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Door? What Door? - #MFRWauthor

Another week down. I can't believe how much time is flying by. Before I know it the year will be over. This week's topic for the #MFRWauthor blog hop is Open Door, Closed Door

I will admit to being a very confused panda about this topic. Open or closed door? Huh? I write romance, adult romance, so was this topic in relation to certain aspects of that type of story? I didn't think so because well most of these topics have been of a PG-13 nature.

So then I decided this topic maybe is about where we write. So that is what I decided to go with. I would take a picture of my writing space, but I'm a tad messy. Just like my writing is go as I flow and sometimes a little all over the place as the story comes together, my desk space is the same.

I don't have a dedicated office in my house. My writing 'office' is my dining room. We aren't formal type of people so we've never eaten a meal in that room. It doesn't even have a dining room table, it is set up like an office. It's great and spacious. Has a bay window that looks out on our backyard. What it doesn't have is a door. Of any kind. There is an entrance leading into the kitchen and a larger entrance that gives a straight shot from the front door into the room. That means I have ZERO privacy for writing when the family is home.

To help combat this fact, this year for my birthday The Husband bought me these bad boys. I can't always get peace, but I can carve out a little bit to clear out the distractions of my children with the noise cancelling headphones. One of the best gifts he's ever gotten for me. I do write to music so having that in my ear helps and I don't see it as a distraction. They made a huge difference this summer when I still needed to get writing done, but had rambunctious boys running around the house.

My daughter has been out of the house for three years due to college. Now that she's graduated she's 'officially' moved out and doing adult things all on her own. I've toyed with the idea of turning her room into a guest/office space so that I can have a door. The only issue with that is it's upstairs in kid territory. That means during the summer, even with the door closed I'd be putting myself closer to the noise as my boys play and do what boys do.

So there you have it. What about you? What is your writing space like? Be sure to check out the other authors on the hop and hopefully I've answered this question as it was meant to be.

Thanks for stopping by


  1. I think your dining room sounds awesome! I love the idea of that lovely bay window. A door might be nice, but if it puts you up in kid territory... Tough decision!

    1. Thanks Sherry. In the spring and summer the view is much nicer with the trees in bloom. In winter, not so much. Yeah, I'm undecided on kid territory. If our basement was finished, I'd go down there.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. It is encouraging to see another author that doesn't have an official office. I use our dining room table as well, but we eat on it daily. So at the end of every day, I have to move my stack of stuff off of the table. It's not a formal dining room, it's an eat in kitchen. I want my own office. When we move, I'm going to have one - one way or the other.
    I would never get anything done, I'd be staring out that bay window.
    Awesome post!

    1. Nope, no official office. We don't even have a dining room table in that room at this point. It was a room that we knew would be useless to us just like a 'formal' living room. Luckily we don't have one of those. The trees outside are pretty in summer and spring, a tad depressing in winter.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. As long as your writing, I think any space will do. Thanks for the great post!

    1. Very true. I write at my desk. I will write while sitting at my son's Tae Kwon Do practice. I squeeze it in where I can.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. I suspect most people don't have an ideal place to write. I'm doing fine because all four of my children have flown from the nest, and that frees up rooms -- but even so, my writing spot is far from perfect. A few years ago I looked at a house that had a marvellous writing spot up in the attic, with a spectacular view of the mountains . . . in Banff National Park, where I had no job. Sigh.

    1. Only one of mine has flown the nest. The other three will be with me for quite a while. I have a room I could use, but as I said it is up in kid zone, so not really ideal either. Aww...a job is important. You have to pay for that marvelous house some how.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. I took over my daughter's bedroom when she moved out, but I think I'm going to reconvert it to a guest room for the baby to sleep in, and move back to my original writing and sewing space--the garage. I do spend a lot of time at the dining room table with my laptop, but I am SO messy, with papers spread everywhere and, when I'm sewing, fabric and thread. But hey, whatever works!

    1. I don't have any babies to worry about anytime soon (I hope) so I could convert it. Have a small desk in there, but still leave it as a guest room option. My daughter is having a hard time thinking of it not as 'her' room. LOL she's an adult now, so it happens. Well if the garage works, then it works.

      thanks for stopping by

  6. love your bay window. My trouble with an open-door writing space is papers everywhere. As soon as I clean them up, the gremlins come back spread them around and multiply them.

    1. Thanks. :) yes I have papers everywhere and no I don't clean them when guests come over. It's my space and I leave it as my space. LOL

      thanks for stopping by

  7. Yeah, my writing space is messy, too, but it's at the front of the house, which is nice because I can see the world go by. Your hubby is very thoughtful to get those noise canceling headphones for you. Enjoy that bay window!

    1. LOL glad I'm not the only messy one. He knew I needed something since I don't have a door. They help and the boys are old enough now so I can use them while they are home and not have to keep an eye on them 100% of the time.

      thanks for stopping by

  8. The topic this week could be taken a few different ways, Meka. Open or closed doors for ???? When I was married and had my boys home, my writing desk was in the dining room too. I always felt like someone looked over my shoulder. I had a free house all summer while off work and the boys and husband had jobs. Now, my desk is in my living room, which isn't a problem because I live alone. However, I'd like my living room to look like a living room instead of half office. And, no, my desk isn't all neat and tidy either. I only seem to notice how messy it is when someone comes over. (which is rare) I need some of those noise cancelling headphones because my neighbor's dog yelps and whines ALL day, every single day.

    1. Yeah. I guess most took it for the sex scene route, but I was unsure so erred on the side of caution. Lucky for me, my kids are loud so I can hear them coming if I happen to be writing something I don't need them seeing. I can close the window down until they go back to what they are doing. I do feel better knowing I'm not the only messy one. Now if I can just keep my husband from trying to clean things I'll be okay. LOL

      thanks for stopping by

  9. It's funny how some of us answered this way others as opened/ closed door sex scenes. I envy your headphones!

    1. yeah. I erred on the side of caution with this one. It seems like most did the sex scene route which worked. I love the headphones. They make all the difference.

      thanks for stopping by

  10. LOL....before we moved, our 'dining room' was a combination daughter's bedroom, toy room, and office. After my laptop arrived, my desk became the kitchen table. In my current house, the dining room table is my hubby's desk, and my desk is against the other wall. I'm looking forward to moving my computer downstairs to the basement and setting up my writing cave/office down there.

    When we had a 4 bedroom house fifteen years ago, I loved my private office! But that was before social media, and my online time consisted of AOL mail and forwarding jokes. We also had dial-up, and people who tried to call knew I was home because they'd get a busy signal!

    1. I would love to have my area in our basement, but it's unfinished and creepy in it's current state. If I could have a nice little place to escape to when the family is home would be ideal, but that is not the life for me currently.

      Ah the days of dial up. When you could do things without the interruption. Well maybe not if those people showed up after not getting you on the phone.

      thanks for stopping by


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