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A Modern Love Affair - #MFRWauthor

Welcome to the last Friday of April. This year is zooming by. But being Friday that means it's time for another #MFRWauthor blog post. There are many sub-categories under the romance umbrella and this week's topic we are discussing which is our personal favorite to read and write.

After being around this blog, it should come as no surprise what my answer will be.

I am an avid reader and writer of adult contemporary romances. Even branching off of that a little more, you can add in now erotic romances as well.

I'm not good at world building. Setting descriptions are hard for me, so I know I'd fail at all things fantasy. PNR...well while I can read some and let myself get lost, I know from past experience thanks to my for fun stories with The Sims games, that I have a tendency to forget about any sort of super powers are are to go along with supernatural beings and just humanize them. And historical...ha forget about it. The research required to make sure I don't totally screw of the time period is something I would not be dedicated to.

I'm a simple woman with simple thoughts. With contemporary I don't have to waste more time trying to figure out the background settings which allows me to focus solely on the story and characters I'm creating. I get to be wrapped up in them, their struggles, and their happy ending however that comes about.

And it has to be adult. I'm an adult, and while I know many adults love to read and write in the YA age bracket, I rather read and write about people that are in the same place in their life (give or take) as I am. Reading and writing is about fantasy, and I can't get lost in that if the characters are the age of my children. My daughter has asked me to write a YA or NA book, mainly because she holds out hope it would be less steamy, and the best I can offer is a copy of my current ones with the sexy times redacted. LOL Even though we have open communication, she still finds it hard to read 'those words' written by her mother.

Speaking of words written by me, this is an extra special weekend. Saturday, April 28, marks the 4 year anniversary of the release of my first novel, FIENDISH. It's not perfect, I've learned a lot since then, but I'm still very proud of the fact I was able to write and publish a book. To celebrate, both books are on sale this weekend. That link takes you to Amazon, but if you click the "My Books" tab on my blog, all retailer links are there.

There you have it. What is your favorite sub-genre of romance? Be sure to stop by the other authors on the hop to find out theirs.

Until next time


  1. Congratulations on the 4 years. I like contemporary but not extra steamy though I do like extra heat sometimes lol

    1. Thank you! And yes I can read varying heat levels. I don't do close door scenes, but I'm a firm believer that the emotion is just as important as the act and try not to have the scenes thrown in just because. They have to serve a purpose.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. Congratulations on your anniversary. I love contemporary romances as well. They were the first ones my mom allowed me to read.

    1. Thank you. Hard to believe so much time has passed. Contemporary is the way to go for me.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. Congratulations on your book anniversary, Meka. I'm with you on writing contemporary, but only because I love the environment my current novels take place in. I'm sure anything new will be contemporary, too, though.

    1. Thank you!!! :) Yes, we all have our things which is what makes it great. You have to love what you write otherwise what's the point.

      thanks for stopping by


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