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Music Monday - Days Like This

Happy Monday (if there is such a thing). I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. This week's Music Monday is a 'special edition' as I'm helping to celebrate the upcoming release by one of my CPs, Coralie Moss.

Her debut novel, INVISIBLE ANNA, is set to release this week on April 26th. Cora is a contemporary romance author that specializes in seasoned romance. Don't know what that is? Well, it's all about love in the 'later years' of life.

Most of the romance market is dedicated to characters in their 20's, sometimes 30's, but mostly they revolve around stories in the 'younger years', start of life, marriage, babies, that sort of thing. Seasoned romance takes you to that next phase. Just because you've hit mid to late thirty or beyond doesn't mean that you are no longer looking for a new love.

Taken from Coralie's website:  They’ve lived a bit and they bring that ‘seasoned’ perspective to their love lives.

When I talked to Coralie about the music that spoke to her when working on INVISIBLE ANNA, she said it had to be something bluesy and soulful. No specific song, but she played Van Morrison a lot for the sound and mood. For doing this post, I listened to a few songs until I found one that I felt matched the overall tone and theme of her book (with her approval of choice).

"Days Like This" spoke to me in regards to Anna and where she is in her life currently. She's in the mindset that fading into the background is all that's left for her, but between her friend and new love interests, she learns that there is much life still to be had after 50.

On the cusp of a new decade, Anna Granger thinks she knows who she is: widow, attentive mother, accommodating businesswoman. But with the Big 5-O comes the realization she’s rendered herself all but invisible. Longtime clients aren’t renewing, her adult children are moving on, and—hardest to admit—men no longer look at her, only through her.

Anna’s best friend takes the reins and organizes an uplifting girls-only weekend in Vancouver, where lingerie shopping and a beginner’s intimacy workshop reconnect Anna with her body. And when emails from former flame, Daniel, move from hinting at rekindling their romance to the offer of an all-expenses-paid trip to Cabo San Lucas, Anna takes another step out of her comfort zone. Small-town island life goes from humdrum to hopping with the addition of Liam, the visiting New Yorker who rents the cottage next door.

As romance reorganizes Anna’s personal life and her client list grows, dreams she abandoned when she embraced motherhood clamor for attention. Though the future holds no guarantees, can Anna claim her newfound confidence and find her way back to herself? 



"Days Like This" by Van Morrison

Until next time


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