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Ready. Set. Read - #MFRWauthor

We are cruising right along with the #MFRWauthor blog hop. This week's topic changes our roles from writer to reader. What are our favorite books to read?
So like with a few of these topics, they are left open to interpretation. It could be about genres that I like, or possibly elements I look for in books regardless of genre.

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It should come as no shock that I'd enjoy reading romance novels. I know some aren't a fan of this genre for various reasons but it's always my go-to. Yes it's true you sorta know how things will end since the HEA is expected in romance, but the journey can take so many paths.

I enjoy watching the story unfold. The two people coming together, overcoming obstacles to find their happily ever after. That's if I like the characters. The characters of the story are most important to me. Maybe that's because my stories are more character driven. The plot of course is important, but even if the plot is great, if the characters are flat the whole book can fall apart.

I want books that give me the whole package. Ones that make my reading a complete experience.

Sorry for the rather lackluster post this week. I'm currently in NY for my nephew's graduation so I did a quick one so I wouldn't miss a week. Not a lot to time to think everything through.

Will play catch up on reading when I get back next week. Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by.


Be sure to stop by and see what the other authors enjoy reading.


  1. Congratulations to your nephew! Enjoy your visit.

    1. Thank you! I had a great time and now he's off at Parris Island for Marine boot camp.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. Congratulations on your nephew. I just came back from across the border of NY. I do miss watching the sunset over lower Manhattan since I moved. And like you I love watching the story unfold.

    1. I love going to see them, but it's always so hard to leave.

      Watching the story unfold is what really draws me into the romance.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. No reason to apologize at all for your post, Meka. If you hadn't said something I wouldn't have noticed a thing.

    1. Aww thanks Ed. I whipped it up super quick because I didn't want to miss a week, but the house was busy and I couldn't really think everything through.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you! Straight from high school then off to boot camp for the Marines.

      thanks for stopping by

  5. I too had a short post due to family festivities, and forget commenting over the weekend!

    1. LOL glad I wasn't the only one. I am playing catch up now with reading and replying to comments.

      thanks for stopping by

  6. It's no surprise you chose romance, Meka. So did I for the same reasons. :-) Congratulations to your nephew!

    1. Yep. It's what I write so it'd be what I enjoy reading the most. I am trying other genres for my 2017 reading challenge though. Thank you. We are very proud of him.

      thanks for stopping by


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