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I should be reading - #MFRWauthor

So here we are in week 6 of the #MFRWauthor blog challenge. This week is all about hobbies. We need those right, to make us well rounded people. Get us out of our writing caves and hopefully interacting with real life people instead of the fictional ones in our heads.

I feel like I should say reading if I want to be a 'self-respecting' author. I've often heard, if you don't have time to read, you don't have time to write. Reading is not only for pleasure, but it's research. It can be a teaching tool to help us better our craft.

One of my goals for 2017 is to do just that, read more. I'm taking part in the Goodreads reading challenge to help track my progress. I have my handy tablet with both my Nook and Kindle reading apps. I'm all set.

My biggest issue is going on download sprees but never actually reading the books I bought. Most of them are $0.99 specials so it's not like I'm spending huge chunks of money when I do this, but still I need to be less wasteful in that regard. Even though I do have plenty of books already downloaded, when I started the challenge, I downloaded more. Most of my library on both apps are full of romance or erotica books and I wanted to expand my genre pool, so new books were needed. 

Reading isn't my main hobby, gaming is. More specifically playing The Sims 3 PC game. Yes, yes more fictional characters, but it has made me social online. I've connected with others that enjoy the game. As I mentioned in last week's post, I met one of my closest friends through this game. Most importantly, playing this game renewed my love of writing and set me on the path I'm on today.

There is an entire community of simmers that write what's known as SimLit. Stories brought to life and illustrated using the characters you create in this game. Being part of this community is where the idea for my debut book was born. It was a challenge as part of a forum I was part of, to put an adult spin on our favorite fairytale. I chose Beauty and The Beast, and so Fiendish was born. 

As a writer, this is a great platform because you can bring your characters to life. You have a visual aide to use for your characters. Your imagination can run wild while in control of their world. So many possibilities, limited only by your own creativity.  As a writer, inspiration can come from anywhere, this game serves as another source for me.

I still write stories on this platform and foresee continuing to do so for a long time. It's how I relax and have fun, plus it keeps the creative juices flowing. 

Do your hobbies inspire your writing? If so, how?

Thanks for stopping by

Be sure to check out other authors on the blog hop.


  1. Great post, love that your gaming inspired your writing!

    1. Thanks. :) Yep, if not for Sims I might not be on this path.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. Games can be addictive. Especially on your computer. I created a game for one of my series but never played it beyond a few winning moves. Love you incorporate games into your writing.

    1. yes they can. I don't play as much as I used to because now writing takes up a lot of my spare time. I do try to keep a balance since I still write SimLit and want to continue that. It's a lot less pressure.

      How cool that you created a game for yourself. :)

      thanks for stopping by

  3. What an interesting post! I've never heard of simmers, but I can see how gaming in such a creative environment can stimulate the muse. Great post!

    1. Thanks. Yep, we sim players make up a pretty large community of gamers. It does inspire creativity because you make the character that you later control and play in game. There's always a little story of their life in the background that helps connect me even more.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. I don't do download sprees, but I do go to second hand book stores and bring home bags for about the same price for books. I have bookshelves just waiting to be read. Love the look of your blog.

    1. Oh, we have a used bookstore here and it is so easy to get carried away. I take my kids because they have a large selection of children's story. I got nearly all of the Magic Treehouse series from there for less than half of what it costs brand new. :)

      Thank you. I've been working on revamping my blog. Still a work in progress, but I'm feeling better about it.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. Great post! I've never tried gaming, afraid of getting too caught up in it and neglecting other things. I'm glad it works for you. I'm doing the Goodreads reading challenge also, and I, too, have too many free and 99 cent books in my Kindle queue. I've read some of them, but doubt I'll live long enough to get to all.

    1. It can be addictive. I do limit my gaming time, and it's limited even more since I've started taking my writing a lot more serious.

      Those free and $0.99 books are hard to say no to. LOL I really need to settle down and read the ones I have at some point.

      thanks for stopping by

  6. Awesome Post Meka! I too do the goodreads reading Callenge this year I have 250 books to read. I also download all those awesome 99 cent books and some free ones as well. The gaming is awesome. I am not a gamer unless Fishdom counts. Have fun with your SimLit!

    1. Thanks. Oh wow. 250, that's a lot of reading! I have to start off small and work my way up to that some day. :) It is so hard to turn down the 99cent and free books. Having an electronic device that can store so many without issue adds to the compulsion. I've never heard of Fishom. More 'hardcore' gamers probably don't consider me a gamer either, but hey it works for me.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. I signed up for the Goodreads Challenge last year and promptly forgot to keep track of the books I'd read. LoL Oops. Good luck!

    1. LOL that sounds like something I'd do. I've had to make a conscience effort to go into Goodreads and update. Not that I've read much this year, only one so far and working on the second.

      Good luck to you as well

      thanks for stopping by

  8. I'm right there with you as far as reading. I don't have time when I'm writing!

    1. I'm squeezing it in while I'm sitting at a kid's practice or when I'm on the treadmill at the gym. It's not often I sit down and just read when I'm home because I feel like I should be writing instead.

      thanks for stopping by

  9. I've seen the Sims games but haven't tried them yet. They look really interesting. I can see how a person could use the game to inspire character's as well as dialogue.

    1. They've been around for a while. I'd not heard of them until my daughter asked for one many moons ago. That's where I picked up the interest and have been going strong ever sense. It's a great way to relax and have fun. It's hard not to have some sort of story in your head when you play with 3-D dolls.

      thanks for stopping by


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