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IWSG - Marketing Merry-Go -Round

Image by Jazella from Pixabay 

How is it May already? The days are blending together, yet seeming passing by in a blur all at the same time. Madness I tell ya. But since it is a new month, that means it’s time for another IWSG blog hop.

On Friday I would have released my seventh book. SEVEN! While that’s not a big number to some, it’s kinda huge for me simply because each book I actually complete comes as a surprise to me. LOL Not only is it the 7th overall, it’s my 5th indie release. Even bigger surprise that I keep putting myself through that stress. Haha

Jokes aside, having done a handful of these now, you’d think I’d have a process in place right? That by now I’ve worked out some sort of system that is my “go-to” on how to get these things done. Especially when it comes to marketing. But you’d be wrong.

The truth is, each new book is like I’m brand new to this business. I know, I know, it’s horrible to say. But these posts are about sharing our truths good or bad right?

As I barrel toward releasing Being Cordial to the world, I am reminded again that I have no idea what I’m doing. I try to research options, but at the end of the day when I think about marketing I’m going round and round and getting nowhere.

My fallback of tossing graphics up on social media don’t really make headway. Blog tours are hit or miss. Reading up on tips from more established authors don’t seem to get me off the ride. It’s dizzying to tell you the truth. And yes I know marketing is about more than screaming buy my book into the world wide web. Real interaction/engagements is what I strive for. I mean just take a look at my Instagram. It’s tea, wine, and dogs mostly. I’m not staging pictures so they are pretty and I sure as heck don’t have an aesthetic to that account.

There is this rule, 80/20 I think something along the lines that 20% of your online stuff should be about selling. I’m sure I’m butchering that. Hahaha it’s what I do. But you get the picture. It shouldn’t all be about sell, sell, sell, and I get that. Striking a balance is another part of the never ending puzzle. But sometimes I just want off the ride.

Sadly, however, there is no off. Much like editing, marketing is a necessary evil. So, I stay on the merry-go-round. Moving in a never ending circle

I hope you’ve understood the point to this rambling mess. Seriously between the home-schooling, having to constantly be on at all times, and general life stresses of the moment, me attempting coherent thought can be a struggle some days.

I’m going to stop while I’m ahead (if I’m ahead). Stay safe. Wash your hands. And be kind to each other.

Until next time

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group is a home for writers in all stages; from unpublished to bestsellers. Our goal is to offer assistance and guidance. We want to help writers overcome their insecurities, and by offering encouragement we are creating a community of support.

The awesome co-hosts for the May 6 posting of the IWSG are Feather Stone, Beverly Stowe McClure, Mary Aalgaard, Kim Lajevardi, and Chemist Ken!


  1. I'm sorry! It can be hit or miss. One of the IWSG admins is doing a webinar on marketing - maybe you would get some fresh ideas.

  2. heheh... You're ahead. Marketing can be a nightmare. I haven't figured it out either. Good luck though. I'm sure you'll do great once you start. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  3. Releasing your 7th book is BIG!!! Good for you. Marketing is a pain. And you never know if it works. If you want a spot on my blog, I'm happy to have you visit. email me at: Good luck!


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