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IWSG 24 - Taking The Plunge

Oh boy, it's May already! In just a few short weeks my boys will be out of school for summer. Not sure I'm ready, but don't have much choice. Mom life struggles aside, new month means new #IWSG blog post.

Way back in February I talked about the idea of submitting my work to publishers. Since then I've completed two projects and have been spending plenty of time in #editinghell trying to get them polished up. A few weeks ago I participated in #CarinaPitch, a pitch event hosted by one of the publishers I planned to submit to. To my great surprise I got a 'like' on one and the lead editor commented on the second project, encouraging me to submit it as well.

Let the panic begin!!

It's one thing to plan to submit, it's another to actually have gotten the attention of the editors. Yes, that's a strange way to look at things, but that's me. The biggest reason for my panic, the dreaded synopsis. DUN...DUN...DUN...

The line for which my novelette was written wasn't supposed to require one. The other presses I looked into, I checked for if it was a requirement or not and only targeted ones that didn't. Really didn't want to try and write one of those. I have a hard enough time with the query and if not for the spectacular women in my CP group my query would be a steaming pile of doggie poo.

In true awesome support, the ladies assured me it wasn't as hard as I imagined and sent me copies of their synopsis so I could have a guide for putting my own together. So it's done (at least one of them), edits are nearly complete. Both projects are with my final sweeper readers to make sure any changes made fit, because I'm a terrible self-editor, though I'm working on it.

But the closer I get to completion and uploading, the more the nerves grow. The fear of the R. It's a real thing, writers put themselves out there, querying agents and/or presses on the daily and get back the rejections in return. That scares me. Being Indie, I sorta skip that part. Sure I'll get less than glowing reviews, but that doesn't put my writing in judgment in the same way as it coming from an industry professional. It's another kind of pain.

However, with my cheering section behind me, I am unable to not move forward with my plans. So within the coming week I should be taking the plunge and presenting my projects to at least one of the publishers on my list. Maybe two, we'll see. And I'll have to hope my hair isn't completely gray bu the end of the process from all the stress and worry.

In more fun news, I'm gonna ask a favor of those that stop by. I've entered Not Broken into a cover war and could use some votes if you don't mind.


Thanks in advance!

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group is a home for writers in all stages; from unpublished to bestsellers. Our goal is to offer assistance and guidance. We want to help writers overcome their insecurities, and by offering encouragement we are creating a community of support.

Thanks to this month's awesome co-hosts  are E.M.A. Timar, J. Q. Rose, C.Lee McKenzie, and Raimey Gallant!

Until next time


  1. What a beautiful cover!

    I've got my toes crossed for you. You never know what kind of success you might have unless you take a chance.

    1. Thank you!!! It still makes me smile when I see it. The designers did an amazing job bringing my vision to life.

      And thank you for that. I would have never considered going this route if not for my group of ladies!

      thanks for stopping by

  2. I voted!
    Take the plunge and let the panic begin...
    How will you ever know if you don't take a chance? There's a saying: "better an oops than a what if".
    The "oops" means that you took the risk, which is far better than "what if" which makes your mind paralyzed by only thinking about all the possible negative outcomes.
    Happy IWSG Day!
    Writer In Transit

    1. Thanks for the vote!!!
      The panic has begun before I even hit the submit button. LOL I set out for a goal and aim to see it through, nerves and all. I mean if they say no, I go the route of self-pubbing them like my first two.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. That is a gorgeous cover! All the best for the submission process. Very nerve wracking, I'm sure, but no risk, no reward, or so they say :-)

    Cheers - Ellen

    1. Thank you! Yes, I'm lucky to have found my CP group and they help walk me through all that needs to be done. Without them being cheerleaders I wouldn't be able to do it.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. Congrats on taking the plunge! Rejection is so, so scary, but you're doing it anyway and you should be PROUD. Thankfully you have a strong support system behind you. Good luck and beautiful cover!

    1. Thank you. It is super scary, but if nothing else it'll be a good experience. I do have an amazing support system and they really make all the difference. Thanks!

      thanks for stopping by

  5. You can do it, Meka! Even if you do get a rejection, celebrate your courage for submitting in the first place. :)

    1. I hope so. It's a scary though for sure, but all in all it'll be a learning experience.

      thanks for stopping by

  6. Do yourself a favor and run the synopsis by your crit partners. Or drop by to make sure all your t's are crossed.

    Good Luck. You've got this. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

    1. Oh they've looked over it! I wouldn't have even known where to start without their help. Thanks for the link, can't have too many resources.
      Thanks for the encouragement.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. That's awesome!
    I usually go through twenty edits or so on a synopsis. They are challenging, but not impossible.

    1. Oh boy 20 edits??? I think that would drive me batty. Editing is not my favorite. I have one more to write, but haven't yet worked up the courage to do it.

      thanks for stopping by

  8. Lovely cover! Yeah, synopses are a pain. Yesterday I spent two hours trying to shrink mine from two pages and a bit to precisely two pages, a requirement for a competition I'm in. It's good to have help from crit partners. Best wishes for good writing juju in May.

    1. Thank you! They are and I wanted to avoid them so much. Oh no...I hope you were able to get it narrowed down. It is very good to have CPs, they make all the difference. Thank you and best wishes to you and your upcoming competition.

      thanks for stopping by

  9. Good luck! Writing a synopsis is awful in its own way, but with enough guidance and editing, it can be something great :-)

    Ronel visiting on Insecure Writer's Support Group day: Autumn Decisions

    1. Thanks! Yes, writing the synopsis is it's own brand of torture. I'm thankful for the help I've received along the way.

      thanks for stopping by

  10. good luck on the submissions and the cover war!

  11. Hi Meka! I'm not sure, but I think your gravatar is directing hoppers to this blog: And congratulations on getting a publisher like! That's so exciting!

    1. Um yeah. I have a WordPress account, but it's not what I use mainly. It's a private blog. Thanks. I was excited and scared by the like, but we'll see where it takes me.

      thanks for stopping by

  12. Good luck! I feel your pain; I hate writing synopses. They're the worst, but there's people you can hire to help with them who aren't overly expensive. That's what I do.

    Beautiful cover--I went on the site to vote and couldn't find yours. Did I miss your contest?

    1. Thanks. I got one done, but the other is still sitting unfinished. I just have to find the drive to get it done more than anything.

      Thank you, I'm glad you liked the cover. And yes, the contest only ran for a week, but thanks for trying to vote.

      thanks for stopping by


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