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Author Interview: Deana Birch

Hello all. Happy Memorial Day (if you're in the states and celebrate). Today we interrupt our regularly scheduled Music Monday to bring you an author interview with fellow Indie Author Deana Birch.

Deana's debut novel is due to be released in a month from now. It's a rock and roll contemporary romance. If her name sounds familiar, it's because she was featured on Music Monday back in February when I ran the specials on my CP group.

Sit back, grab a drink of your choice and a snack while we get to learn a little more about Deana. Let's get on to it shall we.

What books have most influenced your life?

Oh, you start with the softball question! I went through a long period of Non-fiction reading. Helter Skelter and No One Here Gets Out Alive were huge for me. They combined my love of wanting to be a District Attorney with music and twisted into my high school years.
How do you develop your plots and characters? 

My characters always come first. I get to know them in my head for months before they ever get to the written form. Then I figure out what they want to do, how I can *almost* ruin it for them and we take off.

What do you enjoy most about writing romance?

Writing strong women who have great sex! I want to show readers that having it all is possible.

Do you have a most or least favorite trope?

I don’t do Shifters. At all. And have a really hard time with Insta love. What I do love is tension and that can come in a lot of different packages.

Tell us about your protagonist(s)? Was there a real-life inspiration behind them?

There were not! Louana is a quietly beautiful young woman trying to make her own life away from family expectations who has avoided conflict her entire life. She’s independent and yet very much a people pleaser.

Jake is an alpha man child who has never been in love before and falls very quick and hard for Louana. He basically had to look up monogamy in the dictionary and makes plenty of rookie relationship mistakes.

Do you feel like an outside antagonist is always a requirement?

Anytime I see “always” I have to say no. But I pride myself on side characters so I personally like them.

What was the hardest part of writing this book?

For me, it’s about half way through the first draft when I still know I need about 40,000 words and I’m not sure how I’m going to get there. I usually take a couple days away at that point and think hard about the dark moment and climax.

What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?

Probably around chapters three to five when the introduction of characters and plots have already been established  and the characters begin to define their lanes and personalities.

Did you learn anything from writing this book and what was it? 

That my children can survive on pasta alone.

Is there a message in your novel that you hope readers will grasp?

Again, I go back to strong women. I want the world to have safe, consensual, happy times between the sheets or on the counter, where ever…

What are your future project(s)?

The follow-up book Slower, will be out this fall. I’m currently writing the second in a series of Erotic Romances with my CP partner and have another stand-alone Contemporary Romance I hope to get out by the end of the year.

What song relates to your book and why?

Well, the fictional song FASTER is the basis for the title so I would have to say that one, even though it doesn’t technically exist. Yet! Someone write me that song!

Where can readers find you? Give us all the links!
Twitter @DeanaBirch

Louana Higgins drops off the drummer for The Spades exactly where he belongs: on the steps of a tour bus. Because, despite his rising fame and charm, the junior producer understands Jake Riley is not boyfriend material.

Twelve grueling years has finally resulted in a hit song for Jake. But, knowing the new zeroes in his bank account come with as many ways to blow it, he craves stability. Now, certain he’s found the calm to his storm, he asks Louana for the previously unthinkable—monogamy.

Long distance and groupies are already high enough hurdles for a new couple, but Louana’s new beau also comes with a malicious lead singer. And the front man is ready to tear the couple apart by revealing a secret from Jake’s not so distant past. Unable to discuss it with Jake for fear his bandmate’s betrayal would mean the demise of his flourishing career, Louana must now decide if she can live with Jake and his secret or leave the rock star she’s grown to love.


Books 2 Read (all other online retailers)


Contemporary romance and erotica writer Deana Birch was named after her father’s first love, who just so happened not to be her mother. Born and raised in the Midwest, she made stops in Los Angeles and New York before settling in Europe where she lives with her own blue-eyed Happily Ever After. Her days are spent teaching yoga, playing tennis, ruining her children’s French homework, cleaning up dog vomit, writing her next book, or reading someone else’s.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you had a good time getting to know more about Deana. 

Until next time


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