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Release Day Blitz: Meant To Be Family

Happy Tuesday! I'm happy to be a part of my friend Amelia Foster's latest release! Today book 3 of her Meant To Be series is out in the world.

My dreams constantly haunt me, whether I’m asleep or awake. 

Six months ago, my life veered off course when my fiancĆ©e disappeared with no explanation. 

The partying lifestyle I'd adopted to cope, ended in an accident that left my body as broken as my heart. To make matters worse, I’ve managed to run off countless physical therapists in charge of the in-home rehabilitation I need to get me back on my feet. 

My last chance at staying in my own house is gift-wrapped in wavy, auburn hair and startling gray eyes. 

The woman that shattered my heart. 

Kelsey is the only one left to help heal my body. And her unexpected arrival brings with it the opportunity to ask the countless questions I thought I’d carry forever.

But her answers only create a new mountain to overcome, one I never imagined.

Now, more than ever, I need to prove to Kelsey that despite everything, we are meant to be a family...

Check out the rest of the series (Click the pictures)

As part of her release week celebrations, Amelia has an amazing giveaway. Be sure to enter!

Enter here


Present Day 

Pulling up in front of the brick ranch she once called home was harder than she’d prepared herself for. But knowing what lay on the other side of the door nearly killed Kelsey Donovan from the moment Connor’s file first crossed her desk.

Owning a rehabilitation and physical therapy practice in a “little big town” like Asheville meant that she knew many of her clients personally in addition to professionally. Especially when her fiancĆ© happened to be a member of one of the most respected families in the area and well known to just about everyone. 

Ex-fiancƩ, she corrected herself.
The sharp slice of pain that hadn’t dulled in the slightest over the past six months since she left pierced her heart once more. Connor Carlisle was the man she’d dream about when she was an eighty-year-old spinster adopting her fourth cat.
She’d never stop loving him. That was an impossibility.
The first night she’d snuck into the hospital to see him after his surgery had nearly destroyed her. More than the stitches across his forehead and the bandages bulging beneath the sheets, the frosted blond spikes that replaced the once medium brown hair that used to fall into his eyes and the ink peeking out from beneath his hospital gown attested to the fact he had changed. Moved on.
That thing she wanted him to do when she packed her bags and left her diamond ring glittering on the kitchen counter. 

She sucked in a deep and stepped out of the SUV, rounding the hood to pull out her duffel bag packed with supplies and equipment. The icy January air stole her breath. Connor’s insurance covered exactly one at home physical therapy company, Donovan Rehabilitation. The very same one he had helped her design the layout for when she first opened her doors more than two years ago.
Tears burned in the corners of her eyes. He’d been her rock and the best cheerleader she could have ever imagined. And he deserved the best. Everything he dreamed of. Which meant she had to leave, even though it shattered her own heart.
The fingers holding her keys twitched as she stood in front of the etched glass of the oak door, the one that would open it long removed from the ring. Instead she reached over to press the doorbell. The light tinkling she heard echoing inside offered a fresh prick of pain remembering when they installed it and Connor’s teasing that it sounded like a fairy taking flight.
Wheels rolling across the hardwood entry nearly unraveled the small measure of composure she managed to wrap around herself. Connor in a wheelchair was a sight she wasn’t sure she could handle. Reviewing his file had nearly destroyed her, knowing everything he’d gone through. The pain he was in.
All of which culminated into him dismissing three other therapists and leaving her other two employees firmly refusing to even attempt to care for him based on the attitude described by the others. 

He was miserable. Grumpy. Angry. And taking it out on whoever he could find until the only one left to oversee his therapy regimen was her. 

The last person on earth she was sure he’d want to see. 

Her suspicion was confirmed when he swung the door open and barked out a laugh. He closed his eyes for what seemed like an eternity and opened them again, narrowing them into slits. “This is a joke, right?”

Just looking at him shredded her. His cheeks were pale. Dark circles rimmed his lower lids. The sapphire eyes that damn near hypnotized her from their first meeting were void of all their sparkle. 
Kelsey took a deep breath. “Afraid not. Your insurance only works with one facility for at home care and you managed to run off every employee I have.” She shrugged and held out a hand helplessly. “Now you have two options: me or in-patient rehab.”

Throughout their six year relationship Kelsey had come to expect a calm and composed Connor. He was tender hearted. Generous. Compassionate. And the exact opposite of the snarling man who spun his wheelchair around and rolled off uttering a string of curses far more colorful than she’d ever heard leave Connor’s mouth before. 

She stared after him for a moment before stepping inside and closing the door. This was on her. A fact she owned and one she could never reveal.

About The author

A simple girl born in the South, raised along the Eastern seaboard, now in the wintry North who loves books, coffee, and fluffy cuddles from all the fur babies whether they are hers or not.



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