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It's All In The Name - #MFRWauthor

Welcome back for another week of #MFRWauthor, a year long blog hop challenge. This week we're supposed to discuss how we come up with the titles for our books.

Our books are like our babies in a way. We grow them.We nurture them. Then when they're ready we send them out into the big bad world and hope that we've given them everything they need to survive.

That starts with the name. Titles are important. It, along with the cover, is the first impression the reader gets for your book. For me I want the title to represent the overall feel and tone of the book. Now I only have one published and a second one that's still a WIP, but picking the title was the first thing I did for both once I got the idea for the story. 

My first book is called Fiendish.

The definition worked perfectly for how I saw my book. It's a twisted take on the Beauty and The Beast fairytale. As I said in the post two weeks ago about hobbies, this book was inspired by the game that I play. The writing group I was a part of had a challenge which was to take a classic fairytale and put an adult 'unique' spin on it. Once I got the idea for my twist, the name sort of hit me because it encompassed everything, wrapped up neatly with a little bow. 

Last week we talked about music and I stated then that a song is what inspired the title of my WIP. In
Fiendish I put Calida through hell, not gonna lie, but she's still here. She was still standing when the dust settled, bruised, battered, but Not Broken. She thinks she is, but she's not and she'll learn that over the course of the story. The lyrics of that song fit the idea and the title for book two was decided at that moment.

How I'll choose titles for future books, not sure. One thing I do know is they will have to give me that 'warm and fuzzy' just right feeling when they do come to me. 

So now you know the 'secret' to my naming process. What's yours? Check out the other bloggers in this hop to find out theirs.

Thanks for stopping by


  1. I love your graphic, Meka! I'm sure there are lots of babies thinking that about their names.

    Good post. Fiendish is a perfect title for a Beauty and the Beast story.

    Linda McLaughlin aka Lyndi Lamont

    1. Thanks. I thought it was cute when I went searching for something to fit this post. I tried to give my kids names they wouldn't hate and that weren't out there.

      Fiendish worked out. It was short, and simple.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. That is a great Title..I too love the graghic with the baby.

    1. Thanks. It fit for the tone of the story. Once it came to me I never looked back. The baby is fun.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. Fiendish is a great title - short and catchy, plus it gives the reader an idea about the story (it won't be sunshine and rainbows).

    1. Thanks. It worked out well and did fit the story. It certainly wasn't sunshine and rainbows, far from it.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. I agree with the others that "Fiendish" is an excellent name for a book!

    1. Thanks. Simple and easy to remember.

      thanks for stopping by


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