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Say What Now? -#MFRWauthor

It's the first Friday of May, and it's time for another #MFRWauthor blog post. Week 18, and when I looked at the topic, I thought about skipping this week. Character and/or setting profiles...say what now?

In theory I know what it means to make character/setting profiles. You see handy worksheets on various websites to help focus and simplify the process. Those sites are also usually places that help you plan out your novel.

By now you all know I don't plan stuff. Not when it comes to writing. Because of that I've never made a character profile.

I get an image in my head of what they look like. Thanks to my RChat ladies, I've started looking for 'face claims' for my characters. That helps with the basic physical traits. The rest comes to me as the story develops. Emotional issues, family history, job, hobbies, etc. I don't pre-plan any of those things, I let my characters tell me. It's working so far so I don't see a need to change it up.

As for the setting, well I can see how that might be beneficial if I were writing fantasy or something like that, but as I talked about last week, I'm a contemporary girl. I don't use a made up city, I use Atlanta and it's surrounding areas so it's done for me pretty much. At best I might look around for housing inspiration, but that's about it.

Short post this week, but better than nothing.

Before you go, I'm gonna ask a favor. I entered Not Broken into a cover wars and could use some votes.


Also, back in week 12 we talked contests. If you've never entered one before, one of my CPs is heading up the CLEVELAND ROCKS one and would love more entries.

That's it for this week. Are you a profiler? Stop by the other authors on the hop to see if they are or aren't.

Until next time,


  1. I'm with you. I sit down with a basic idea and let the characters take the lead:)


  2. Sometimes my characters come fully formed and sometimes all I get is a name. At those times I help them tell me about themselves. I also voted. Good luck!

  3. I don't think a profile has to be complete at the outset. Sometimes I don't even have a name, just XXX as a placeholder. I fill out a simple profile sheet as the character gives me the info. I just write it down so that green eyes in the beginning are green eyes at the end.

  4. I’m glad I skipped because I misunderstood.I don’t do character profiles on social media but I do character and setting worksheets

  5. Yeah, I've never written a character profile. The details reveal themselves during the writing. But Helen's approach sounds good, collecting information just to keep things straight.

  6. Good luck with the Cover Art War submission! Hope it wins, as I think it is very pretty (mysterious, too). Thanks for sharing!


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