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Because They Say So - #MFRWauthor

Welcome back to another week of the #MFRWauthor blog hop. This is week 26, the halfway point in this 52 week hop. That means half the year is already over! How is that possible?

This week's topic I'm sure will garner a lot of interesting posts.

Photo source:

Did I have to stop and think about all the reason why I chose to do this? No. Honestly this topic didn't give me pause like some others have. Some people will say they've always written. That they didn't choose to write, writing chose them. It comes as natural to them as breathing, etc. That's not me. None of it. Do I enjoy writing, yes of course...most days. Other days I say damn it all to hell and scream from the mountain tops. Okay, not really that bad, but some times it's frustrating.

Photo source:
Writing hasn't always been in my veins. It's not something I've dreamed about since I was a little girl. Did I make up stories as a child? Sure. I did and I enjoyed bringing characters to life. Making something from nothing is like magic. You get an idea and you cultivate it and give it life. You give characters thoughts and feelings. Put them in emotional situations and see how they handle it. Writing is a journey like no other, but I didn't think it was my calling. If you've been following all these posts then you know I got a serious interest in writing from a game. That game is what reignited my interest in creating magic and making nothing into something.

Over the course of this blog hop we talked about writing processes. Some are planners and know just about every detail for the book before they even sit at the keyboard. Others are pantsers (that's me) and they sit and just start writing based on some general idea. While some are some sort of combination of the two.

Photo source:

Each one of these quotes sums up my general feelings. My characters are about 98% in control of the story. Sure I have an idea of how I want things to go and if they agree then it works out, but if they don't. please refer to above with the frustrations and screaming. I write, but it's their story to tell so I have to let them tell it. Think that's why I go with first person POV, they should tell their story. When I get a story idea it's usually because a character is telling me they want to be heard. In the beginning they are super talkative, but as things get more in depth, well issues arise and it's a battle to work things out. I know, I know, I probably sound like a crazy person talking like they are real, but it is what it is. I fully admit most days I have no control.

So back to the question at hand as to why I write, simply put, I write because they tell me too.

I may not have always had this need to tell stories, to bring characters to life, but now that I do, they won't let me stop. I enjoy it. Even with the frustrations, writer's block, self-doubt, and all the other things that can cause me grey hair. At the end of the day I still enjoy it. I enjoy the satisfaction of giving life to something that didn't exist before.

So why do you write? Be sure to stop by and see what the other authors say are their reasons for writing.

Thanks for stopping by


  1. I'm like you - I haven't be3en writing too long, but the voices won't leave me alone now that I've started. :)

    1. Exactly. Once they found an outlet they aren't prepared to let go. :)

      thanks for stopping by

  2. I love your quotes! they sum me up perfectly LOL!

    1. Thanks. When I Googled for images for why I write, that tumblr came up with so many it was hard to pick but I got the ones that fit the best for me.

      thanks for stopping by

    2. I love the tumblr quotes also. I think if I wasn't writing I'd spend most of my free time doing what I used to do before, which was daydreaming and making up stories in my head.

    3. Thanks. They worked out well to describe my general feeling. Oh I still daydream and make them up in my head. Not everything rattling around up there makes it out.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. spouse asked me once what I was thinking about, and I replied with, 'I'm not sure if Gretchen would wear her hair up, down, in a ponytail, or a bun..."

    He said, "Who is Gretchen and why do you care about her hair?"

    I turned away from the computer and told him about the scene I was writing. He rolled his eyes and went back to watching his TV show....

    1. hahaha Nice. I understand that sort of conversation. My husband has learned to just go with it. Sometimes he even will give input. :D

      thanks for stopping by

  4. Meka, I'm more of a plotter than you are, but I still have voices in my head, and like you, I sometimes have a love/hate affair with writing. Don't think I could ever quit entirely, though, not until I'm too old to sit at a computer.

    1. It is a love/hate thing with writing. Some days it's the best thing ever, you feel inspired and everything is going as it should. Other times, well thank goodness for wine. LOL When you are too old to sit, that's when you just dictate to others! :)

      thanks for stopping by

  5. A bad review, a publisher closing, yet another editor leaving their position and their replacement taking the line in another direction. All great reasons to quit. Then there are the voices saying come back...write my tale. And I give in. Maybe someday I'll really be able to quit.

    PS _ love the husband quote. I involved mine in the non-fiction books in a general way. He preferred to read the finished product and go on tour to sell them.

    1. Yes there are always plenty of reasons to quit. I let plenty of them stop me for a while, but I found my way back. It's slow going, but still I keep going.

      Oh how nice that your hubby likes to help promote. It's great to have a partner so involved.

      thanks for stopping by

  6. Hi, Meka, and thanks for sharing your interesting if not unusual reasons for being a writer. I can definitely see where a game could trigger a tale, too!

    1. Yeah I took an unusual path for sure, but I'm enjoying it. The more I write, the more I learn so I'm enjoying the journey.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you. That blog had plenty to choose from.

      thanks for stopping by

  8. Well, my title this week is "They Keep Calling My Name" so my characters do a lot of the writing, err, I mean encourage me to write their stories. They're a bossy bunch and have learned how to wrangle my muse. I've enjoyed reading all the posts on why we write. Great contribution, Meka!

    1. LOL they can be demanding little buggers for sure. When things aren't going their way they make it known. It's a constant struggle. I spend more time than I should with fictional characters I made up but refuse to cooperate with me. LOL It has been fun reading everyone's posts this week.

      thank you for stopping by


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