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I Am Good At It? - #MFRWauthor

It's that time again for another week of the #MFRWauthor blog hop. This week's topic is about our greatest strength.

That about sums up how I feel about my strengths. 

Like the guilty pleasures post, this wasn't an easy one for me. I think it's way easier for me to point out my flaws for writing than it is to pin point what I might be good at. I personally think I have room for improvement across the board. I personally couldn't list off anything I felt I was strong in so I turned to the feedback I've gotten.

Even using feedback I only had one thing to list; making realistic, relatable characters. I am a down to earth person surrounded by other down to earth people. I lead a fairly basic and simple life. That translates into my writing.

No one's perfect so my characters aren't perfect. They make mistake, wrong choices, even if they think it's for the right reasons. Sometimes they make wrong choices on purpose because they want to. It's a crap shoot really. Bottom line my characters tend to have characteristics of someone people might know or have come in contact with at some point in their lives. I guess that comes from me pulling traits from people around me. My characters are a mash up of the people I interact with so I guess that helps them come across as more 'real'.

Some of the negative remarks I got about my FMC, Calida, was that she was too nice, or trusting, non-confrontational, that no one was like that. But a lot of that came from a close friend of mine. She knows people take advantage of her, she even gets pissed about it, but she won't tell them the things she will vent to me and our other friend about. It's just not her nature no matter how many times I tell her to dig deep to find her inner bitch. It pops out every blue moon, but not as often as it should. She simply rather avoid the confrontation. That was Calida's biggest thing and it was based off my friend.

I guess at the end of the day I want people to read my stories and think, yeah I know someone like that. Fiction is about fantasy, but I still find it enjoyable to be able to see how a situation could play out in the 'real world' if applicable. I want my characters to have quirks. I gave Malcolm allergies. That was based off my youngest son. Now he has allergies to pollen, trees, grass, etc. and I made Malcolm's a pet allergy but it was just a thing that gave him a little extra 'real'. His need to own CDs instead of going digital is from my hubby. The man refuses any digital form of music. In the same token, Malcolm's organization of said CD and DVD collection is also from my husband. Malcolm's shoe and clothes collection is thanks to my sister's boyfriend.

That writing 'rule' people talk about; write what you know, I apply that to my characters. My one strength.

What's yours?

Be sure to stop by the other blogs this week to find out theirs.

Thanks for stopping by


  1. The more quirks a characters has, the better I like them. Makes the story so much more interesting.
    This was a hard post for me to write also.

    1. People have quirks, I try to incorporate that into my writing. Not always easy, but practice, makes perfect right?

      I really dislike that question because it is always hard for me to come up with something.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. It was hard for me too. I also like strong characters.

    1. Self-reflection, not my strong suit. I love characters with flaws. Who wants to read about someone that is perfect? Not me because then I feel bad about myself. LOL

      thanks for stopping by

  3. Writing realistic, relatable characters sounds like a strength that works for you, Meka. Sometimes I'm better at venting to other people rather than facing the person I should let loose on. I'd be able to relate to your character. (Leaving messages here is not going well for me. LOL. Forced to use my Google login instead of my blog.)

    1. I take my cues from people around me and stick them in for character traits. Calida's BFF has a lot of traits from my sister. When she read the book she said she could tell. :) That made me happy since I'd not told her beforehand.

      Some people rather vent to a 'safe' person and avoid the issue of who they have the problem with. You get it since you're that way.

      Sorry you're having issues. I have my settings on anyone can comment. Not sure why blogger is being a pain. :(

      thanks for stopping by

  4. Writing realistic characterists is a talent. cherish it.

  5. I'm nodding vigorously at everyone's posts, especially yours. Your 'two marshmallows' meme made me think of my own post, where my strength is the mirror image of my greatest weakness.

    1. With kids I watch a lot of Spongebob and know his struggles with being strong. :)

      Next week's post will be easier to write since I have a real knack for picking out everything I'm not good at. Can't wait to see how you recycle your post for next week. ;)

      thanks for stopping by

  6. Writing characters with quirks is a good thing! I worry that if I give my characters too many faults, people won't like them, so it's great that you don't feel guilty about having yours make wrong choices or be obsessed with CD/DVD organization, etc.

    1. People have quirks so I try to fit them in to my characters. I worry about the same thing and it's a risk, but no one is perfect. People mess up, it's part of life so my characters may take a hit, but hopefully it wouldn't be a big one. :) LOL my husband is nuts with keeping them organized.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. I like real, strong but flawed characters too. It does make them relatable. I also think we need to hints that there is more to their flaws and weaknesses, just as we need to perfect people are flawed. Thoughtful post.

    1. It's nice to read a character and be able to see yourself in their shoes. My goal is to make my characters seem well rounded even with their faults.

      Thanks for stopping by

  8. I also tend to base characters from people I know:) Once I even used a real-life conversation, and someone snorted, 'That would NEVER happen!' Ummmm....yes it did; I happened to be there, listening! One of my characters likes her back scratched, another only drinks Dr. Pepper. It's the little things that 'make' a character.

    1. Inspiration comes from everywhere and there's a lot that goes on around us if we just pay attention. LOL funny how people will think something is so far-fetched but the event or conversation in your case is based off something you witnessed. Your character sounds like my youngest son. He loves to lay in my lap so I can scratch his back. It is the little things that make the characters.

      thanks for stopping by


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