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I Seem To Remember - #MFRWauthor

Can you believe it's the last Friday of the month? I can't. I also can't believe my kids are now out for summer. Time flies. Since it is Friday, that means it's time for another #MFRWauthor blog post.

Like some of the other topics, this one was hard for me. Why you may ask? Well because I have a crap ass memory. Seriously it's bad. Like I will forget something that I just did the day before kind of bad. I really should see a doctor or something.

Because of my bad memory, trying to recall one from my childhood was no easy feat. Not to say I didn't have some good (or bad) times as a kid, it's just hard to think back that far. But I did. Well sorta. See in my house I often call my kids dude. Like dude what are you doing? Or Dude are you hungry? This serves the purpose of being able to talk to each boy without having to say their names, because yeah I get them mixed up. The middle son gets most offended when that happens. Now you may be wondering what that has to do with a childhood memory. I promise I'm getting there.

That name calling reminded me that as a kid my nickname from my family used to be Dude. Why? I haven't the slightest idea, but it was. Don't judge me I was just a child! 

Photo source:

Anyway, as a child I remember getting this pair of red cowboy boots. I think they were a gift, can't really remember, but what I do remember is I loved them. Wanted to wear them all the time. Now I don't remember where we were headed, I just remember my dad saying "Dude go get dressed." So I did. In all red, because you know the outfit had to match the boots. A red shirt, a pair of red pants, and of course my favorite pair of red boots.

Needless to say the family all thought it was the funniest thing while I recall being very proud of the stylish outfit I'd put together. They let me go wherever we were heading in my outfit and I was a happy girl. I'm sure it was a very sad day when I outgrew my boots.

I do own a new pair now as an adult (not red), but I have to say they are the most uncomfortable thing to wear. I only put them on if I know I'm going some place where I'll spend most of my time sitting.

So now that I've totally embarrassed myself with that story (remember the post about me laughing at myself, this would be one of those times), tell me what is one of your childhood memories. Be sure to stop by the other blogs on this hop to find out theirs.

Thanks for stopping by


  1. I love your memory! I'm also a little jealous of those red boots. I just know I would have loved them if I'd had a pair when I was a girl. I'm also very glad your family let you wear the outfit you put together. I think that was great.

    1. Thanks! I loved those boots. I was glad they let me wear it too. I worked really hard on putting it together. :)

      thanks for stopping by

  2. Hey, Dude, I love the red boots! Dude is better than the nickname I acquired. I had cowboy boot slippers as a kid. Pictures prove it. They matched my cowboy PJs. LOL There's a memory. I hope you have a lot of pictures to look back on to recall memories, Meka. They help to remind me of things I have forgotten. I enjoyed reading your post.

    1. LOL hey. :) My dad will still call me that even today. Old habits die hard I guess. Aww how fun you had matching slippers. I don't have a lot of pictures from my childhood sadly. :( Glad you enjoyed my post.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. LOve the boots and the memory! Don't feel emberassed it is a cool story and part of your childhood. I remember how proud I was when I finally got gogo boots. I wore mine to bed! Maybe keep your eyes out at a thrift shop for a pair of child's red boots and display them proudly. THere is nothing wrong with symbolic memorabilia!

    1. My memory is terrible, but I was glad I could pull out an entertaining one for this post. Oh I wanted gogo boots, but never got them. I've never thought about looking for replacement boots just to display. Thanks for the idea.

      thanks for stopping by

  4. Reminds me of a pair of boots my daughter had when she was little. She wore them everywhere. Great post, Meka!

    1. LOL sometimes when you find the right shoe, it's the only pair you want. :)

      thanks for stopping by

  5. That's a cute story, Meka. When I was a kid, I wanted cowboy boots in the worst way, but my folks always went for the sensible shoes. I remember having an Annie Oakley outfit that I wore as often as possible. For some reason, I couldn't understand why my mother wouldn't let me wear it to church!

    1. I'm pretty sure they were a gift from someone since my parents also went for sensible shoes. LOL I think the outfit would have been fine for church. :)

      thanks for stopping by

  6. Great little story, and not at all embarrassing. You were a kid, and the story proves it, that's all.

    1. Thanks Ed. :) Ah, the joys of childhood.

      thanks for stopping by

  7. Great Memory! I loved the boots and your style! I remember I had a hot pink pair and some white gogo boots.

    1. Thanks. I loved those boots and thought I was hot stuff with them. LOL Hot pink, those sound fun. Never got gogo boots but always wanted them.

      thanks for stopping by


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