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Weekend Writing Warriors entry #5

Another entry for Weekend Writing Warriors. WeWriWa is a blog site open to all authors/writers published or unpublished. Follow the simple instructions on their blog to sign up and then post a snippet of writing on your own blog to join in on the fun.

I was going to try and come up with another short story, but this week has been hectic as I prepared to get my daughter moved out of the house and into her dorm for college. My first kiddie to leave the nest.

So instead of a new short story, I'll do an excerpt from my book. It'll run for a few weeks to play out the scene and it gives me time to come up with something new to share.

Happy reading

***The setup***

Fiendish follows the relationship of Calida Alexander and Seth Jokobi. It is a dark and very twisted take on Beauty and the Beast. In this scene Seth and Calida have bumped into each other again (literally) for the second time since that initial meeting. Calida's friend Macy has invited Seth to join them for dinner since the girls had been out shopping and were heading there anyway. This scene picks up when Seth arrives at the restaurant. The story is told in dual first person POV the beginning part of this is in Seth's voice.

They got to the location a little ahead of me and were waiting by the front entrance when I arrived. Macy was busy texting on her phone while Calida gave me a shy smile when she saw me approaching.
“I hate to do this,” Macy said, putting her phone back in her purse, “but I’m gonna have to go. Something came up.”
“Oh, okay,” Calida replied to her, looking confused and a little disappointed. “Sorry you followed us here for nothing, Seth.”
“Another time maybe,” I replied.
“Oh, no. Sorry. Lee, you stay. Enjoy yourself,” Macy said.


  1. Convenient way to leave two people alone.

    1. LOL yeah Macy is sneaky like that.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. Macy seems like a good sort. Interesting snippet

    1. She is. She's a very outspoken and fun person which is exactly what Calida needs.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. Makes me wonder if Macy really had something come up, or if she's not trying to play matchmaker. Nice snippet. I've put Fiendish on my TBR.

    1. Macy made something come up LOL. She is not about to be the third wheel and is forcing her friend to step up a bit. :) Glad you enjoyed it and if you get to read Fiendish hope you like it. It comes with lots of warnings.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. The barbed wire background scares me. Now re: your snippet, I say very good portrayal of what happens with young people all too often. I'm left wondering what happens next and that's a good thing.

    1. oh...sorry. I don't bite really :D It just goes well with my twisted theme.

      Thank you on the feedback. Macy and Calida are good friends and Macy is making herself scarce so that Calida can enjoy some time with Seth. We'll find out what happens more next week.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. Haha! I had a friend do that to me once. It worked! I love the idea of dual first-person, but am much too chicken to ever try it myself. I look forward to reading more!

    1. LOL well glad it worked for you when your friend did it. :) When I started writing Fiendish I heard Seth and Calida as two very distinct voices that needed to be heard so the dual first just flowed. Hopefully you will enjoy this scene as I'll play it through to the end of the chapter so a few weeks worth of snippets.

      thanks for stopping by

  6. I wish I had a friend like Macy! I'm surprised she didn't use the old, "I have to go wash my hair" excuse. lol. Great excerpt!

    1. LOL Macy is a lot of fun. She couldn't use that one, but the something came up excuse worked just was well.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. Just love a good matchmaking set-up. Interested to see whee it goes from here.

    1. Macy is very pushy at times but in a good way. More of this date next week.

      thanks for stopping by

  8. Hey Meka,

    I know you're a happy momma for your child going to college! My brother (we're 13 years apart) leaves tomorrow to go to college in the northern part of West Virginia. It's like 3 hours away. Time moves so fast!

    I really enjoyed your snippet and am looking forward to reading more of your novel.

    Keep smiling,

    1. Hey, yes I'm very proud of her. She worked hard and I know she'll do great things while in college. She's only about an hour away so not to far. :)

      I'm glad you enjoyed the snippet and hope you like the rest of it as this scene plays out.

      thanks for stopping by


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