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Playing Santa - #MFRWauthor

Hello and happy Friday. Yes, I know it's the same graphic from last week, but there's a reason for that. Last time we talked about the best gift I've ever GOTTEN. Today we're talking about the best gift I've ever GIVEN. So see, the graphic works.

Trying to figure out what to say for this week wasn't as easy. I mean again with my decades of life, I've given probably hundreds of gifts to people. Not to mention who am I to say what is the 'best' for them? I've been married 16 years and counting. We have four kids. I have three siblings. In-laws, extended family, etc. You see where I'm going with this?

My husband isn't big on receiving gifts. He is such a hard man to shop for. For him, the best gift 'I' gave him isn't something 'I' actually paid for. And no, I'm not talking the children. My hubby is an odd man on a good day, but in a good way. He works hard, takes care of us and very, like super very rarely splurges on himself.

I've talked about my husband's 'new' Jeep before. Yeah that's the best gift for him. Now how does that factor in to the topic? Well, when we went to look at it, we didn't drive away with it same day.

The seller only dealt in cash and we went up on a Sunday. That gave my husband and entire week to start rethinking buying this thing. Not because of all the safety concerns I had, but because he didn't want to spend the money on something for himself. He's that kind of guy.

He loved this thing on first sight. Big smile on his face, he was excited. Then he had time to think about it. Now, I'm not really on board with this idea, but it's something he wanted, so my 'gift' to him was to talk him into still buying it. The office manager at my real estate office is a Jeep person. She, her husband, and their son all own multiple of these sort of old Jeeps. They apparently serve different purposes.

I showed her pictures, gave her the stats and she gave her 'stamp of approval' which I relayed to my husband. I reminded him to make the trip to the bank to withdraw the funds for our journey back to the other side of the world the following weekend. And I spent the rest of the week reassuring him this was what he wanted. Everyone that was in Jeep Life said it was a good buy. He needed to go through with the purchase.

So a week after we looked at it, we (he) became a proud owner of a 1984 CJ7 Jeep. THAT. HE. LOVES. Takes it out any chance he gets. Even drives our children around in it. They love it. Me, I've been in it twice. My wifely obligations are over. I told him he wants me to ride again, he needs to read one of my books. LOL

Oh, and to top off my 'gift giving' I was the one that took the somewhat sketchy bill of sales to the DMV not once, but twice to get his tags and registration for it, and he even got a vanity plate for the thing.

There you have it, not the most traditional version of gift giving, but support is an excellent gift to give, so it works.

What's the best thing you've given anyone? Be sure to stop by the other authors on the hop to find out what they have to say.

Until next time


  1. I'm probably a lot like your husband in that I don't like spending money on myself. I'll buy my wife something in an instant but buying it for myself takes long deliberation.
    Glad he is enjoying his Jeep!

    1. Yes, he'll want to get something but will talk himself out of it. Luckily he has me to remind him he should treat himself every so often.

      thanks for stopping by

  2. That’s an awesome story! You are a good wife.

    1. hahaha I have my good moments.

      Thanks for stopping by

  3. You're so right about support being an excellent gift! You made me laugh at the part about him reading one of your books.

    1. yup having support and encouragement goes a long way. He's not a big reader in general and really isn't into romance, so he's never read anything I've written. Making that comment is a sure fire way of him no longer asking me to ride.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. Really great story! Hope he reads one of your novels, too. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks. :) I doubt he'd ever read one, but who knows. One day maybe.

      thanks for stopping by


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