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Weekend Writing Warriors entry #6

Another entry for Weekend Writing Warriors. WeWriWa is a blog site open to all authors/writers published or unpublished. Follow the simple instructions on their blog to sign up and then post a snippet of writing on your own blog to join in on the fun.

Last week I started with an excerpt from my book Fiendish and I'm picking up again with that. The excerpt picks up in the middle of chapter 3 and I will continue till the end of the chapter.

From last week: Seth has been invited to join Calida and her friend Macy at dinner only when he gets there Macy has to leave. This week picks up with Calida's reaction to Macy's news.

Part 1

“What?” Calida exclaimed and quickly became embarrassed by her outburst. “Sorry. What I mean is how do you expect me to get home? Walk to the Marta station from here? That’s like two miles.”
Macy looked over at me briefly, and I smiled back at her in return. “I’ll be happy to drop you off at home,” I offered.
“Great! Then it’s settled,” Macy stated quickly.
Calida shot her a pleading look, which her friend simply ignored as she waved goodbye to us.

Hope you enjoyed this week's snippet. Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Uh kind of smacks of a setup. :-)

    Your writing is very fluid. The descriptions are good. I easily visualized the scene. The dialogue flowed well. Good snippet!

    1. it was a bit of a set up on Macy's part. She's trying to push her friend out of her comfort zone.

      Thank you on the comments about the writing. :)

      thanks for stopping by

  2. Friends can be fiendish-for your own good is the rational.
    Solid dialogue. You snared the writer from the first.

  3. Replies
    1. LOL, well Macy is trying to help her friend out by taking advantage to this accidental meeting, but wasn't gonna stick around to be the third wheel.

      Glad you enjoyed it! More next week.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. Enjoyed the snippet. Interesting title too.
    Juneta at Writer's Gambit

    1. Glad you enjoyed the snippet. :) The title really speaks to Seth's character.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. I can feel Calida's dread as her friend waves goodbye. Really nice 8.

    1. LOL...yeah Calida does not want to be left alone.

      thanks for stopping by

  6. I like the conflicting actions between the dialogue.

    1. Thanks. Seth was fully aware of what Macy was doing. Poor Calida got no say in the matter.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. Great set-up, conflict, tension, all in a few lines. Very nice snippet.

    1. Thanks, glad you enjoyed it

      thanks for stopping by

  8. Nothing like an obvious set up, can't wait to see what happens next!

    1. LOL...Macy knows her friend needs a not so gentle shove to get the ball rolling.

      thanks for stopping by

  9. Ha, Macy is a bit fiendish...looking forward to seeing where this goes.

    1. LOL...yeah she's a pushy one, but in a good way.

      thanks for stopping by.

  10. Hey Meka,

    I love the dialogue and the tension because the friend doesn't want Macy joining them. Gives me a vibe that Macy can't be trusted or Calida is just a jealous person. Interesting set-up.

    Keep smiling,

    1.'s actually the opposite. Calida is nervous about being left alone with Seth and is upset that Macy is leaving her. LOL. Calida is not very jealous at all. She and Macy have been friends since 3rd grade so trust is not an issue.

      Thanks for stopping by :)


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