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Ewww, Did You Say That? - #MFRWauthor

Welcome to week 9 of the #MFRWauthor blog hop. When I saw this week's prompt my good friend was more than happy to flood me with all the words that make me say eww when she writes.

So there are a few words in writing that are ick for me. Most have to do with things of the sexual nature. Cum and/or cumming. I don't know why, but I really dislike that word. On the other end, I don't want to hear about her 'juices', seriously why use the word juice? It makes drinking OJ, apple juice, grape juice, etc, really weird when it's now associated with lady bits. Not a fan of cunt, or pussy and try to not use them in my own writing if I can avoid it.

The idea of spit or saliva also makes me go bleh.

For words not of a sexual nature, it'd have to be all the 'new age' words that seem to be picking up steam. Things like 'totes', 'adorbs', 'bae', 'THOT'. Does it really that that much longer to just say totally or adorable? I still don't get the point of bae no matter how many times my daughter tries to explain it to me.

My nephews explained THOT to me. Another one is 'cray'. I get the meaning of this one, but why not just say crazy? All these new slang words really make me feel my age and I never want to feel my age.

So those are a few of the words that make me go ick. What are some of yours?

Be sure to stop by some of the other blogs to see what words are on their list.

Thanks for stopping by


  1. Good point about how words and phrases age us.

    1. Yes they can. I try not to have too many of those 'pop' words in my writing to keep from dating it. I know some will be in there since I do write contemporary.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. Hear hear! 'My bad' just makes me cringe! Speak English, people!
    I had a 3rd grade teacher who literally would ignore us if we used the word 'ain't' in a sentence. She wouldn't answer until we used correct grammar. I still find myself correcting my own kids at times when they use the wrong word.

    1. LOL yeah. I've heard that one plenty. Too funny with the word ain't. Here in the south you hear it all the time. My youngest son's teacher last year wouldn't let them use eww. Apparently they were overly fond of that word.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. Wow! I just learned some new words here. Thank You!

    1. You're welcome. It's always fun to learn something new. :)

      thanks for stopping by

  4. Another icky thing about slang like 'cray' is that they seriously date your story. Within a couple years -- in other words, by the time a book hits the stores -- the slang sounds antiquated and, well, icky. My MFRW.

    1. exactly. Using some of these sparingly if necessary is okay, but you don't want to go crazy with them. I don't understand half of the slang words that people have gone to. Feeling my age when I hear them.

      thanks for stopping by.

  5. I agree with you on the sex words. I use them in stories, but don't really love them. They just come in handy sometimes.

    1. Sometimes the words are needed, but I do look for alternatives if possible.

      thanks for stopping by

  6. I never want to BE my age. LOL Interesting post!

    1. LOL neither do I. I was stuck at 25 for the longest time until my kids insisted on aging. Made it hard to say I was 25 if I have a teenager, I got lots of strange looks.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. My shudder-worthy word used to be nipple, but when people found out, they said that around me constantly, so I'm over it. It's still not my favourite, though.

    Have to agree with yours. Cunt is so harsh. I hate it when men call women that--it sounds so awful.

    1. hahahaha aww sorry they used the word on purpose. My friend does that sort of thing, she'll write things just because she knows it'll make me cringe. Of the 'sex' words, nipple is one I don't have an issue with.

      I hate cunt and I don't use it if I can avoid it.

      thanks for stopping by


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