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Music Monday - S&M

Oh man, my blog might go into shock. I'm on three weeks straight of posting for Music Monday. LOL

So new week means new music. If you popped by last week, you learned that my kiddos have returned to their learning institutions during the day meaning I now have free time, quiet time, on my hands. Time I'm supposed to be using to get my focus back and one again be productive on the writing front.

Wanna know how I did last week?

Not too shabby.

I had a long standing synopsis that needed to be finished. Started back in May, not long after the #CarinaPitch event. Writing a synopsis is it's own sort of hell. When I'd decided to query, I initially looked for publishers that didn't require them because I just didn't want to put myself through that. However, after getting a *like* during the pitch event (for a different project) I had to whip one up as part of the requirements. For a bit more clarification, I wrote this project for Carina's Dirty Bits line, only the submission requirements for that line DID NOT require a synopsis. But, for the pitch event I had to do one. I got interest, but not a *like* from a different editor on my second project, the one that had been lingering, which I've now FINALLY submitted.

Also I had my best writing day since May, on Wednesday of last week. I'm a part of a sub-group on Facebook called the 365 club. The point, to write at least 100 words every day for the full year. Did it last year, never missed a day, so decided to do it again. While in my writer blahs for the summer, I didn't write much. Would get to my 100 and stop. Even if it was mid sentence. Crazy I know.

Anywoo, one of my WIPs is a novella to go with NOT BROKEN, which I published last year. It should have been an easy project if the blahs hadn't taken hold. My main focus now is to get it finished. Last Wednesday I wrote TWO THOUSAND and SIX words on a random scene for that project that I just had to get out. It felt great! And of course I had writing music for inspiration.

I mean that is why I started this segment.

Because I had such a great day, I'm sharing this week the song that helped me get most of those words. I played it on repeat while getting started before switching over to the playlist created for this. You can probably tell by the title of this post what the scene entailed. If you guessed sexy times, you'd be correct. Calida and Malcolm spicing things up, and getting a little kinky. Fun times right? Not sure what it says that my best writing day when I am coming off break is a naughty scene, but words are words and I'll take them!

Hope you enjoy.

Until next time


"S & M" by Rihanna


  1. That was a really good writing week.
    Writing a synopsis is never fun.

    1. Thank you! It felt good to get the words done. And yes, I've had to write 2 of them now and didn't like it at all.

      thanks for stopping by


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