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The Music Of My Soul- #MFRWauthor

Welcome back for another week of #MFRWauthor, a year long blog hop challenge.
This week's post was one I got really excited about. If you've visited my blog often, you'll know that I've started a weekly segment called Music Monday. It's all about the songs that inspire me, or just get me going while I'm writing.

I love music and it's an important part of my writing process. I have running playlists for my stories, it's the soundtrack for the book. They are the songs I listened too the most when putting together the novel because the songs spoke to me for one reason or another during the process. If you click on the tab that says playlist and look over the section, you'll see it varies. I don't have any one type of music that I listen to over another. It's all about what sounds good to me, if the tune is catching, or the lyrics have deep meaning.

Music can really helps me bring a scene to life sometimes. When I was writing Fiendish, I searched for piano compositions that fit Seth's current mood as he played. I listened to them repeatedly while I wrote and immersed myself in the music as I imagined how he would do the same as he played. The last one on the list is probably my favorite. It's dark, and moody, but you can feel every note. I don't know all the technical terms for things, but as I listened to it, the whole piece just screamed at me this is it! This darkness oozes with his pain, and anger. It was perfect.

Not everything is dark and moody. I pick out 'theme' songs for my characters. Those are songs were the lyrics personify my vision of my characters personality and motivations. As I worked on Not Broken, I kept getting hung up on Malcolm. I felt like his character needed more than just the pursuit of the relationship with Calida. I kept beating myself up over it until 'his' song randomly came up in rotation on my YouTube mix. I stopped and listened to it and was hit in the face with how perfectly it fit him. It took me longer to find Calida's song for this novel (she had a different one in Fiendish) but it rolled around randomly just like Malcolm's. Again slapped in the face with how perfect it was for her.

Blogging about Malcolm's song is what kicked off the idea for my Music Monday posts. Heck, even the title of my book was inspired by a song. Gotta love those random songs on the YouTube auto playlist. Start with one thing, and end up with gems that are just what you need when you weren't even looking.

So what are some of your favorite songs and how do they inspire your writing?

Be sure to check out the other great blogs on the hop

Thanks for stopping by


  1. My favorite songs span several genres....classic rock (hard to believe my beloved 80s are now considered CLASSIC!), country (Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye by Luke Bryan or anything Reba), classical (Flight of the Bumblebees, anyone? LOL!), and even a little rap (occasionally I enjoy Will Smith).

    1. It's nice to have a wide option to choose from. Different scenes call for different music so I'm never 100% closed off to anything. Not a huge fan of country or heavy metal, but there are some songs that I've heard and liked from those genres.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. I love the idea of a theme song for your characters. Pretty clever!

    1. It helps me get into my character's head better if I know their life motivation in song. :)

      thanks for stopping by

  3. Thats a great Idea on the Monday Music thing. I also like how music shpes your charaters.

    1. Thank you. I wanted something to keep my blog from collecting dust so a weekly blog post seemed like a good idea. :) Music does play a huge role in my character's lived and it helps me get a clearer picture of them.

      thanks for stopping by

    2. Theme songs for your characters is a really clever idea. But what to pick, since I don't listen to music while writing. Hmmmm...

    3. It doesn't have to be while writing. If you hear a song while doing other things it could jump out at you then. :)

      thanks for stopping by

  4. Music Monday is a great idea, especially given how important it is for you and your characters. Great to engage readers in your world.

    1. Thanks. Music does play a big role in my writing and I wanted to find someway to connect with potential readers. This way they can get insight and I have other things to talk about other than just my writing.

      thanks for stopping by


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