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Weekend Writing Warriors entry #7

Another entry for Weekend Writing Warriors. WeWriWa is a blog site open to all authors/writers published or unpublished. Follow the simple instructions on their blog to sign up and then post a snippet of writing on your own blog to join in on the fun.

Continuing with a snippet from my book Fiendish. The excerpt picks up in the middle of chapter 3 and I will continue til the end of the chapter.

In the previous two entries, Calida and Seth have bumped into each other again for the second time. Calida's friend Macy has invited him to join them for dinner, only to ditch Calida once they arrive at the restaurant with some made up excuse. We pick up with Calida trying to figure out what to do on this impromptu date.

Part 1 Part 2

“Looks like it’s just you and me,” I said, opening the door for her. She glanced back at the retreating figure of her friend before turning to give me a nervous smile.
The place was a little busy. As I walked over to the hostess station, I looked back to see Calida pull out her phone and fire off a text. I assumed it would be to her friend for abandoning her in such a way.
“We have about a ten minute wait,” I stated, taking a seat next to her.
“Oh, okay,” she replied, glancing over at me. “You don’t have to do this.”
“Do what?”

Hope you enjoyed this bit and thanks for stopping by.


  1. It'll be interesting to see how this exchange plays out.

    1. It won't be your typical first 'date' she's nervous and totally unprepared.

      thanks for stopping by.

  2. I can feel the awkward tension in the air between them. Can't wait to read more!

    1. :) yay. She is a complete ball of nervous energy right now.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. Nice scene and good dialogue. Now let's see what happens next. I'm definitely interested.

    1. Thanks! We'll see more of this date next Sunday.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. Nice 8, what's next? Yes I want to know, lol. Nice job.
    Juneta at Writer's Gambit

    1. What's next? More nervousness from Calida for sure. :)

      thanks for stopping by

  5. You can totally feel the nervousness and awkwardness. Can't wait to see where you take things from here! Great job, Meka! :)

    1. Great! Calida is a ball of nerves right now especially since she'd spent the last week thinking about him.

      thanks for stopping by

  6. I like the easy flow of the dialogue.

    1. In that it's showing emotion with the words.

    2. Thanks! I struggle sometimes with being wordy and that whole show don't tell thing.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. Looks like her friend took matters into her own hands.

    1. Yep, the opportunity presented itself and Macy ran with it. :)

      thanks for stopping by

  8. Oh, oh, what's next? What a place to leave us hanging! Great snippet. :)

    1. sorry...can only do the 8 LOL. More to come next week.

      thanks for stopping by

  9. First dates or blind dates are so often awkward. I've been married for seven years, but I still remember the initial awkwardness. You captured it well here. Reminds me of how glad I am to be married XD Looking forward to seeing how this plays out :D

    1. LOL yes I feel the same way about being married! The idea of dating and that awkward get to know you stage sucks!! LOL

      glad you enjoyed the snippet

      thanks for stopping by

  10. It seems that Calida doesn't want to be there. Wonder how this evening will go... Makes a reader want to know more.

    1. Well she does, but doesn't. She was quite taken with Seth during their first meeting, but he had then and still does now have this intimidating presence about him that makes her more nervous than she normally would be.

      more next week

      thanks for stopping by

  11. I like both of them, what an awkward situation to be placed in! Can't wait to see more, terrific little snippet.

    1. It is a very awkward situation but Seth is not as bothered by it as Calida. We'll see more next week.

      thanks for stopping by

  12. Hmm...intrigue! I wonder who that text was sent to?? Good snippet. :-)

    1. it was sent to Macy. Calida fussed about being ditched.

      thanks for stopping by

  13. Hey Meka,

    Great snippet! I love the dialogue, and I'm enjoying the awkwardness between the two characters.

    Keep smiling,

    1. Thanks :) it's that odd first/blind date sort of thing. Should be a fun date

      thanks for stopping by


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