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Music Monday - Stay With You

Howdy all. It's that time again. The start of a new week, and a new song to share. Last week I got two big-ish pieces of information surrounding the novels I have with publishers. This week's selection reflections one of those.

Why only one, and not the other? Well, I gotta have something to talk about each week right? So next week I'll feature the second piece of news. As for this week, well I'm talking about my release date with Limitless Publishing. The house my my #establishedromance title. That's what I call it because instead of featuring a new couple just meeting, it features a married couple. People that have been in the relationship for a while and have maybe hit a snag and need to rediscover themselves and each other.

Romances featuring married couples aren't as prominent as the new love books. But, as me and my fellow pub sister and #establishedromance writing friend say, married couples need love too. It's exciting that we not only got picked up by the same publisher, but it was with both of your married couple stories. AND we share a release date!!!

January 22, 2019

Another reason this news is shared first, this title will be my first official debut with a publishing house.

I've featured Amelia on my blog before. She was one of my RChat squad members I talked about during Music Monday. It featured a different story, but it's from the same series.

Romance doesn't end with "I Do" a sort of catch phrase Amelia came up with for us and our respective stories. While hers leans more on the sweet, but a little spicy contemporary side and mine is full on erotic heat, the cores are the same. Two couples that realize they've grown complacent as life, responsibilities, and tiny white lies told to each other and themselves have put hairline fractures in the foundations of their relationship.

She made this awesome promo graphics for us as we plan our joint promotional endeavors leading up to our release. I think she did an excellent job capturing the feel of both stories.

The song this week is perfect because it's all about being in it for the long haul and being prepared to put in the work needed to make the relationship work. Hope you enjoy it, and have a great week.Until next time,~Meka"Stay With You" by John Legend


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