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Welcome To The Madness - #MFRWauthor

Welcome to week 31 of the #MFRWauthor blog hop. This week's topic is another that is more on a personal level. A day in the life...

My summer day is different from my school's in session day. This week is my kids' last week of summer vacation. They start school next Monday. Normally during the summer I get to sleep in. The kids are at the age where they can get their own breakfast and play quietly until Mom gets out of bed. I like the summer for that reason. During the school year my wake up time is 6:30am. Have to get the boys up, fed, and off to the bus.

My sleeping in has been cut into by the addition of this little cutie. My new writing buddy Titan, an 11 wk. old Yorkie puppy. He starts fussing around 5 to go out so no more sleeping in.

If I'm lucky, I do get to go back to bed for about an hour or so before getting up to really start my day.

I spend some time talking to my kids while having my own breakfast. During the school year my breakfast waits until after they are on the bus. After I eat it's time for the pack to eat. besides the little one pictured, we have three other dogs. Can you tell we're a dog family?

Since I'm trying to be healthier I will workout some mornings. Not even gonna lie and say it's every morning. After I'm dressed and ready for the day it's tea time. I'm not a coffee person. So I'll sip on my tea and spend that time doing social media.

As you can tell my life isn't super exciting. I'm just your average stay at home mom.

Back to it, then. So once I'm fully caffeinated, then I may try to work on some writing, but most days during the summer I spend more time than I should surfing the web and not writing. I mean I still squeeze some in, I have to get at least 100 words a day for the 365 Club, but I'm not putting down a ton of them. Still somehow I managed to finish the first draft of my second book, so that's something.

While the kids are at school, I try to focus more and I did get more accomplished than over the summer. Less interruptions. There's the feeding of the kids, they insist on eating daily, multiple times a day. Not sure what's up with that.

There are dogs that need outside time. And a house that for some reason always needs cleaning of one thing or another. I've seriously considered wrapping everything in plastic, but The Hubs and children vetoed that idea.

During the summer the kids still have 'school time' where they have to take a break from electronics and we work on reading, math, writing. Just some basics so that they haven't lost all they learned over the summer break. We also go outside to play, because it's good for us all.

Of course there are activities and camps. Sports, after school programs. Tons of things my boys stay in that keep me busy. Yay for electronics that allow me to write or read on the go while sitting at practices and such.

There's always something going on. Bedtime rolls around at 9 during the school year and 11 for weekends and summer.

There you have it. A boring day in the life.

So how do your days stack up? Be sure to check out the other authors in the hop to get a glimpse into their lives.

Thanks for stopping by


  1. My grandkids recently spent a month with me, and I was reminded again what life with young children is like. I barely managed to check in on Facebook and Twitter for a few minutes while they were here, much less accomplish anything else. My hat goes off to all moms of young children! Enjoyed your post.

    1. It's never ending. LOL My in-laws always say they need a week to recoup after we've visited with the kids. It's crazy how we somehow managed to get things done then sit back and wonder how exactly we accomplished it.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. Enjoyed the post. Loved the new addition.

    1. Thanks! He's an addition I've wanted for a while so I'm happy to have him.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. Cute puppy! Enjoy the time with your kids. They grow up so fast!

    1. Thanks. I'm totally in love with him and he's already a little spoiled. Yes the kids do grow up fast. This year I didn't have to walk them to the bus stop because my middle son is old enough to go on his own and watch is brother (per school rules). I still watch from the front porch.

      thanks for stopping by.

  4. I remember those days when my kids were younger! Enjoyed the post, thanks for sharing! Congrats on the new addition.

    1. They are growing up every day. Makes me a little sad. I'm enjoying my new addition. He's a sweet guy and will be a forever puppy because of his size.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. "Just your average stay at home mom." Hah to that! Do I detect a bit of apology in this statement? Raising children is more important than all but a few day jobs. Furthermore, from watching Judi I know that being a mom is close to a full-time job -- and on top of that you write. Amazing.

    1. LOL My kids think they have the world's weirdest mom, especially my teenager but I have to keep sane somehow. It's not the easiest job some days, but it's never dull. Not enough hours in the day, but somehow things get done.

      thanks for stopping by

  6. Titan is adorable! I want one just like him.

    1. Thanks! I've wanted a Yorkie for so long so I'm thrilled to finally have one. Even if house-training him has been a struggle.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. Wow I give you kudos for all you do with kids and three dogs. (Titan is so cute)

    1. Thank you. Days are full, some more than others, but chocolate and a lot of it, keeps me going.

      thanks for stopping by

  8. Titan is a cutie! I'm impressed that you even get 100 words down on your WIP. Kids and dogs keep you busy, for sure. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you! He's getting so spoiled. LOL The other dogs are a little jealous so I've been giving them extra attention too. Well some days the 100 words weren't on my WIP. I get to count blog posts and things like that towards my goal so it helps. I'm really trying to write everyday even if I'm jotting down a random scene at 11:30 just to not miss a day for this group. LOL

      thanks for stopping by

  9. Yep, pretty much sounds like my summer. I was nodding along. Kids do tend to eat all the time - with my 8-yr-old, seems to be every five minutes. Titan is adorable. We've got five dogs and they love their outdoor time. I actually started a full-time job working from home this summer, so it's been eventful keeping on top of everything, but should settle down next week when she's back at school!

    1. Yes! My youngest is the worst. He'd have breakfast at 8 and want a snack at 8:15 LOL. So much energy he burns off. Yay a fellow dog lover. Mine would play outside longer, but Loki jumps the fence and the neighbors behind me aren't pleased. We have to take her out on a leash so that limits how long she can be out because I don't want to be out there all day. Working from home while trying to watch the kids. You get an award for that!

      thanks for stopping by


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