messy desk. It's bad, but I have the space I need and the husband should just let it be.

      The cartoon was a big hit.

      thanks for stopping by

  10. My desk is messy, but the printer shelf and other storage shelf attached is worse. I agree about the notebooks. The cartoon is adorable, Meka.


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